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彼氏がレストラン予約してくれました。時間を確認したく、What time did you book the table for?と言いましたが、aでしょうか、theでしょうか。また、他の言い方も知りたいです。バイリンガル/ネイティブの方は何といいますか。
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2018/02/14 09:09
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  • What time is our dinner reservation?

  • What time is our table booked for?

  • What time did you book the table for?

In this example - "What time is our dinner reservation?" the word dinner is interchangeable with lunch or breakfast. It is a question that requests a specific answer - the time of the booking. I would always say 'the' rather than 'a'. For example: What time did you book 'a' table for? What time did you book 'the' table for? If you were asking "Did you book 'a' table at Maccas?" this may be a reminder to make sure the person had booked a table at a specific place.
"What time is our dinner reservation?" 「ディナーの予約は何時?」この表現は、dinnerを、lunch(昼食)またはbreakfast(朝食)に置き換えることもできます。予約の時間をはっきり聞く表現です。   私は、 'a'よりも'the'を使います。例えば、  What time did you book 'a' table for? 何時に席を予約したの? What time did you book 'the' table for? 何時に席を予約したの? もし、 "Did you book 'a' table at Maccas?" 「マッカスで席を予約したの?」と聞くと、特定の場所でその人が席を予約したかを確認するフレーズです。
Christabel DMM英会話講師
  • What time is the table booked for?

  • What time are we going/meeting?

  • When is the reservation?

What time is the table booked for? - This phrase is more common as it is casual, you can use this with friends & family. e.g. Did you book the table? What time is it booked for? What time are we going/meeting? - If you already know the venue/restaurant & you are with the people you can ask "What time are we going?" if you are away from these people you and you plan on meeting them there, you can ask "What time are we meeting?" When is the reservation? - This is a bit more formal and is asking for a detailed response e.g. Mike: "When is the reservation?" Carl: "The reservation is at 5pm on Thursday at the Peeking restaurant down town."
What time is the table booked for? 何時に席を予約したの? これは、カジュアルでよく使うフレーズです。家族や友達に対して使うことができます。 例:  Did you book the table? What time is it booked for? 席を予約したの?何時にしたの? What time are we going/meeting? 何時に行くの?/待ち合せるの? もしもう行く場所やレストランを知っていて、その人といるのなら "What time are we going?" 「何時に行くの?」と聞くことができます。もし一緒に行く人と一緒にいないのなら、"What time are we meeting?"「何時に待ち合せようか?」と言うことができます。 When is the reservation? 予約はいつ? これは、少しフォーマルな言い方で、詳細を期待する言い方です。 例:  Mike: "When is the reservation?" マイク:予約はいつ? Carl: "The reservation is at 5pm on Thursday at the Peeking restaurant down town." カール:ダウンタウンのピーキングレストランに、木曜日午後5時だよ。
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • What time is the dinner?

  • What time should I be ready?

*What time is the dinner?- Since this is your boyfriend there is no need to be formal. For example: You: What time is the dinner? Him: I made a reservation for 9pm. *What time should I be ready?- You can use this sentence if he is coming to pick you up. For example: You: What time should I be ready? Him: Our dinner is at 9pm so I will come pick you at 8pm.
What time is the dinner? 夕食は、何時? これは、彼氏との会話なのでフォーマルになる必要はありません。 例:  You: What time is the dinner? あなた:夕食は何時? Him: I made a reservation for 9pm. 彼:9時に予約をしたよ。  What time should I be ready? 何時までに支度したらいい? これは、もし彼があなたを迎えに来るのなら使える表現です。 例:  You: What time should I be ready? あなた:何時までに支度したらいい? Him: Our dinner is at 9pm so I will come pick you at 8pm. 彼:夕食は9時だから、8時に迎えにいくよ。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • What time did you reserve the table for?

  • The reservation is for what time?

You would use "the" before reservation because you are speaking about a specific reservation. Whereas "a" would be used to talk in general terms. "What time did you reserve the table for?" can be used to ask about a restaurant reservation time.
あなたは特定の予約について話しているため、”reservation”の前に”the”を使います。 一方で”a”は大ざっぱに言う時に使われます。 "What time did you reserve the table for?" 席(テーブル)の予約は何時ですか? はレストランの予約時間について尋ねるために使うことができます。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • What time is the reservation for?

  • When is our reservation at the restaurant?

The use of articles such as "a" and "the" make nouns specific or nonspecific. Using "a" would be any table at all. Using "the" would mean a particular type. In this case, "the" would be the correct article as it is a specific table for you and your boyfriend.
「a」や「the」等の冠詞は、名詞を特定したり不特定にしたりします。 「a」を用いることはどのテーブルでもさします。「the」を用いることは、ある特別な種類をさします。 この場合、あなたと彼氏のための特別なテーブルなので、「the」が正しい冠詞です。
Yash DMM英会話講師
  • What time is our reservation at the restaurant?

  • When did you reserve our dinner at the restaurant?

When talking about something specific that you and your boyfriend both know, we use "the" instead of "a" as you both know it's the same restaurant and the same reservation. "A" is used with something that isn't specific, when you don't know which restaurant. In this situation, you can say "our" instead of "the" or "a" as you are referring to your own reservation and not someone else's. In restaurants, people use "reserve a table" and not "book a table". Hope this helps!
あなたとあなたの彼氏両方が知っている具体的なことについて話す時には、私たちは”a”の代わりに”the”を使います。これはあなたたち両方が同じレストランと予約であることを知っているためです。”A”は何かが具体的でない時、どのレストランか知らない時に使われます。 この状況では他の人ではなく自分自身の予約について言及しているため”the”または”a”の代わりに"our”と言うことができます。レストランでは人々は"book a table”ではなく”reserve a table”を使います。 ご参考になりますように!
Zoulfa DMM英会話講師
  • When did you book the table for?

You should use 'the' when talking about a table that you have booked. The table is unique and it is also yours - two reasons to use 'the' as opposed to 'a'.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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