世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/04/10 03:56
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  • Where were you yesterday?

こんにちは。 昨日どこにいたのは Where were you yesterday? です。 どこにいた? (Where were ~) です。 参考になったらうれしいです。 宜しくお願いします
  • Where did you go yesterday

  • What did you do yesterday

  • Where were you yesterday

First two examples use helping verb do in past form (did) showing action in past. Both followed by main verb in base form as it doesn’t need to change. Third example uses linking/state of being verb to be in past tense (were).
Neil G DMM英会話講師
  • Where were you yesterday?

  • Where did you go yesterday?

These two questions have basically the same meaning, but I would say "Where did you go?" if you know the person left and went somewhere else.
2つの表現は基本的に同じ意味ですが、私なら、誰かがどこかへ行ったなら、"Where did you go?" (どこへ行ったの?)の方を使います。
Christian Sa DMM英会話講師
  • Where were you yesterday?

  • What did you get up to yesterday?

"Where were you yesterday?": This is simply asking the person where they physically were yesterday. "What did you get up to yesterday?": This s a more casual way of asking a person what they did yesterday and in that way they could tell you where they were. I hope tat helps.
"Where were you yesterday?" 昨日どこにいたの? これは相手に昨日どこにいたのかシンプルに聞く表現です。 "What did you get up to yesterday?" 昨日何してたの? これは、相手に昨日どこで何をしていたのか聞くカジュアルな表現です。
Kirst English teacher
  • Where were you yesterday?

  • Where did you get to yesterday?

  • What did you get up to yesterday?

To ask someone where they were yesterday then you can simply say 'Where were you yesterday?' this may give a basic reply so to get more of a detaled answer then you might ask 'What did you get upto yesterday?' If you were meant to meet but didn't then you could ask 'Where did you get to yesterday?'
”Where were you yesterday?"(昨日はどこにいたの?)と聞くことも出来ますが、もっと具体的な答えが欲しい時は、”What did you get up to yesterday?"(昨日は何してたの?)と聞くのも良いでしょう。 会う約束をしていたけれど会わなかった場合は、”Where did you get to yesterday?"(昨日はどこに行ってたの?)と聞くことも出来ます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • What did you get up to yesterday?

  • Where were you yesterday?

  • I was looking for you yesterday. Where were you?

There are a number of ways you can say this. When you say "what did you get up to yesterday?" you are asking what the person was doing yesterday, but also implied is that they should tell you where they were. However, to be more direct/accurate you could ask: -Where were you yesterday? -I was looking for you yesterday. Where were you?
いろいろな言い方があります。 "what did you get up to yesterday?" 昨日何をしていたか尋ねています。「どこにいたの?」というニュアンスもあります。 もっと直接的な表現もあります: -Where were you yesterday? 昨日どこにいたの? -I was looking for you yesterday. Where were you? 昨日探していたんだよ。どこにいたの?
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Where were you yesterday?

Native speakers will say like this: “Where were you yesterday?”. There are lots of other ways to say it, but this one is the most accurate and most commonly used. Here is an example on how to use this in a conversation: A: Where were you yesterday? B: I was at my grandparents house. Why do you ask?
ネイティブスピーカーは次のように言います。 “Where were you yesterday?” (昨日はどこにいましたか?) 他にもいろいろな言い方ができますが、これが最も正確で一般的です。 以下、会話例です。 A: Where were you yesterday? (昨日はどこにいましたか?) B: I was at my grandparents house. Why do you ask? (祖父母の家にいました。どうしてですか?)
Ned DMM英会話講師
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