Had a girls' night out at a fashionable Michelin-starred restaurant.
It was expensive but it was worth it!
The food and the atmosphere were amazing!
「お洒落なレストランで楽しい女子会」= Had a girls' night out at a fashionable Michelin-starred restaurant.
「お値段も高いですが、その価値が有りました」= It was expensive but it was worth it!
「雰囲気もお味も最高」= The food and the atmosphere were amazing!
girls' night out = 女子会
fashionable = おしゃれ
Michelin-starred = ミシュラン星のある
restaurant = レストラン
expensive = 高い
worth it = その価値がある
food = 食事、食べ物
atmosphere = 雰囲気
amazing = 最高、素晴らしい