It makes me feel sad to answer your questions about my past.
I don't feel like answering your questions about my past.
It makes me feel miserable to think back about my past.
「純粋さや無垢さ」="purity and innocence"
「自分にあった純粋さや無垢な気持ちを覚えていない/忘れてる」=I don't remember the pure and the innocent feeling I used to have. I've forgotten the pure and the innocent feeling I had.
「自分の心にあった純粋さや無垢な気持ちを思い出せないのが悲しい」=It's sad that I can't remember the pure and innocent feelings of my hearts.
「僕に過去を振り返らさせる質問」=the questions that make me think back about my past
「過去にもう過ぎたことを僕に考えさせられる質問」=the questions that make me look back at what has already happened in the past
「過去にもう過ぎたことを僕に考えさせられるような質問に答えるのに、僕は悲しみを感じる」=I feel sad to answer such questions that make me look back at what has already happened in the past.
「過去は過去。今はもう終わったんだ。感覚は覚えてない。」=What is past is past.(What is in the past is past) It's over now. I can't remember how it felt.
Questions like those make me remember my regrets, and I would prefer to leave the past in the past.
I would rather not dwell on the past. It’s too painful for me to answer those questions and think about what could have been.
「leave the past in the past」や、「leave the past behind」,「let the past be the past」は「いまさら思い出す代わりに、過去のことを忘れようとする」と言う意味です。「今まで後悔していることがあっても苦しいことがあっても、全部忘れた方がいい」と言う感じです。
「what could have been」はどういう意味かと言うと、「今の現実のことではなく、前は現実になる可能性があったこと」と言う意味です。「もう無理だけど、今はそうだったらいいのに」と言う感じの表現です。