ネイティブ英語話者に、日本人の英語の発音について、どう思いますか?良い点、悪い点教えてもらえますか?と askするシチュエーションです。 What do you think that The Japanese speak English? Can you tell me good and bad points、if you like? で可?
What do you think about Japanese speakers' English pronunciation?
Could you please tell me both good and bad thing about it?
「日本人の英語の発音」は「日本語話者の英語の発音」と意訳して「Japanese speakers' English pronunciation」。
(1)What do you think about Japanese speakers' English pronunciation?
(2)Could you please tell me both good and bad thing about it?
What do you think about (of) the Japanese people's English pronunciation?
What do you think about (of) the Japanese people's English pronunciation? - 日本人の英語の発音について、どう思いますか?