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2018/03/12 13:15
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  • Where is Tiger Woods ranked now?

  • What's Tiger's ranking now?

  • What is Tiger's rank now?

公式ランキングもその試合の順位も"Rank"を使えます。「公式ワールドランキング」="Official World Golf Ranking" 「45位にいる」="He is ranked at 45th." 「トップにいる」="He is ranked at the top." 「タイガーの順位が上がった」="Tiger moved up in the ranking", "Tiger's ranking moved up.", "Tiger's ranking went up.", "Tiger's ranking climbed up." 「タイガーがイーブンパーでラウンドを終了」="Tiger finished the round with even-par." 「タイガーは今2オーバーでいる」"Tiger has a score 2 under par now", 「タイガー66打、フォーアンダーでした。」= "Tiger shot a 66, four strokes under par. "
  • What rank is Tiger Woods?

  • Where is Tiger Woods ranked?

  • What is Tiger's ranking?

You want to know where Tiger Woods is ranked with respect to the other professional golfers. You could ask for his position in the rankings: Is he the world's number one golfer or the world's top-ranked golfer? Is he in the top-10? Is he ranked somewhere in the middle? Or, if you have no idea where he stands, you could ask, "What rank is Tiger Woods?" or "Where [in the rankings] is Tiger Woods ranked?" In many team sports, "standings" is used in place of "rankings."
他のプロゴルファーとの比較で、タイガーウッズがどの順位にいるのか確認したいということですね。 順位について確認することができます。 Is he the world's number one golfer/the world's top-ranked golfer?(彼は世界でナンバーワンのゴルファーですか) Is he in the top-10?(彼はトップ10に入っていますか) Is he ranked somewhere in the middle?(彼は真ん中ぐらいですか) あるいは、順位について全く見当がつかないなら、次のように聞けます。 "What rank is Tiger Woods?"(タイガーウッズは今何位ですか) "Where [in the rankings] is Tiger Woods ranked?"(タイガーウッズは今何位ですか)
Michaell K DMM英会話講師
  • Where is Tiger Woods on the ranking right now?

  • Where is Tiger Woods ranked right now?

When you want want to find out about the ranking of Tiger Woods in golf right now, then you may ask in the following ways: -Where is Tiger Woods on the ranking right now? -Where is Tiger Woods ranked right now?
現在のタイガーウッズのランキングを確認したいなら、次のように言えます。 -Where is Tiger Woods on the ranking right now?(タイガーウッズは今何位ですか) -Where is Tiger Woods ranked right now?(タイガーウッズは今何位ですか)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • What is Tiger woods' ranking?

  • What rank is Tiger woods?

"What is Tiger woods' ranking?" 'ranking' is used to list how good a player may or not be, ranks can be from ages,countries,cities,best in the world etc.
"What is Tiger woods' ranking?"(タイガーウッズは何位ですか) 選手を成績の良い順に並べるときには 'ranking' が使われます。これには、年齢別、国別、都市別あるいは世界のナンバーワンを示したものなどがあります。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • What's Tiger Woods' current ranking?

  • What's Tiger Woods' ranking presently?

Sports people in all kinds of sport are positioned in relation to their successes in past competitions that they have participated in. If a golf player like Tiger Woods has won all the golf competitions including the last one, he is 'ranked' or 'positioned' as world number one golf player. This means that he is at the top of the list. However, if he has been losing some of the competitions, including the last big one, he will be 'ranked' or 'positioned' lower and someone else who has won the last big competion will possess the 'world number one' ranking. Tiger Woods' world ranking could be number 5 or number 10 for example. So if you want to know what Tiger Woods' current ranking is, you may ask someone as follows: What's Tiger Woods' current ranking? or What's Tiger Woods' ranking presently?
どのスポーツでも選手は過去の戦績に基づいてランク付けされます。 ゴルフでも最新の大会を含めて試合にずっと勝ち続けていると、その選手、例えばタイガーウッズは世界のナンバーワンにランクされます。リストのトップに立つということです。 ただ、最新の大きな大会などを落とすと、その選手の順位は下がっていきます。そして代わりに最新の大きな大会で勝った人が1位になります。 ですから、タイガーウッズが5位とか10位になるということです。 タイガーウッズの今の順位を確認したいなら、次のように言えます。 What's Tiger Woods' current ranking? What's Tiger Woods' ranking presently? (タイガーウッズは今何位ですか)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • What is Tiger Woods ranking ?

  • What is Tiger Woods ranked?

When talking about how good something is then it is referred to as how well they are 'ranking' or doing in the 'ranking' this is a scale from 1being the best to tell how good they are
物事の優劣は 'to rank'(順位を占める/順位付けする)または 'ranking'(順位)で表せます。 これは、最高を「1」とする優劣の尺度をいいます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • What's Tiger Woods' world ranking right now?

When watching golf on TV and you want to ask someone what rank Tiger Woods is right now, you can use the above suggested question. When you talk about 'ranking' it is usually in terms of the world or national or area position of someone over a period of time - usually a year.
テレビでゴルフを見ているときに、タイガーウッズの現在のランキングが何位なのか聞きたいということなら、上記の文が使えます。 'ranking' を言うと、普通は「世界、国内あるいは特定の地域の中での、ある期間(通常は一年)におけるその人の順位」を指します。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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