- "Someone's in here."(誰かが中にいる)
- "It's occupied."(使用中だ)
「It's occupied.」は特に明確であり、トイレがすでに使われている、という事実をはっきりと伝えます。
一方、「Someone's in here.」も同様の意味を持ちますが、こちらは「誰かが中にいる」という事実に焦点を当てています。
さらに、「Excuse me, but someone's in here.」や「Occupied.」、「Please wait.」、「Sorry, give me a minute.」なども同様の状況で使うことができる表現です。これらは具体的な状況により、適切に使い分けることが可能です。
例えば、「Excuse me, but someone's in here.」は少々フレーズが長く、丁寧さを表すためフォーマルな状況で、一方「Occupied.」は短くて簡潔でインフォーマルな状況に適しています。
Can you give me some toilet paper? It’s all out.
I say these. "Sec" is short for second.
"I'm in here" is better if you know the person who is trying to use the bathroom. Otherwise, the other choices are better.
私はこれらの表現を実際に使います。 sec というのは、second の短縮形です。
もしその人がトイレを使おうとしているなら、I'm in here と言ったほうがいいです。そうでなければ、他の言い方のほうがいいでしょう。
Sometimes you don't have to be very polite because you're in a bathroom but it depends on the way you like to carry yourself.
If you don't want to say much just shout out "BUSY!!!" loudly so they can stop knocking.
or you could be more polite and shout "One moment please!"
In those type of situations, you don't need to speak much as long as the other person knows there's someone in there.
If they keep insisting you could say "Sorry! I 'll be right out!" so they don't bust the door open.
またはOne moment pleaseと言うと丁寧にはなりますね。
もし何度もノックしてくるようなら、Sorry! I'll be right out!「もうすぐでるよ」と言えば、相手もドアをノックしなくなるでしょう。
There is someone in here.
- Let's the person know that someone else is using the toilet at this time.
- Very simple, one word, let's the person know that the restroom is being used. You can describe anyone or items in use as being 'occupied'.
This toilet is in use
- Another simple sentence you can use to inform the person who is knocking that the toilet is in use.
There is someone in here.
- トイレを使用していることを知ることができますよ。
- トイレが使用されていること示すシンプルな表現です。
This toilet is in use
- トイレのドアをノックされたときに使える表現です。
When someone knocks and you are in the toilet, you can say the following
I'm in here!
It's occupied!
Almost done!
Give me a few seconds!
I'll be right out.
Please wait.
Be patient!
Give me a minute!
I'm in here!(入ってます)
It's occupied!(入ってます)
Almost done!(ちょっと待って)
Give me a few seconds!(ちょっと待って)
I'll be right out.(今出ます)
Please wait.(ちょっと待ってください)
Be patient!(ちょっと待って)
Give me a minute!(ちょっと待って)
Both of the above mentioned would be suitable in this situation :-)
*Occupied - Busy
*I'm in here - Someone is using this toilet it is not available at the moment.
I hope this helps :-)
上記のいずれも、質問者様のいう場面に適しています :-)
- Busy(使用中)
*I'm in here
- 誰かがこのトイレを使っているので今は使えません。
お役に立てば幸いです :-)
There are a number of approaches to this situationn and your response really depends on what is most comfortable for you.
1. Someone tries the door and of course it's locked! Do you need to say anything? Probably not. This person will now realise the facility is occupied and will have to wait until you exit.
2. Someone tries the door. You say, "Hello!" This person now knows the door is locked and you confirmed you are inside. This person will probably not reply to you.
1. Someone tries the door and of course it's locked! Do you need to say anything? Probably not. This person will now realise the facility is occupied and will have to wait until you exi
Saying "I'm in here" or "Somebody" lets the person knocking on the other end of the door know that the toilet stall is taken.
One-worded answers or short sentences are preferred since you do not need to have a full formal conversation with the other party, people usually just knock and if the toilet stall is occupied they move on to the next one.
"I'm in here" や "Somebody" と言えば、ノックをした相手にトイレを使っていることが伝わります。
"I will be out in a minute"
This is useful because it gives them an idea of how long you intend to use the bathroom.
When you say "I'm in here "and "Busy!Try next door."you are not willing to commit to a time where you will be ready to come out of the restroom.
This means they would have to either wait for you to finish or find another toilet
"I will be out in a minute"
”I'm in here"(入っています)や”Busy! Try next door!"(まだ入っているから、隣をチェックしてみて!)は、あなたがまだトイレから出ないことを主張しています。