The pedal on the bike I bought last week won't turn so I'd like to return it (and get a refund).
I bought a bike last week and the pedal won't turn (keeps falling off) so I'd like to return the bike.
「先週買った自転車のペダルがはまらないので返品したい」= The pedal on the bike I bought last week won't turn so I'd like to return it (and get a refund). / I bought a bike last week and the pedal won't turn (keeps falling off) so I'd like to return the bike.
the bike I bought last week = 先週買った自転車
won't turn = 回らない
so = だから
I'd like to = ~がしたい
return = 返品する
get a refund = お金を返してもらう
bought = 買った
keeps falling off = 何回も取れる