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買い物リストの物を全部ちゃんと買えたか、相手に確認する表現。 できれば、make sureを使った表現を教えていただきたいです。
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2018/02/03 12:06
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  • Did you make sure you bought everything on this list?

  • Did you check that you definitely bought everything on the list?

「ちゃんと全部買ったか確認した?」= Did you make sure you bought everything on this list? / Did you check that you definitely bought everything on the list? 「make sure」はとても役に立つ表現で日常英会話でよく使われています。「ちゃんと~をする事を確認する」、「必ず~をする」というニュアンスになります。 Make sure you don't forget. (必ず忘れないようにしてね) Make sure you buy everything on the list. (ちゃんと(リストの)全部買ったか確認してね。)
Mairi 英語講師/著者/英語ブロガー
  • Did you make sure that you bought everything in the shopping list?

Did you make sure that you bought everything in the shopping list? 「買い物リストの中のものすべて買ったことを確認した?」 make sure を使うのであればこう言えば良いと思います。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
Able English Studies カナダ(バンクーバー)のTOEIC専門学校
  • Are you sure you got (bought) everything you need?

  • Did you make sure you got (bought) everything?

どちらも普段使いするような言い回しですが、若干回答1の方が軽い感じの回答です。「make sure」は「確認する」という意味合いです。 Did you make sure? / Make sure ---. 「ーを確認しなよ!」という使い方はとてもよく使われる語法です。
  • Can you make sure to get everything on the list please?

  • Are you sure you got everything on the list?

  • Did you get everything on the list?

Are you sure you bought everything on the list? Can you make sure to get everything on the list please? Are you sure you got everything on the list? Did you get everything on the list? Are you sure?
Are you sure you bought everything on the list?(リストの物は全部買った?) Can you make sure to get everything on the list please?(リストの物は全て忘れずに買ってください) Are you sure you got everything on the list?(リストにある物は全部買いましたか) Did you get everything on the list? Are you sure?(リストにある物は全部買いましたか。間違いないですか)
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • Did you make sure that everything on the list was bought?

  • Did you make sure that nothing on the list was left out?

  • Did you make sure that everything on the list had been ticked?

One of the ways to make sure that you do not leave out anything on a shopping list is to tick each item you buy. You may not buy them in the same order that they are listed, but, be sure to tick each item you pick from the shelf and pu it in the trolley. The reason why you may not tick them in the same order that they have been listed is because you may come accross each item randomly. The trick is to 'make sure' that everything on the list is in the shopping trolley and it has been ticked on the list. So, if the person you sent to do the shopping for you followed the foregoing method, he/she couldn't have left out anything. So, you may ask him/her in any of the following ways: Did you make sure that everything on the list was bought? or Did you make sure that nothing on the list was left out? or Did you make sure that everything on the list had been ticked?
買い物リストの買い忘れを防止する方法の一つは、リストの項目にチェックを入れることです。リストの順番通りにいかないにしても、棚から取ってカートに入れた商品にチェックを入れていきます。商品を見つける順番はばらばらでしょうから、リストの順番通りにはいかないかもしれません。 ポイントは、リストの商品が全てショッピングカートに入っていて、そしてリストの全ての項目にチェックがついていることを確認することです。 上記の手順を踏ませれば、買い忘れをすることはないでしょう。 次のようにお願いできます。 Did you make sure that everything on the list was bought?(リストの買い忘れがないか確認しましたか) Did you make sure that nothing on the list was left out?(リストの買い忘れがないか確認しましたか) Did you make sure that everything on the list had been ticked?(リストの項目全部にチェックが入っていることを確認しましたか)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Did you make sure you got everything on the list?

  • Are you sure you bought everything on the list?

When you are talking about buying shopping as well as asking someone if they 'bought' everything you could also say 'got everything' by saying 'did you make sure' this asks if they checked the list, but you can also ask 'are you sure'
「全部買った」は、'bought everything' に加えて、'got everything' でも表せます。 'did you make sure' は、リストを「確認したか」どうかを尋ねます。これは 'are you sure'(確かですか)でも表せます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Did you make sure you got everything on the list?

  • Make sure you get everything on that list

"Did you make sure you got everything on the list?" This question is asking whether they got all the things needed and that were on the shopping list . Using the term 'Make sure' is used when something must be confirmed and definitely done.
"Did you make sure you got everything on the list?"(リストの物全部買えたか確認した?) は、買い物リストの商品を全て買ったかどうか尋ねています。 'Make sure' は、何かを確認するときに使われる言葉です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Make sure you have purchased everything on the list please!

  • Make sure you bought all the items on the list please!

  • Please make sure you don't forget anything on the list.

Make sure: to be assured, double check Bought: past tense of 'buy' items: things that are part of a list We usually make a shopping list to use when we go shopping, this is to make sure we don't forget to purchase all the items we planned to. Once we find each item we can tick/mark it off the list so we have a clear idea of what we have collected and what we haven't collected yet.
Make sure: 確認する Bought: 'buy' の過去形 items: リストの項目 買い物に行くときには 'shopping list'(買い物リスト)を作りますね。これは買い忘れをしないためです。 商品を見つけるごとに、リストの項目にチェックを入れていくと、買い忘れを防ぐことができます。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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