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「AIは一定の学習期間を経ることで、全くミスをしないようになる。」 なんと表現したらいいでしょうか。 After a specific time of studying period,AI will get to... 思いつきません。よろしくお願いいたします。
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2018/04/18 23:24
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  • After AI has had time to study and learn about things it won't make any mistakes

"After AI has had time to study and learn about things it won't make any mistakes" This statement is expressing that 'AI' (Artificial Intelligence) will study and observe things and after a while of studying it won't make any mistakes/do anything wrong.
"After AI has had time to study and learn about things it won't make any mistakes" (AIは一定の学習期間を経ると、全くミスをしなくなる) ここでは、「AI(人工知能)は物事を見て学習するので、しばらくするとミスをしなくなる」と伝えています。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • After an AI has studied for a certain amount of time, they won't make any more mistakes.

Tim Young 主催
  • When AI has more time to learn, it will make fewer mistakes.

Fewer - less, not as many mistakes. AI will still make mistakes, but there will not be as many.
Fewer - より少ない、ミスが減る。ミスがなくなるわけではなく減る、ということ。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • Once Al has had some time, he won't make any mistakes.

  • Soon enough Al will be proficient and won't make mistakes.

"Once Al has had some time, he won't make any mistakes." "Soon enough Al will be proficient and won't make mistakes. " There are many different ways you can answer this but by saying that either of these two ways, you are simply saying that now Al is struggling but once he has had enough practice then he will no longer have these errors.
"Once Al has had some time, he won't make any mistakes."(少し経験を積めば、AIはミスをしなくなるでしょう) "Soon enough Al will be proficient and won't make mistakes."(AIは、そのうちに、経験を積んでミスをしなくなるでしょう) これはいろいろな言い方ができます。上の二つの例では「AIは今は苦戦しているけど、経験を積めば、ミスをしなくなるだろう」と伝えています。
Darion DMM英会話講師
  • After teaching an AI everything, it won't any mistakes!

  • After inputting the data into an AI, it will be proficient and error-free!

After teaching an AI everything, it won't any mistakes! After inputting the data into an AI, it will be proficient and error-free! An AI will have the knowledge that humans give it but it will not make mistakes. It will be more proficient and efficient than humans. It will have the capabilities to store knowledge from many sources. "proficient" - Skilled or capable "error-free" - make no mistakes "efficient" - effective "capabilities" - what it will be capable of
After teaching an AI everything, it won't make any mistakes!(AIは知識を与えてしまえばミスをしなくなる) After inputting the data into an AI, it will be proficient and error-free!(AIはデータをインプットしてしまえばミスをしなくなる) 人工知能(AI)には人間が知識を与えるわけですが、AIはミスをしません。AIは人間よりも有能で能率がいいです。AIはさまざまなものから知識を獲得します。 "proficient" - 熟達した/有能な "error-free" - ミスをしない "efficient" - 効率的な "capabilities" - 能力
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • Once an AI has experienced enough training, it will operate flawlessly.

  • AI will become immaculate once it has studied.

Once an AI has experienced enough training, it will operate flawlessly. / AI will become immaculate once it has studied. - These sentences can be used to express that AI will perform without any errors.
Once an AI has experienced enough training, it will operate flawlessly.(AIは訓練を積めばいずれミスをしなくなる) AI will become immaculate once it has studied.(AIは一度学習するとミスをしなくなる) これらの文は「AIはミスをしない」と言いたいときに使うことができます。
Dyami DMM英会話講師
  • Once an AI has enough time to learn everything, it won't make mistakes.

"Once" is a word that in this case means that as soon as the AI learns, mistakes won't happen anymore. You can use the word "error" instead of "mistake" if you like because they have the same meaning when talking about programming. I hope that this helps. :)
"Once" はこの場合「一度~すると」という意味です。「AIは一度学習するとミスをしなくなる」と言っています。 "mistake" の代わりに "error" を使うこともできます。プログラミングについて言う場合、これらの語は同じ意味です。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • When AI has had enough time to learn things they won't make as many mistakes

  • After AI has had enough time to learn things , they will make fewer mistakes

if you don't do something as much as before then you are said to not do 'as many' or 'fewer' If you spend time learning you should hopefully remember things and not make as many mistakes
何かをする回数が減るなら、これは 'to not do "as many"' や 'fewer' で表すことができます。 何かを学ぶときには、できればミスは減らしていきたいものです。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • AI is faultless once the required data is input

  • Once programmed, AI performs without error

After an AI has had enough time to learn things, it won't make any more mistakes. You may explain that by trying one of the above suggested statements.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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