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以前に住んでいたところ あなたが育った所 あなたが生まれた所 というような言い方を教えていただけますか
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2018/02/17 14:14
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  • where were you born

  • to ask someones origins, the place they were born, from or originate from

example "where were you born". or Where do you come from". more formally "what is your heritage".
例文 "Where were you born". どこで生まれたの? Where do you come from". どこ出身ですか? もっとフォーマルに言うのであれば 例文 "what is your heritage". あなたの出身はどちらですか?
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Where did you used to live?

  • Where did you live before?

  • Where were you born?

"Where did you used to live?" This asks the person to tell you where they lived before where they live now. "Where did you live before?" This is another way of asking the person to tell you where they lived before moving to where they are now. "Where were you born?" This asks the person to tell you where they were born.
"Where did you used to live?" 以前どこに住んでいましたか。 これは、以前どこに住んでいて、今どこに住んでいるか尋ねる表現です。   "Where did you live before?" 以前どこに住んでいましたか。 これは、今住んでいるところの前はどこに住んでいたか尋ねる別の表現です。  "Where were you born?" 生まれはどこですか。 これは、相手に生まれはどこか聞く表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Where did you grow up?

  • Where were you born and raised?

  • Where have you lived previously?

As some people may have been born in one place and grown up in another, to ask "where did you grow up?" actually gives them the opportunity to answer both where they were born and where they grew up. It is an open style question, and English speakers will recognise it means both where were you born and raised. If you would like to be more specific, you can ask people where they were born AND raised. Raised means to be 'brought up' by parents/guardians. It is very common to refer to oneself as 'born and raised in .....'. For example, "I was born and raised in London, England". "Where have you lived previously?" gives the person you are asking the option to talk about the places they have lived as an adult and as a child. They may answer with the last place they lived, or they may give you the full history or 'life story' of the places they have lived in.
1つの場所で生まれて、別の場所で育った人もいるので、"where did you grow up?"「どこで育ったの?」と聞くと、どこで生まれて、どこで育ったのか両方答えてくれると思います。この質問はオープンな質問なので、英語のネイティブスピーカーであればどこで生まれて、どこで育ったのかを問われていると気づいてくれるはずです。 もっと具体的に言いたいなら、もちろんどこで生まれて、どこで育ったかを聞くこともできます。raisedとは、親や保護者によって育てられるという意味です。'born and raised in というフレーズはよく使われるので、セットで覚えておくといいでしょう。例えば、 "I was born and raised in London, England".「生まれも育ちも、イギリス、ロンドンです。」のように使うことができます。  "Where have you lived previously?"「以前はどこに住んでいたの?」という文は、大人になってからと子供のころに住んだことのある場所について尋ねることができます。直近の前に住んでいた場所だけを答えてくれるかもしれませんし、今まで住んだことのある場所すべてを教えてくれるかもしれません。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Where were you born?

  • Where did you live as a child?

  • Where were you brought up?

There are a number of different ways to ask about people's earlier life and so it is necessary to be very specific. The most general form would be, 'Where were you brought up?'
過去について尋ねる言い方はたくさんありますので、何を聞きたいのか具体的にする必要があります。もっともよく言われる形は以下でしょう。 'Where were you brought up?' どこで育ったのですか(住んでいたのですか)?
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What's the name of the place where you used to live?

  • Where did you grow up?

  • Where were you born?

When you want to ask someone for the name of the place where they used to live/grew up/were born; then you can say it in the following ways: -What's the name of the place where you used to live? -Where did you grow up? -Where were you born?
以前住んでいた/育った/生まれた場所の名前を誰かに尋ねたいときは、以下のように言えます。 -What's the name of the place where you used to live? (以前住んでいた場所の名前は何ですか?) -Where did you grow up? (どこで育ちましたか?) -Where were you born? (どこで生まれましたか?)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • In which city were you born?

  • Where did you grow up?

  • Before you moved here, where were you staying?

*In which city were you born?- Some people migrate from the place where they were born to another city/town. Migrate means to move from one location to another because of certain reason(s). Example Sentences: When my mum was pregnant with me, she had to go back to her hometown. That's where I was born. I was born and bred in Brooklyn but later on migrated to Australia.
例文 *In which city were you born? どの市で生まれましたか? 生まれた場所から別の市/街にmigrate(移住)する人もいます。migrateとは、様々な理由で1つの場所から別の場所に移動することです。 例文 When my mum was pregnant with me, she had to go back to her hometown. That's where I was born. 私が母のお腹にいた時、母の故郷に帰らなければいけなかった。そこで私は生まれた I was born and bred in Brooklyn but later on migrated to Australia. ブルックリンで生まれて育ったけど、その後オーストラリアに移住した
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Where were you born?

  • Where were you raised/did you grow up?

  • Where did you use to live?

Not everyone still lives where they were bron or grew up so by asking 'where were you born?' they can tell you You could also ask 'Where were you raised?' or 'Where did you grow up?' If you are just wanting to know where they used to live then you would ask 'Where did you use to live?' although this might not be where they were bron/raised
必ずしも全員が生まれた場所や育った場所に未だ住んでいるとは限らないので、”Where were you born?"(どこで生まれたんですか?)と尋ねれば明確な答えが返って来るでしょう。 ”Where were you raised?”または”Where did you grow up?"(どこで育ったんですか?)と尋ねても良いでしょう。 生まれ故郷ではないかもしれませんが、単に以前どこに住んでいたのかについて知りたいときは、”Where did you used to live?"(前はどこに住んでいたんですか?)と聞けばOKです。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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