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2018/02/01 00:21
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  • How long does it take to get there by plane/Shinkansen?

「~するのにどれだけ時間がかかりますか?」を尋ねる定番のフレーズが How long does it take to~?です。 How long does it take to get there by plane/Shinkansen? 「そこに行くのに飛行機で/新幹線でどれだけ時間がかかりますか?」 ※get there「そこへ行く(到着する)」 飛行時間を尋ねるときには、 How long is the flight from Tokyo to Hiroshima? 「東京から広島までの飛行時間はどれくらいですか?」 という聞き方もあります。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • How long does it take to get to your hometown by train/plane?

  • How long is your journey home?

How long means the amount of time it takes you to get from where you are to where you want to go (home). Journey is another way of describing the trip from where you are to where you are going to. So you could say "How long will it take you to get home by plane/train?"
How longとは、今いる場所から行きたい場所(自宅)までに掛かる時間を表します。 journeyは、今いる場所からこれから行く場所までの旅路を表します。 従って、下記のように言えます。 How long will it take you to get home by plane/train? 飛行機/電車で帰ると、どのぐらいの時間かかりますか?
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • How many hours does it take to get there by plane?

  • How long is the journey by plane?

  • How long is the trip by plane?

The three sentences you see provided above are great ways to ask someone how long it takes for them to get home by plane. In the second sentence you will see the word journey and in the third sentence you will see the word trip. Although these words have different meanings, in these two sentences they mean traveling from one place to another place.
上記の3つの例文は、飛行機で家へ帰るのにどのくらいの時間がかかるのか尋ねる、素晴らしい表現です。 二番目の例文では "journey"、そして三番目の例文では "trip" という言葉を目にすると思います。 これら二つの言葉はそれぞれ違う意味を持ちますが、例文では、どちらも、一つの場所からもう一つの場所へ移動することを表します。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • How long does it take you to get there by plane?

  • With the plane, how long does the journey take?

We use the phrase ‘how long’ to find out an amount of time. You can change this for different questions, for example, if you want to find out how far something is (e.g. how many miles) you can say, ‘how far’? You can say this sentence one way, and then flip the order of the words around, e.g. you can start with ‘with the plane’ and then finish with ‘how long...’
「how long」はどのくらいの時間がかかるか尋ねる時に使います。これを変えると、違う質問をすることができます。例えば、どのくらい遠いか知りたいなら「how far」が使えます。 一つの言い方をした後、語順を入れ替えてもいいです。例えば、「with the plane」で初めて、その後に「how long...」を持ってくるとか。
Sarah El DMM英会話講師
  • How long's it take to get back to your hometown by plane/bullet train/plane?

Explanation: When speaking about returning to one place from another, we often use a specific verb: to get back. This means, to return to a fixed geographical point. There is a well known Beatles' song: 'Get Back" (to where you once begun). Example sentence: "Captain Scott, was never to get back ftom the Antarctic to his wife and children."
ある場所からある場所へ戻ることを話すときは、戻るという意味の to get backというフレーズを使います。ビートルズの有名な曲に'Get Back"というのがあります。  例文: "Captain Scott, was never to get back ftom the Antarctic to his wife and children." キャプテンスコットは、妻と子供のところに南極から戻ることはなかった。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • How many hours does it take you to get home?

  • How long does it take you to get home by plane/car/train?

  • How long is your journey home by plane?

If you want to ask someone the travel time it takes them to get to their home/hometown by plane/car/train you can ask, "How long does it take you to get home by plane?"
家(故郷)まで飛行機(車、電車)でどのくらいの時間がかかるか聞きたい場合は: "How long does it take you to get home by plane?" 〔訳〕帰るのに飛行機ではどのくらいの時間かかりますか。 と言えます。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • How long does it take you to get to your hometown by plane/train?

  • How long is the flight to your home town?

  • How long is the train ride to your home town?

When you want to ask someone how long it takes them to get to their hometown, then you can ask in the following ways: -How long does it take you to get to your hometown by plane/train? -How long is the flight to your home town? -How long is the train ride to your home town?
地元に帰るのにどれくらいの時間がかかるか尋ねたいときのフレーズです。 -How long does it take you to get to your hometown by plane/train? 飛行機/電車で地元に帰るのにどれくらいの時間かかりますか? -How long is the flight to your home town? 地元まで飛行機でどれくらいの時間かかりますか? -How long is the train ride to your home town? 地元まで電車でどのくらいの時間かかりますか?
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • How long does it take to get there by bullet train?

  • How long is the trip back to your hometown by plane?

How many hours does it take by plane to travel from here to your hometown? How long does the train ride take from point "A" to point "B"? How long does the ride on the bullet train take from here to your hometown? The expression "to get back" is commonly used to ask about a trip from one place back to the original one.
例文 How many hours does it take by plane to travel from here to your hometown? (ここから故郷まで飛行機でどれくらいかかりますか?) How long does the train ride take from point "A" to point "B"? (AからBまで電車でどれくらいかかりますか?) How long does the ride on the bullet train take from here to your hometown? (ここから故郷まで新幹線でどれくらいかかりますか?) "to get back" は、ある場所から元いた場所に戻る場合によく使われます。
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • How long does it take to get there by plane/train?

  • How many hours does it take to get there by plane/train?

Here in these two examples we can see that we can ask the question of, "how long," which can be used to refer to the amount of time it takes. We can also use the phrase of, "How many hours," because within this phrase we are also referencing time.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • How long does it take to get there by plane/shinkansen?

How long does it take to get there by plane/shinkansen? 飛行機/新幹線でどれくらい時間かかるの? 「新幹線」は英語で shinkansen と言えます。 伝わらない場合は bullet train のように言えば良いと思います。 ご質問ありがとうございました!
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