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言葉じゃ表せないくらい大好き! それ以上の言葉があればいいのに! っていう感じで友達に伝えたいです!
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2018/03/21 23:50
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  • I love you more than words can say.

  • I can’t express how much I love you.

「言葉に表せないぐらい[好きだ](」という 英語の表現はたくさんありますが、 2つご紹介します。 I love you more than words can say. 言葉で言い表せないくらいあなたのことを[愛している]( I can’t express how much I love you. あなたのことをどれ程愛しているか言葉に出来ない express = 表現する can't express = 表現できない こうした言葉は、日本語では言いにくいですが、 英語だと言いやすいかもしれませんね。 参考になれば幸いです。
  • Words can’t express my love for you.

  • Words are not enough to express my love for you.

  • Words simply cannot tell how much I love you.

言葉じゃ表せないくらい[大好き](!と言いたいなら ❶Words can’t express my love for you. ❷Words are not enough to express my love for you. ❸Words simply cannot tell how much I love you. と言えます、参考までに!
  • There are no words to tell you how much I love you.

  • No words can express how much I love you.

"There are no words to tell you how much I love you." means that your love for someone can not be expressed in just words.
"There are no words to tell you how much I love you."は「言葉であなたへの愛を表すことはできない」という意味です。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • There aren't enough words to describe my love for you.

  • I'm speechless when it comes to describe my love for you.

Speechless - unable to speak, especially as the temporary result of shock or strong emotion. Speechless is a good term to use when you simply do not have enough words to describe something - it can either be used in a positive or negative way. Positive: You look beautiful - I'm speechless. Negative: Look at the mess you made! I'm speechless.
Speechless -〔ショックや強い感情の結果として一時的に〕話すことができない "speechless"は、言葉で言い表すことができないことについて使えます。ポジティブな意味にもネガティブな意味にもなります。 ポジティブ: You look beautiful - I'm speechless.(すごくきれいだよ。言葉がないよ) ネガティブ: Look at the mess you made! I'm speechless.(こんな散らかして。言葉が見つからない)
Rebekah Eve DMM英会話講師
  • There's no words that could describe the love I have for you.

  • Three words aren’t enough to express how much you mean to me, but I will always remind them to you; I love you.

The first sentence is a simple, yet effective one. It advises the person that you love them greatly, and you have no words that can express the feeling accurately. The second sentence falls under the poetic; "Three words aren't enough to express how much you mean to me" makes reference to phrase "I love you", advising your lover that those same words aren't enough to express your feelings. "But I will always remind them to you" gives your lover comfort that you will forever remind him/her of the feelings you have even if words will never be enough.
一つ目の例文はシンプルですが、効果的な表現です。言葉で表現できないほど相手を大切に想っている気持ちを表しています。 二つ目の例文は詩的な表現です。 "Three words aren't enough to express how much you mean to me" (貴方が私にとってどれだけ大切な人か表すのに3つの言葉では足りない。)これは、”I love you"の3つの言葉では足りないほど、相手の事を想っているという意味です。 "But I will always remind them to you"(それでも、貴方への気持ちはずっと伝え続けるから。)言葉で表せない気持ちではあるけれど、相手に安心させるために相手への気持ちを伝えることを欠かさない、という意味です。
Ruben DMM英会話講師
  • There aren't enough words.

  • I don't have the words.

There aren't enough words to express my feelings for him. I don't have the words to describe... I don't have the words to explain how much I love her. Are acceptable in this situation.
●There aren't enough words to express my feelings for him. (彼への想いを表すには言葉が足りない。) ●I don't have the words to describe... (○○を表すの言葉が見付からない。) ●I don't have the words to explain how much I love her. (どんなに彼女を愛しているか説明する言葉がない。) 上記例文はどれも適切な表現です。
Kelly J DMM英会話講師
  • Words cannot express my feelings for you!

  • Words can't describe my love for you.

Native speakers will say like this: “Words can't express my love for you”. There are lots of other ways to say it, but this one is the most accurate and most commonly used. Here is an example on how to use this in a conversation: A: How much do you love me? B: Words can't express my love for you.
ネイティブスピーカーは次のように言うでしょう: “Words can't express my love for you” (あなたへの愛は言葉では言い表せない) 他にもいろいろな言い方ができますが、これが最も正確で一般的です。 以下、会話例です: A: How much do you love me?(私のことどのくらい好き) B: Words can't express my love for you.(言葉では言い表せない)
Ned DMM英会話講師
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