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友達が今度日本に来るのですが いつからいつまで日本にくるの? その日のうち、いつあなたとご飯に行けるの? と聞きたいです。
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2018/02/15 20:22
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  • How long are you going to be in Japan for?

  • How many days/weeks are you going to spend in Japan?

  • When are you going to arrive and leave Japan?

When are you going to arrive and leave Japan? You can ask this question if your friend has not arrived yet (He/she is not in Japan yet) The response could be: ''I'll arrive on the 2nd (second) of April and leave on the 20th (twentieth) of April. You can ask the other two questions when your friend is in Japan or not. The responses could be: A: How long are you going to be in Japan for? B: I'll be here for two weeks. (If already in Japan) I'll be there for two weeks. (If not in Japan yet) Spend= to use time being somewhere A: How many days/weeks are you going to spend in Japan? B: I'm going to spend two weeks. Notice all the questions and answers are in simple future tense because we are talking about something that has not happened yet but will in the near future.
When are you going to arrive and leave Japan? いつ日本について、いつ帰るの? もし友達がまだ日本に着いていなかったらこのように聞くことができます。(まだその人が日本にいない前提です。)   ''I'll arrive on the 2nd (second) of April and leave on the 20th (twentieth) of April. 4月2日に着いて、4月20日に帰国する予定だよ。 このように返事がくるでしょう。   以下の例文は、その友人が日本にいてもいなくても使える表現です。 A: How long are you going to be in Japan for? 日本にどのくらいいる予定なの? B: I'll be here for two weeks. (If already in Japan) 2週間いる予定だよ。(もし日本にいるなら) I'll be there for two weeks. (If not in Japan yet) 2週間いる予定だよ。(もしまだ日本にいないなら) Spend= 過ごす   A: How many days/weeks are you going to spend in Japan? 何日/週間日本で過ごすの? B: I'm going to spend two weeks. 2週間だよ。 注意:すべての質問と答えは、まだ起こってはいないけれど近い将来起こることについて話しているので未来形を使っています。  
Jemy K DMM英会話講師
  • How long are you staying in Japan for?

  • How long have you been in Japan for?

  • Have you stayed in Japan for a long time?

You can ask someone how long they have been in Japan for or how long they plan to stay in Japan. You want to find out when they arrived in Japan and if they are leaving so you could ask. 'How long are you staying in Japan for?'. If they've been in Japan for a while you can ask, 'How long have you been in Japan for?'. The important difference when you ask is if they 'have been in Japan for a while' or if they are 'staying in Japan for a while?'.
“How long have you been in Japan?” (どのくらい日本にいますか?) “How long do you plan to stay in Japan?” (どのくらい日本に滞在する予定ですか?) と聞くことができます。 いつ日本に着いたか、また日本を去るかどうか聞きたければ、 “How long are you staying Japan for?” (どのくらい日本に滞在しますか?) と聞くことができます。 また、しばらく滞在しているのか聞きたい場合は、 “How long have you been in Japan for?” (これまでどのくらい日本に滞在していますか?) と聞くことができます。 訪ねるときの大切な違いは、 “Have you been in Japan for a while?” (これまでしばらく日本に滞在していますか?) なのか “How long are you staying in Japan for a while?” (しばらく日本に滞在する予定ですか?) です。
Ben Mo DMM英会話講師
  • How long are you going to visit in Japan?

  • When are you returning home?

  • How long are you planning on staying in Japan?

▪ How long are you going to visit in Japan? This is asking the person directly what his duration of his visit will be ▪ When are you returning home? This is asking your friend when he is planning on going home. Depending on the answer he/she gives you will tell you how long he/she will still be staying ▪ How long are you planning on staying in Japan?  This sentence can be used when talking to your friend about his visit to Japan. This sentence ask him/her how long does he/she plan on staying in Japan.
▪ How long are you going to visit in Japan? どのくらい日本を訪れますか? これは、滞在の長さがどれくらいかを直接的に聞く表現です。   ▪ When are you returning home? いつ帰る予定ですか? これは、友人に、いつ帰る予定なのかを聞くフレーズです。返事によっては、どのくらい滞在するのかわかるでしょう。   ▪ How long are you planning on staying in Japan? どのくらい日本に滞在する予定ですか? これは、日本に来ることについて友達と話すときに使うことができます。どのくらい日本にいる予定なのか聞くフレーズです。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • What are you arrival and departure dates?

  • Could you email me all your flight details please?

Well, the easiest way to discover exactly when and where you friend is arriving and departing Japan is by getting their flight details.
そうですね、あなたの友達が日本にいつからいつまで滞在するのか聞きたい場合は、 その人のフライト情報を確認するとわかりますね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • How long will you be in Japan?

