After I started avoiding flour, I didn't put on/gain weight easily.
で正しいのでしょうか?"I didn't put on"なのか"I don't put on"なのか、または他に適切な表現があるのか教えてください。
Now that I don't eat anything with flour, I don't put on weight easily.
Now that~で「もう/今では~だから」というニュアンスを表すことができます。会話での表現です。Sinceに近いですが、Now that~のほうが砕けた表現です。
Now that I don't eat anything with flour in it, I don't get tired easily.(小麦粉の入っているものを食べなくなったから、疲れにくくなった)
I stopped eating anything with flour last year and I didn't put on weight easily for a while. But I started gaining some weight this year.(去年小麦粉の入っているものを食べるのをやめて、しばらく体重が増えにくくなったけど、今年体重が増え始めた)