世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/09/29 16:26
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  • A popular restaurant

  • A well sought after restaurant.

A restaurant that is very popular and is difficult to get a reservation at can be called: A popular restaurant That restaurant is really popular! Its so hard to get a reservation there. He only eats at popular restaurants. It can also be called: A well sought after restaurant. If something is 'well sought after' it means a lot of people are looking for it. I hope that helps!
とても人気で予約が困難なレストランの事を次のように言うことが出来ます。 A popular restaurant (人気のレストラン) That restaurant is really popular! Its so hard to get a reservation there. (あのレストランはホントに人気があります。予約をするのがホントに困難です) He only eats at popular restaurants. (彼は人気のあるレストランでしか食事をしません) また次のように言う事も出来ます。 A well sought after restaurant. (とっても好評なレストラン) 'well sought after'とは、たくさんの人に引っ張りだこという様な意味です。 お役に立てれば幸いです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • A restaurant that's difficult to get reservations at

  • A restaurant that's hard to get into

書いた通り、予約することが難しいレストランというのは「a restaurant that's difficult to get reservations at"。 その他には、"A restaurant that's hard to get into”=「入るのが難しいレストラン」。予約が難しいというニュアンスがないなんですけど、意味がほとんど同じです。
DMM Eikaiwa I DMM英会話
  • popular restaurant

  • It is hard to get reservations at X restaurant.

*popular restaurant- This means that it well know and people know about. This is usually the first option for most people. *It is hard to get reservations at X restaurant.- This means that you always try to book a table and it's quite hard to get a table. For example: Friend: Can you book a table for my birthday at X restaurant? You :It is hard to get reservations at X restaurant. You have to a month before to secure a table.
*popular restaurant (人気のあるレストラン) これはみんなが知っていてとても有名なレストランと言う意味です。たいていの場合、多くの人の第一選択になります。 *It is hard to get reservations at X restaurant. (Xレストランの予約は困難です) これは、いつも予約しようと試みているけどテーブルを確保するのは非常に難しいという意味です。 例: Friend: Can you book a table for my birthday at X restaurant? 友人:私の誕生日にXレストランの予約をしてくれる? You :It is hard to get reservations at X restaurant. You have to a month before to secure a table. あなた:Xレストランの予約は物凄く大変だよ。1か月以上前からテーブルを確保しなきゃいけないんだよ。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • A popular restaurant

  • That restaurant is in demand.

  • A well-sought after restaurant.

You can describe this restaurant by saying:- 1. It is a popular restaurant. 2. That restaurant is in demand. 3. That restaurant is a well sought after restaurant. The words "popular', "in demand" and well-sought after" all mean the same thing.
そのレストランを次のように言い表すことが出来ます。 1. It is a popular restaurant. (これはとても人気があるレストランです) 2. That restaurant is in demand. (あのレストランは人気がある⦅需要が高い⦆) 3. That restaurant is a well sought after restaurant. (あのレストランは人気がある⦅求められている⦆) これらの"popular', "in demand", "well-sought after"すべて同じ意味です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Tables at the restaurant are in high demand

  • An in vogue restaurant

  • A restaurant of the moment

Of the moment = currently popular, famous, or important. "The buzzword of the moment is PROMOTION!" In vogue = most typical or most popular at a particular time "The film of the moment is 'IT' which I think was originally a book by Stephen King and is all about a crazy and scary clown.." In high/great demand = in great demand wanted by many people. " Liz is in great demand as a singer" " Mary's paintings are in great demand."
Of the moment =現在人気がある、有名な又は重要な 例文 "The buzzword of the moment is PROMOTION!" 現在の流行語はPROMOTIONです。 In vogue =ある時期に最も代表的な、有名な 例文 "The film of the moment is 'IT' which I think was originally a book by Stephen King and is all about a crazy and scary clown.." 今人気のある映画はITで、原作はステファン・キングの本で、頭がおかしくて恐ろしい道化師についての話だ。 In high/great demand =需要が高い、多くの人がの欲している 例文 " Liz is in great demand as a singer" リズは歌手として引っ張りだこだ。 " Mary's paintings are in great demand." メアリーの絵は凄く人気がある。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The restaurant is so popular that it is hard to make reservations.

おっしゃられている内容は、以下のようにも表現できると思いました(*^_^*) The restaurant is so popular that it is hard to make reservations. 「レストランはすごく人気があるので予約をするのが難しい」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
  • You have to book two months in advance to get a table.

  • It is difficult to get a reservation there.

  • It is very popular and difficult to get a reservation.

Popular means that it is liked by a lot of people. It can also be used when talking about a person Example: She is very popular. I don't know anyone that doesn't like her. To ''book 2 months in advance'' means that you must call the restaurant two months before to book a table. (If you want a table in July, you must call in May.)
「Popular」はたくさんの人から好かれていることを表します。これは人について話す場合にも使えます。 例: She is very popular. I don't know anyone that doesn't like her. (彼女はすごく評判がいいです。彼女のことを嫌いな人に会ったことがないです) 「book 2 months in advance」は、二か月前に予約しないといけないことを表します(もし7月に行きたいなら5月に予約しないといけない、ということ)。
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • A popular restaurant

  • A well sought after restaurant

  • A restaurant thats in high demand

If you want to say a restaurant that alot of people go to then you could simply call it 'a popular restaurant' we also use the term ' a well sought after restaurant' meaning alot of people are looking to go to it/looking for it If something is in high demand alot of people want that thing/to go to it, this would also suggest it's hard to get a reservation as alot of people will be going to it
”Popular restaurant"は「人気店」のことで、”A well sought after restaurant"は「引く手あまたのお店」という意味で、多くの人が行って見たいと思うお店のことです。 何かが”In high demand"というのは「人気が高い・引っ張りだこの」という意味です。このようなレストランは、大勢の人が行きたがるので予約困難ですね。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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