In english the "evening" can mean different times to each person depending on where they are from. Asking those three questions above will answer your question more directly and make the store employer give you a more specific time. The first one, " Are you open in the evenings?" will answer your question with a possible yes or no answer and not give you an exact time.
The second question will make the store employee give you the opening and closing times of the store which can give you a better idea of another time you can visit.
The third answer is asking specifically when the store closes so you can know how late you can come.
Hope this helps !
"evening" は、どこの出身かによって異なる時間を指すことがあります。お示しした三つの例を使えば、店員からより具体的な時間を引き出せます。
一つ目の "Are you open in the evenings?"(夕方は開いていますか)、これに対する返答は "Yes" か "No" で、明確な時間は返ってきません。
Some businesses post their business hours online, on the door, or have a voice recording. You can say any of the following, "What are your business hours?, When do you close?, How late are you open?, What time do you close?, Are you open in the evenings?, and What evenings are you open?
"What are your business hours?"(営業時間を教えてください)
"When do you close?"(閉店は何時ですか)
"How late are you open?"(閉店は何時ですか)
"What time do you close?"(閉店は何時ですか)
"Are you open in the evenings?"(夕方は開いていますか)
"What evenings are you open?"(夕方はいつ開いていますか)
Asking an employee for the company's hours allows for them to tell you how late they stay open. Also if you want to know about their evening hours, the best way of asking would be example 3 because it is more specific.
I think this would be the most appropriate question here. If you asked "are you open in the evening?" and they replied "yes", they could be open til 7pm or 11pm! If you ask "what time are you open until?" then they will have to answer with the exact time that they are open until and this will be clear for you to plan around.
"Are you open in the evening?"(夕方はやっていますか)と尋ねて、答えが "Yes" だと、午後7時までやっている可能もあれば11時までの可能性もあります!
"What time are you open until?"(何時までやっていますか)と尋ねると、相手は正確な閉店時間を答えなければなりません。この方が計画が立てやすいでしょう。
There are a variety of ways to ask this questions. If you ask for the stores opening hours this should give you all the information. However you can be more specific and ask 'Do you open in the evenings?'
お店の営業時間(opening hours)を聞くと、全ての情報が分かるでしょう。
'Do you open in the evenings?'(夕方は開いていますか)
When asking about times a shop opens/closes you can simply ask 'what are your business hours? but if you want to know if it is open in the evenings you can ask 'Is the store open in the evenings?'
お店の営業時間を確認するなら、シンプルに 'What are your business hours?(営業時間を教えてください)と言えます。
ただ、夕方開いているかどうか確認したいなら、'Is the store open in the evenings?'(その店は夕方は開いていますか)と聞けます。
Are you open in the early evening?
Are you open in the late afternoon?