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先生に、漫画やアニメなどworldwideに知られる文化があるなんて 日本は素晴らしいよねとほめていただいて。 自分が日本人でよかったはI'm proud of being Japanese ですよね。日本自体を誇りに思うも同様にproud を使ってよいでしょうか?
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2018/04/13 09:42
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  • I'm proud to be Japanese because our culture is known worldwide

  • Japanese culture is known and respected worldwide. This makes me proud

When you say "I'm proud to be Japanese" you are referring to yourself; and to give reasons of why you're proud to be Japanese (or Japan as a country) you can say "...because our culture is known and respected worldwide. Anime is popular in a lot of countries in the world.".
あなたが "I'm proud to be Japanese"(日本人として誇りに思います)という時、自分の事を話しています。 そして、何故日本人でいることを誇りに思うかの理由を続けます。 "...because our culture is known and respected worldwide. Anime is popular in a lot of countries in the world." (なぜなら、私たちの文化は世界に認められています。 アニメは世界の多くの国で人気があります)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I'm proud of the fact that Japan has a sophisticated culture of which many aspects (such as origami, ikebana and bonsai) are familiar around the world.

  • I'm proud of Japan's uniqiue culture which has worldwide influence.

When you are talking about your personal feelings, you can start by saying: "I'm proud of the fact that....." "I'm unhappy about the fact that...." "I'm really pleased about the fact that...." And after,give your reason: " family always support each other." " are always criticising me." "...our monthly sales figures are improving."
あなたが個人的な感想を述べる場合、 次のように話し始めることが出来ます。 【例】 "I'm proud of the fact that....." (~の事実を誇りに思います) "I'm unhappy about the fact that...." (~の事実について残念に思います) "I'm really pleased about the fact that...." (~の事実を本当に嬉しく思います) その後に、あなたの理由を述べましょう。 【例】 " family always support each other." (~私の家族はお互いをいつも助け合います) " are always criticising me." (~あなたは私をいつも批難している) "...our monthly sales figures are improving." (~私たちの今月の売り上げは上向きになっている)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The Japanese anime and manga culture is well-known worldwide, and that makes me proud.

"The Japanese anime and manga culture is well-known worldwide, and that makes me proud." This is a way of telling a person what you are proud of and why. Here, well-known means popular. For example: She is a very well-know student here. And worldwide just means global. For example: This movie will become famous world-wide.
"The Japanese anime and manga culture is well-known worldwide, and that makes me proud."(日本のアニメや漫画文化は世界中で知られていて、それは誇らしく思います) - ここでは、誇りに思っていることと、その理由を伝えています。ここでは、"well-known" は「人気の」という意味です。 例えば: She is a very well-known student here.(彼女はここでは有名な学生です) "worldwide" は「世界中で」という意味です。 例えば: This movie will become famous world-wide.(この映画は世界的に有名になるでしょう)
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • I have Japanese pride because our culture is globally known.

  • I am proud of Japan and its culture because it's very popular worldwide.

  • I am proud of the Japanese culture because of the universal influence it has worldwide.

