You can always used the word, "search word". You can always say, "I am looking up the word _________." But for that word you can just say, 'search word'.
"search word"(検索キーワード)
"I am looking up the word _________."
ですが、単に 'search word'(サーチワード)と言う事も出来ます。
In context, any of the above descriptions are OK to mean the words typed into the search box.
"I wanted to know a phrase to describe someone who is sad when someone else dies. So I typed in the target words: unhappy, death and funeral, and one of the suggestions was: 'mourner'.
"I wanted to know a phrase to describe someone who is sad when someone else dies. So I typed in the target words: unhappy, death and funeral, and one of the suggestions was: 'mourner'.
「誰かが亡くなって悲しんでいる人を説明するフレーズを知りたかったので、検索キーワードに unhappy(不幸せな)、death(死)、funeral(お葬式)を打ち込んだ。すると候補のひとつが mourner(哀悼者、悲しむ人)だった」
Words that you use to search for something on a search engine are called: "search words" or "keywords". For example, you can say:
-When using Google to search for something, your keywords/search words need to be exact to get the best results.
-Using exact search words/keywords makes searching on Google for stuff easier.
サーチエンジンで何かを検索する時に使う言葉は、 "search words" や "keywords" と言います。
-When using Google to search for something, your keywords/search words need to be exact to get the best results.
-Using exact search words/keywords makes searching on Google for stuff easier.
In England, for words that you would type into a search engine when you want to look something up are commonly called 'key words'. These 'key words' will bring up everything in google (or whichever search engine you use) that are related. For example, if your key word is 'dog', then google will bring up results related to 'dog food', 'dog walks' or 'dog breeds' etc.