世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/05/12 00:00
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  • I live further west.

  • Where I live is to the west of the Kansai area.

  • It is further west than where you think it is.

to the west of ~, で~の西に、とい意味です。 もっと西に、は further westと言います。 あなたが思うよりもっと西だよ、は It is further west than where you think it is. あなたが思うよりもっと西にすんでいるよ。 I live further west than where you think I do. 中国地方あたりが Western part of Japan の雰囲気です。
  • I live to the west of Kansai

To the north/east/south/west of somewhere, means that the situation is in a specific direction away from 'somewhere.' "Reading is about 30 miles west of London."
「to the north/east/south/west of somewhere」は、そこ(somewhere)の北/東/南/西に位置することを表します。 例文:"Reading is about 30 miles west of London." (リーディングはロンドンから西へ約30マイルのところです)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Where I live is further west than Kansai.

This is another way to state that the city in which you live is even further west than Kansai. It makes reference to your city and Kansai. I hope that this helps :)
もう一つの言い方です。 自分の住んでいる町は関西よりもさらに西にある、と伝えています。自分の住んでいる町と関西に触れています。 参考になるといいです :)
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Farther West than that.

  • To the West of Kansai.

  • Even more West.

These are all responses to the question of how far West do you live. Or how far in a certain direction/place one lives compared to a destination: in this case Kansai. Person 1: "I live in Western Japan" Person 2: "Near Kansai?" Person 1: "Farther West than that" or "Even more West' or "To the West of there" All of those responses work and are quick responses.
これらは全て「(関西から見て)どのくらい西に住んでいるのか」という質問への返答です。 Person 1: "I live in Western Japan" Person 2: "Near Kansai?" Person 1: "Farther West than that" or "Even more West' or "To the West of there" ↓ 〔訳〕 人物1:「西日本に住んでいます」 人物2:「関西の近くですか」 人物1:「それよりもっと西です」 これらの返答はどれもこの場面で使うことができます、簡潔な言い方です。
Sam Dee DMM英会話講師
  • further to the west

「もっと西の方」はfurther to the westと言います(*^_^*) I live further to the west. 「もっと西の方に住んでます」 他にfurther to the east/north「もっと東/北の方」と言います(*^_^*) 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
  • I live in the west side of Japan, past Kansai.

  • I live further past Kansai, in/to the West side of Japan.

"I live in the west side of Japan, past Kansai." Here you tell the person what side of Japan you live in, and how far. By saying you live past Kansai you tell them that you are out a bit further than Kansai. "I live further past Kansai, in/to the West side of Japan." This is another way of telling people where you live in Japan. You can also tell them that you live close to a place if that helps them have more of an idea of where you live.
"I live in the west side of Japan, past Kansai."(日本の関西よりも西に住んでいます) - ここでは、日本のどのくらい西に住んでいるのか伝えています。"past Kansai" はそれが関西よりも外側の地域であることを表します。 "I live further past Kansai, in/to the West side of Japan."(日本の関西よりも西に住んでいます) - これも関西よりも西に住んでいることを伝える言い方です。また、「どこどこの近くに住んでいる」のように伝えるとより分かりやすくなるかもしれません。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • I am a little further west than Kansai.

  • If you kept heading west from Kansai you would get to my place.

Further - means more but in distance. e.g. He walked much further than I could. "heading" - means to go in a certain direction e.g. If you head North you will come to the North pole. My place - another way of saying "my home".
Further - 距離が長いことを表します。 例: He walked much further than I could. (彼は私ではとても歩けない距離を歩いた) "heading" - ある方向に向かって進むことをいいます。 例: If you head North you will come to the North pole. (北に行くと、北極があります) My place - "my home" の別の言い方です。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • I live further to the west from Kansai

  • It's actually much further in the west of Kansai

When you want to explain to a person that you live in a more westerly direction from a place they mentioned, then you may express this in the following ways: -I live further to the west from Kansai -It's actually much further in the west of Kansai
相手の言及した所よりもさらに西に住んでいることを説明したいなら、次のように言えます。 -I live further to the west from Kansai(関西よりもさらに西に住んでいます) -It's actually much further in the west of Kansai(関西のさらに西の方です)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I live in (name of place), west of Kansai.

  • I live further west, past Kansai.

  • I live further west than Kansai.

If you live in western Japan, past Kansai, then you live to the west of Kansai. If you have invited someone to your place to attend your birthday party or just socialize with you, and he/she has asked you if you live in Kansai, it is imperative that you specify that he/she has to drive past Kansai and head further west. 'Further west', past Kansai, actually means to a place more distant than Kansai in western Japan. 'Further' is a comparative degree of the adjective 'far' in which case, you may use the expression 'further west than Kansai'. So, you may say to the person: I live in (name of place), west of Kansai. or I live further west, past Kansai. or I live further west than Kansai.
関西よりも西に住んでいるなら、"West of Kansai"(関西の西)と言えます。 パーティーか何かに招待した相手にどこに住んでいるのかを聞かれたのなら、関西を越えてされに西に行かなければならないことをしっかりと伝える必要があります。 'Further west, past Kansai' は、関西よりもさらに西の地域を指します。'Further' は形容詞の 'Far' の比較級です。'Further west than Kansai'(関西よりも西)という表現も使えます。 次のように言うことができます。 I live in (name of place), west of Kansai. 「関西の西にある(地名)に住んでいます」 I live further west, past Kansai. (関西よりもさらに西に住んでいます) I live further west than Kansai. (関西よりもさらに西に住んでいます)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
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