"I have Japanese pride because our culture is globally known." In this sentence we use "Japanese pride" to describe our appreciation for being of Japanese origin/descent and feeling proud about that because of how aware other parts of the world are of Japanese culture. "I am proud of Japan and its culture because it's very popular worldwide." In this sentence we use "Japan and it's culture" as another way of saying "Japanese culture" and everything that consists of "Japan" and it's "culture". This sentence is expressing pride in Japan and it's culture due to the fact it's relevant and popular amongst many other places of the world. "I am proud of the Japanese culture because of the universal influence it has worldwide." In this sentence we are expressing our pride for the Japanese culture because we are proud of how it has effected other parts of the world, as well as how it's influenced many citizens of the world to give attention to the Japanese culture and cherish their creations.
"I have Japanese pride because our culture is globally known."(日本の文化は世界中で知られているので、日本人として誇らしいです) = この文では、"Japanese pride" を使って日本人であることを誇りに思っていることを、そしてその理由として、日本の文化が世界中で知られていることをそれぞれ挙げています。 "I am proud of Japan and its culture because it's very popular worldwide."(日本の文化は世界中で人気があるので、日本とその文化を誇りに思います) = ここでは、"Japan and its culture" は、日本と日本の文化に関係するあらゆる事柄を指します。この文では「日本の文化は世界中で愛されているので、日本とその文化を誇りに思う」と伝えています。 "I am proud of the Japanese culture because of the universal influence it has worldwide."(日本の文化は世界中の人に影響を与えているので、誇らしく思います) = この文では、「日本の文化は世界中の人々に影響を与えているので、誇らしく思う」と伝えています。
Dyami DMM英会話講師
  • Parts of Japanese culture are famous wordlwide and I'm proud of it

  • I'm proud of Japanese culture because it is famous all around the world

  • I'm proud because people all over the world know Japanese culture

There are many ways of describing why you are proud about Japanese culture. Adjectives such as 'famous/ popular/ worldwide' emphasise this pride. You can also go into description about what parts of Japanese culture you are especially proud of, or you can be more general and say 'parts of Japanese culture' or 'Japanese culture'. You could also say: 'I am a patriot of Japan' or 'I respect Japanese culture'
「世界中の人が知っている」はいろいろな言い方ができます。'famous/ popular/ worldwide' などの形容詞は日本の文化を誇りに思っていることを強調します。 また、日本の文化の特に誇りに思う部分について説明することもできます。あるいは漠然と 'parts of Japanese culture'(日本文化の一部)や 'Japanese culture'(日本文化)と言うこともできます。 次のように言うこともできます。 'I am a patriot of Japan'(私は日本の愛国者です) 'I respect Japanese culture'(私は日本の文化をリスペクトしています)
Harriet R DMM英会話講師
  • Japan is known worldwide. I am proud of our unique culture and heritage.

  • I am a true patriot of Japan because Japan is famous worldwide.

  • Japan is famous for its unique culture and traditions. I am proud to call myself Japanese.

When one wants to express pride for their country they can call themselves patriots. Patriots are people that show immense support and pride in their country.You can emphasize by making mention of your cultures, traditions, and heritage.
自分の国のことを誇りに思うと言いたいときは、 patriots(愛国者)と呼びます。自国の文化や、伝統、遺産などについて話すといいでしょう
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • I am proud of Japan's culture as it's known worldwide

  • I'm proud of Japanese culture as it's known all round the world

When you say that something is known all around the world this is also called 'worldwide' you can also say Japan's culture or Japanese culture ' these both explain what you are talking about (the culture in Japan)
all around the world'(世界中で)は 'worldwide' とも言えます。 「日本の文化」は 'Japan's culture' または 'Japanese culture' と言えます。どちらも日本の文化を指します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I am proud of Japan because our culture is recognized worldwide.

  • I am proud of Japan as their culture is on an international level.

This is a way of saying that you are proud of something specific because it is well known throughout the world and not just your country.
Nicole Le DMM英会話講師
  • Japanese culture is known worldwide

  • I'm proud to be Japanese as our culture is known across the world

"Japanese culture is known worldwide" "I'm proud to be Japanese as our culture is known across the world" 'Culture' Is the arts/achievements/ something that is recognized by other countries/cities about an in-particular country/city. 'World wide' is a term used to describe 'all over the world/across the world'.
"Japanese culture is known worldwide"(日本の文化は世界中で知られている) "I'm proud to be Japanese as our culture is known across the world"(日本の文化は世界中で知られているので、日本人であることを誇りに思います) 'Culture' は芸術/人類の功績/他の国や地域からその国あるいはその地域のものとして認識されるものをいいます。 'World wide' は 'All over the world/across the world'(世界中で)を表します。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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