世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/04/07 02:37
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  • My video's out. Is it OK to continue without video?

Technical problems sometimes plague the process of online communication, and it could be that the most intelligent and productive approach to these obstacles is either to overcome them quickly, by fixing them, or by ignoring the inconvenience - as in this case. A:"Damn, my camera just stopped working!" B: "Don't worry, let's soldier on without it."
技術的な問題は、オンラインでのコミュニケーションの悩みの種になり、直したり、気にせず努めようとしたり、なんとかしないといけないものです。 A:"Damn, my camera just stopped working! あぁ、カメラが動かなくなった! B: "Don't worry, let's soldier on without it." 大丈夫。なくてもなんとかしよう!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Because the camera function is out of order, is it OK to take lessons with audio alone?

「故障中」はout of orderと言います。「カメラ機能が使えないので、音声だけでレッスンを受けても問題ありませんか」という言い方をすればよいでしょう。 シンプルに伝えるのが一番だと思いますので、「カメラなしで」という部分を「音声(機能)のみで」とし、カメラとの対比で理解してもらえますから、言葉を簡略化してwith audio aloneとしてあります。 要点はすべて英文に含めましたので、あとは返事を待つだけになりますよ。 参考になれば幸いです。
Yutaka K やわらか英語コーチ
  • My camera isn't working, can we do the lesson without it?

  • Would it be fine to just do the lesson with audio today because my camera is broken.

"My camera isn't working, can we do the lesson without it?": By telling your teacher your camera is not working it is implied that your audio is still fine and the lesson can continue. "Would it be fine to just do the lesson with audio today because my camera is broken.": Here you are asking if you can just use audio and then giving a reason why. Hope that helps :)
"My camera isn't working, can we do the lesson without it?" カメラが動かないので、カメラなしでレッスンできますか? これは、先生に自分のカメラが動かないが、声は聞こえるのでレッスンをしたいことを伝える表現です。 "Would it be fine to just do the lesson with audio today because my camera is broken." カメラが壊れたので、声だけでレッスンしても大丈夫ですか? これは、音声のみでレッスンをしたいことと、その理由を伝えるフレーズです。
Kirst English teacher
  • My webcam is broken. Would it be ok to take the lesson without my camera?

  • My camera is not working. Is it ok if I take the lesson without it?

You can say to your tutor: -My webcam is broken. Would it be ok to take the lesson without my camera? -My camera is not working. Is it ok if I take the lesson without it? -Would it be ok if I take the lesson without a camera? Mine is broken.
先生にこう言うことが出来ます。 例文 -My webcam is broken. Would it be ok to take the lesson without my camera? ウェブカメラが壊れています。カメラ無しでレッスンを受けても大丈夫ですか? -My camera is not working. Is it ok if I take the lesson without it? カメラの調子が悪いです。カメラ無しでレッスンを受けても大丈夫ですか? -Would it be ok if I take the lesson without a camera? Mine is broken. カメラ無しでレッスンを受けても大丈夫ですか? 私のカメラが壊れています。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • My camera is broken. Can we still have the lesson?

  • Can we still have a lesson if my camera is broken?

"My camera is broken. Can we still have the lesson?" Camera - this is often called the " Webcam" when you are talking about the camera on a computer. On a phone or tablet, it is just called the "Camera" "My webcam is broken. Can we still have the lesson." The meaning is the same it just depends on which device you are using. "Can we still have a lesson if my camera is broken?" You can either tell the teacher your camera is not working first or at the end of a sentence. Either way is ok because you are being polite and making sure this is ok with them.
"My camera is broken. Can we still have the lesson?" カメラが壊れています。それでもレッスンはできますか? パソコンのカメラのことを" Webcam" と呼びます。携帯やタブレットのカメラは "Camera"と言います。 "Can we still have a lesson if my camera is broken?" カメラが壊れていても、レッスンが受けられますか? 先生に、はじめにカメラが壊れていることを伝えてもいいですし、文の最後に伝えてもかまいません。どちらの表現も、丁寧に確認していることになります。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • I can’t use my camera today I hope that’s ok

  • do you mind taking this lesson without cameras

  • Would it be ok if I take the lesson without a camera today

First example tells person you have no camera but you are still taking the lesson in a polite way. (Best choice for answer you want to hear) Whereas second and third example actually ask for an opinion from other person. example two. Do you mind.example three. would it be ok.
最初の例は、カメラは使えないけれどレッスンは受ける、と伝える丁寧な言い方です(これが一番いいでしょう)。 二つ目(Do you mind)と三つ目の例(Would it be ok)では、相手の意見を尋ねています。
Neil G DMM英会話講師
  • Unfortunately my computer does not have a webcam.

  • Would you mind if I left my camera off for today?

  • I'm having trouble with my camera. Is it okay to continue without?

My camera isn't working. Can we continue anyway? I'd rather keep the video off for today, is that okay? All of these are okay in a situation where you can not or do not want to use the video during a Skype lesson.
My camera isn't working. Can we continue anyway? (カメラが故障しているんですけど、このまま続けてもいいですか) I'd rather keep the video off for today, is that okay? (今日はカメラをオフにしておきたいんですけど、いいですか) これらすべて、スカイプのレッスンをカメラなしで受けたい時に使える表現です。
Niabh DMM英語講師
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