It was my nick name when I was in junior high and high school.
★ 訳
★ 解説
・It was my nickname「それは私のあだ名でした」
日本語でも「ニックネーム」と言うように、英語で nickname と言います。
Matcha was my nickname in high school.
・when I was in junior high and high school「私が中学と高校にいたときとに」
junior high school と high school をセットで言うときには、このようにまとめることができます。
when I was in high school「高校時代」のように言ったり、
when I was a high school student「高校生時代」と言ったりすることができますが、
student を使って中学と高校の両方を言いたいときには
when I was a junior high and high school students「中学高校生時代」ということができます。
As a child, I had the nickname 'Lefty' but no-one calls me that anymore.
Only whilst at Junior school, I had the nickname 'Lefty'.
In the first sentence, you just refer to yourself as being 'a child' which would cover the period of elementary school and middle school. As the function is just to indicate that it is a historic nickname, the schools you attended at that time are of little importance.
The second sentence includes the school information.
To say 'when you were little' means 'when you were a child'. A child is defined as anyone up to the age of 16 years old, 18 years old in some countries.
「when I was little」は「when I was a child (子どもの頃)」という意味です。
「child」は、16歳 (国によっては18歳) までの人と定義されています。
This was my nickname in middle and elementary school.
No one calls me by my elementary and middle school nickname(s).
"This was my nickname in middle and elementary school." Normally you would have already explained what your nickname was when in elementary and middle school, before using this explanation. Nickname - a shortened version of your real name.
"No one calls me by my elementary and middle school nickname(s)." In this sentence it is optional to leave the s on the end of nickname, as you may have had more than one.
"This was my nickname in middle and elementary school."(これは小中学校時代のあだ名です)
- 普通これは、小中学校時代のあだ名が何だったのか説明した後に使います。
Nickname = 本名を短縮したもの(あだ名)
"No one calls me by my elementary and middle school nickname(s)."(小中学校時代のあだ名では誰も呼びません)
- この文では、あだ名が二つ以上あったなら、"Nicknames" と複数形にできます。
Used to be called in first example and was in second example both show you are talking about a past action. You then have the option of adding a time to the statement or in these cases letting the person you are talking to form their own opinion of when or asking you directly when you used to be called
最初の例のUsed to be called と2番めの例は両方共過去の行動について話していることを表しています。
I had a nickname when I was younger, but no one calls me it any more.
That was my nickname when I was younger but I don't like being called that anymore.
That was a childhood nickname, but I hate being called it now.
All of these examples will let the listener know your you had a nickname but you dislike/ hate/ just don't use it anymore. If you actually don't like when people use it, "That was a childhood nickname, but I hate being called it now." would be your best sentence.
"That was a childhood nickname, but I hate being called it now."