世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/02/16 00:09
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  • I'm struggling to repair my PC

  • I'm finding it really hard to fix my computer

  • I can't get my computer working

There's many ways to say this in English, and we'd often complain if our computer wasn't working correctly. We might even disregard the part of this sentence stating that we are "having a tough time fixing" it, as it can be expected that we tried. In which case, we might just say "My computer is broken!" or "My computer is being a pain!"
英語では様々な言い方があり、パソコンが上手く機能しないときにはよく文句を言います。 直そうと努力したことが想定されるので “having a tough time fixing it” (直すのに苦労している) という意味を表す部分を言わないことさえあるかもしれません。 その場合、 ”My computer is broken!” (パソコンが壊れました!) “My computer is being a pain!” (パソコンが面倒くさいです!) と言えます。
Arran L DMM英会話講師
  • Fixing my computer is proving really difficult

  • I'm struggling to fix my computer

In English, people sometimes react to their computers as if they were human when they begin to go wrong: For example: "My computer is giving me grief" "I'm trying to fix my computer, but it's doing my head in!"
英語では、パソコンがうまく動かないとき、人々はときどきまるでそれらが人間であるかのように反応します。 例 “My computer is giving me grief.” (パソコンにいらいらさせられる!) “I’m trying to fix my computer, but it’s doing my head in!” (パソコンを直そうをしているのですが、私を悩ませます!)
Diston DMM英会話講師
  • I'm having a tough time fixing my computer

  • I'm finding it hard/difficult to fix my computer

If you are finding something not easy to do then we can say 'hard' or 'difficult' if you are trying to do something and it is hard or difficult then you can say you are having a 'tough time' doing it as tough also means hard
簡単でない事は、'hard'(難しい)や 'difficult'(同)で表せます。 何かが難しくて思うようにいかないなら、'I'm having a tough time doing something'(なかなか~できない)が使えます。'touch' は 'hard'(難しい)という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • My computer isn't working correctly but we are trying to fix it.

  • I'm sorry my computer is acting up. I am trying to fix it.

  • I'm sorry but I am having a hard time getting my computer to work right.

My computer isn't working correctly but we are trying to fix it. I'm sorry my computer is acting up. I am trying to fix it. I'm sorry but I am having a hard time getting my computer to work right. I am having a hard time getting my computer fixed. It's hard getting my computer fixed. I'm sorry it's taking so long to fix the problem with my computer.
My computer isn't working correctly but we are trying to fix it. (私のパソコンの調子が悪いです、今直しています) I'm sorry my computer is acting up. I am trying to fix it. (申し訳ありません、パソコンの調子がおかしいです。今直しています) I'm sorry but I am having a hard time getting my computer to work right. (申し訳ありません、なかなかパソコンが直りません) I am having a hard time getting my computer fixed. (なかなかパソコンが直りません) It's hard getting my computer fixed. (なかなかパソコンが直りません) I'm sorry it's taking so long to fix the problem with my computer. (パソコンを直すのに時間がかかってしまって申し訳ありません)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • I'm not computer savvy, so I'm having a difficult time repairing it.

  • Technology is not my strong suit, so I'm fining it hard to fix my computer.

"I'm not computer savvy, so I'm having a difficult time repairing it." Savvy just means an expert in. Here you are saying you are not an expert with computers, so your having trouble repairing it or fixing it. "Technology is not my strong suit, so I'm fining it hard to fix my computer. " Strong suit is just another way of saying my strength as in my strengths and weaknesses are. And you are just letting them know that you have trouble with technological problems.
"I'm not computer savvy, so I'm having a difficult time repairing it."(パソコンに詳しくないので、直すのに苦労しています) - "Savvy" は「専門家」という意味です。ここでは、パソコンの専門家でないので、直すのに苦労していると伝えています。 "Technology is not my strong suit, so I'm fining it hard to fix my computer."(テクノロジーに詳しくないので、パソコンを直すのに苦労しています) - "Strong suit" は、長所・短所の「長所」の意味です。ここでは、テクノロジー系の問題に弱いと伝えています。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • Fixing this computer is proving to be quite a challenge

  • Fixing this computer is a right pain in the ass!

If you are having some difficulty repairing your computer, you can express your feelings by using one of the above suggestions. A right pain in the ass = an irritating person/thing (informal) 'John is a right pain in the ass. He does not stop calling me!'
「なかなかパソコンが直らず苦労している」なら、それは上記の文の一つを使って説明できます。 A right pain in the ass = イライラさせる人/こと(インフォーマル) 'John is a right pain in the ass. He does not stop calling me!'(ジョンは本当にうっとうしい。電話をやめてくれない)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'm finding it difficult fixing my computer.

  • I'm finding it hard fixing my computer.

  • Fixing my computer is really difficult.

1. "I'm finding it difficult fixing my computer" The word 'difficult' is a synonym of the word 'hard' and is a more succinct way of saying something is not easy to do. 2. "I'm finding it hard fixing my computer" This means the same thing as the first example sentence as 'hard' is a synonym of 'difficult' 3. "Fixing my computer is really difficult" This sentence is used to further emphasise the difficulty involved. By saying 'really difficult' you are showing that the difficulty level is higher than in the first or second example sentence. *Instead of using the verb 'fixing' you can also use the verb 'repairing'. This is a synonym of 'fixing'
1. "I'm finding it difficult fixing my computer"(パソコンがなかなか直らない) 'difficult' は 'hard'(難しい)の同義語です、これは 'something is not easy to do'(~は簡単ではない)のより簡潔な言い方です。 2. "I'm finding it hard fixing my computer"(パソコンがなかなか直らない) これは一つ目の例と同じ意味です、'hard' は 'difficult'(難しい)の同義語です。 3. "Fixing my computer is really difficult"(パソコンを直すのがすごく難しい) この文では難しさを強調しています。'really difficult'(とても難しい)は、難しさが一つ目や二つ目の例以上であることを表します。 ※ 'fixing' の代わりに 'repairing' を使うこともできます。'repairing' は 'fixing' の同義語です。
Liam F DMM英会話講師
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