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日本語学習者に伝えたいです。 Let’s learn Japanese used in Business situations! Let’s learn Business Japanese!
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2018/03/11 06:04
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  • business Japanese

質問にご記載されているように、business Japaneseで良いです。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
Able English Studies カナダ(バンクーバー)のTOEIC専門学校
  • Let's study Japanese used in business situations

  • Today we are going to use formal Japanese usually used in business situations

When you want to explain to your students that on that day you will be using formal Japanese normally used in business situations; then you may explain this in the following ways: -Let's study Japanese used in business situations -Today we are going to use formal Japanese usually used in business situations
「今日はビジネスの場面で使われるフォーマルな日本語を学びましょう」と生徒に伝えたいなら、次のように言えます。 -Let's study Japanese used in business situations(ビジネスの場面で使われる日本語を学びましょう) -Today we are going to use formal Japanese usually used in business situations(今日はビジネスの場面で使われるフォーマルな日本語を学びましょう)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I suggest that we study Japanese Business materials.

  • We need to focus on Japanese Business materials.

  • Japanese Business materials will help you in your career.

I suggest that we study Japanese Business materials. We need to focus on Japanese Business materials. Japanese Business materials will help you in your career. Why don't we study Japanese Business materials? Would you like to learn Japanese Business materials? Let's learn some Japanese Business materials.
I suggest that we study Japanese Business materials.(「ジャパニーズ・ビジネス」の教材を学びましょう) We need to focus on Japanese Business materials.(「ジャパニーズ・ビジネス」の教材に重点的に取り組みましょう) Japanese Business materials will help you in your career.(「ジャパニーズ・ビジネス」の教材は将来の仕事で役立ちます) Why don't we study Japanese Business materials?(「ジャパニーズ・ビジネス」の教材を学びましょう) Would you like to learn Japanese Business materials?(「ジャパニーズ・ビジネス」の教材を学びませんか) Let's learn some Japanese Business materials.(「ジャパニーズ・ビジネス」の教材を学びましょう)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • Using more formal Japanese is normal in business situations, so let's look at that today.

  • Today let's concentrate on the type of Japanese you will need in business situations.

  • As you will be doing business in Japan, let's take a look at the type of language you will be using.

The first phrase engages the listener to pay attention.. "So let's look at" highlights that you want the persons active involvement. The second phrase is slightly more direct and formal, perhaps from a teacher to a group of mature students. The third phrase is again a little more direct, with "as you will be doing business" as the lead-in. This emphasizes to the student the importance of the upcoming lesson.
一つ目のフレーズは相手の注意を引きつけます。"So let's look at" は、相手にそこに積極的に参加してもらいたい気持ちを表します。 二つ目のフレーズは一つ目よりも少し直接的でフォーマルです。あるいは「先生から大人の生徒に向かって」という感じでしょうか。 三つ目のフレーズも同様、一つ目よりも少し直接的です。ここでは、"as you will be doing business"(商売をするわけなので)を導入として用いています。これは、これから行うレッスンの重要性を強調します。
Gozo P DMM英会話講師
  • Now let's take a look at some Japanese which is used in the business world

  • Let's study Japanese used in business situations

You teach Japanese. When teaching business Japanese, you want to say something like "Let's study Japanese used in business situations". There are a couple of suggestions above.
日本語の先生をしているのですね。ビジネスで使われる日本語を教えるときに、"Let's study Japanese used in business situations"(ビジネスの場面で使われる日本語を学びましょう)のようなことを言いたいと。 上記に二つ例をお示ししました。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Let's study Japanese used in business situations

  • Let's use business materials to study

When talking about learning something then the books/texts we use are called 'materials' so you could simply say 'let's use business materials' this suggests what the lesson would be about 'a business situation' is things that happen on a day to day basis of running/working in a business
勉強をするときに使う本/教科書は 'materials' といいます。 ですから、シンプルに 'let's use business materials'(ビジネス教材を使いましょう)と言えます。これはレッスンで何を学ぶかを伝えています。 'a business situation' は、ビジネスの現場で日常的に起こることを指します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • "Let's study Japanese used in business situations"

  • "Studying Japanese Business materials will help you go further in your career"

  • "Let's use Japanese business materials to study"

If you are a Japanese teacher and you wanted to suggest teaching business Japanese you could say any of the following: "Let's study Japanese used in business situations", "Studying Japanese Business materials will help you go further in your career" or "Let's use Japanese business materials to study". All three of these express your intent.
日本語の先生をしていて、生徒に「ビジネスシーンで使われる日本語を学びましょう」と提案したいということなら、次のように言えます。 "Let's study Japanese used in business situations"(ビジネスシーンで使われる日本語を学びましょう) "Studying Japanese Business materials will help you go further in your career"(ビジネス日本語を学ぶことはキャリアの助けになります) "Let's use Japanese business materials to study"(ビジネス日本語の教材を使いましょう) これら三つどの文でも、あなたの気持ちを表せます。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Now we are going to study a lesson in business style Japanese

  • In today's lesson I would like to talk about Japanese in the business world

We can use this if we want to explain that today's lesson is going to differ from the normal style of lessons that we are used to. By saying "Now we are going" it is implied that we are about to start a different topic from the topic we are already studying. When we say "In today's lesson" we are about to let the class know what the topic for today's lesson will be
これは、その日のレッスンが通常のレッスンとは異なるときに使えますね。 "Now we are going" というと、「これから今まで勉強していたのとは違うテーマについて学ぶ」というニュアンスになります。 "In today's lesson" は、その日のレッスンのテーマを発表するときに使います。
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
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