  • How long are you planning to stay in Japan?

When you want to ask your friend from when and until when are they going to be in Japan, then you can say: -How long will you be in Japan? -How long are you planning to stay in Japan? -How long will you Japan visit last?
友達に、「いつまで日本にいるのか」を聞きたい場合は以下のような文章を使うことができます。 How long will you be in Japan?(日本に [はこの先] どのぐらいいるの?) How long are you planning to stay in Japan? (日本にどのぐらいの期間滞在予定?) How long will you Japan visit last?(日本への訪問はどのぐらいの期間になりそう?)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Which dates have you booked?

To 'book' a trip is to confirm and pay for your travel and accommodation arrangements. By asking which dates have been booked is to confirm when your friend will arrive and depart. Make sure to ask the plural dates with an 's' on the end, if you ask which date without the 's' the person will likely just give you their arrival date.
「book」はここでは、旅費・宿泊費を確認し支払うことを表します。 「Which dates have you booked?」は、友達(=you)がいつ日本に到着し日本を離れるのかを確かめる質問です。 「dates」と複数形で尋ねるようにしてください。「date」だとたぶん到着する日しか教えてくれません。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • When do you plan on visiting Japan and how long will you be staying?

  • When can I expect you in Japan and how long will your stay with us be?

To ask when one is arriving and how long he/she will be staying you may simply ask; When do you plan on visiting Japan and how long will you be staying? When can I expect you in Japan and how long will your stay with us be? plan on: An intention or decision about what one is going to do When can I expect you...; Asking is a polite way about one's plans.
相手にどれぐらいの期間滞在するのかを聞きたい場合は以下のように質問するとよいでしょう。 When do you plan on visiting Japan and how long will you be staying? (いつ日本に来て、どれぐらいいるの?) When can I expect you in Japan and how long will your stay with us be?(いつ日本に来て、どれぐらい私たちと時間を過ごせるの?) plan on=~を予定する when can I expect you=丁寧に相手の予定を聞く質問の仕方
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • For how long will you be staying in Japan?

  • How long is your vacation in Japan?

  • Until when will you be staying with us?

"For how long will you be staying in Japan? " "How long is your vacation in Japan?" "Until when will you be staying with us?" You could ask what your duration of stay would be in Japan. "If your plane lands the 20th of June how long will you be staying?" "How long is your business trip to Japan?" Asking about the length of a persons stay in your country could be for making plans to show the person around Japan. To have different excursions in Japan.
"For how long will you be staying in Japan? " 〔訳〕日本にどれくらいいるの? "How long is your vacation in Japan?" 〔訳〕日本での休暇はどれくらい? "Until when will you be staying with us?" 〔訳〕いつまでここにいるの? 日本にどのくらい滞在するのか尋ねられます。 If your plane lands the 20th of June how long will you be staying? 〔訳〕飛行機が6月20日に着くのであれば、どのくらい滞在するの? How long is your business trip to Japan? 〔訳〕日本への出張はどれくらいなの? その人があなたの国にどれくらい滞在するかを聞けば、日本を案内する計画を立てることが出来ます。日本で色々な所へ行くことが出来ます。 滞在の長さを聞くのは日本を案内する計画を立てるためかもしれませんね。日本でいろいろなところに行くために。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • When will you be in Japan?

こんにちは。 様々な言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記のような表現はいかがでしょうか: ・When will you be in Japan? 日本にはいつ滞在するの? 上記のようにシンプルに言うことができます。 この英語フレーズで求めている情報が得られなかった場合は: ・When will you arrive in Japan, and when are you leaving? いつに日本に到着して、いつ出発しますか? ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • From when to when are you in Japan?

  • What are the dates for your Japan trip?

From when to when are you in Japan? いつからいつまで日本にいるのですか? What are the dates for your Japan trip? 日本旅行の日程はどんな感じですか? 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 dates は「日程」のような意味で使うことができます。 お役に立てればうれしいです。
  • From when to when will you be in Japan?

これは、そのまま訳せば英語になります(*^_^*) From when to when will you be in Japan? 「いつからいつまで日本にいますか?」 他にも、 from where to where?「どこからどこまで」 from what page to what page「何ページから何ページまで」 などと応用できます♪ 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*) ★★大阪カフェレッスン英会話講師KOGACHI
  • How long will you be in Japan for?

  • How long are you going to be in Japan for?

  • How long are you staying in Japan?

Notice that in the first two examples we have almost the same structures, "How long are you staying in Japan?," and, "How long will you be in Japan for?" What changes are the tenses of the future using, "to go," or the auxiliary form, "will." The last sentence using the verb, "to stay," to ask how long will the person be within a particular area, in this case Japan!
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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