Do you have a work visa, student visa, or tourist visa?
In a situation like this. It's best to simply ask someone what visa they have. If you are curious to know the specific type of visa a person has, then you can emphasize this in the question by asking "what kind of visa...." or "what type of visa...." they have.
You can also list out the different types of visas, i.e student, work and tourist visa, if you are keen to know the specific visa a person has entered the country on.
このような状況では、シンプルに 'What visa do you have?'(何のビザを持っていますか)と尋ねるのがベストです。
具体的なビザの種類を知りたいなら、"what kind of visa...."(何の種類のビザ)または "what type of visa...."(同)と強調することもできます。
その人が何のビザで入国したのか知りたいなら、"work visa" "student visa" "tourist visa" と、ビザの種類を列挙することもできます。
"What kind of visa did you get?"
You are asking in general which visa you have. The main types of visas are Student, work, and tourist.
"Did you get a student visa?"
You can exchange student for work or tourist and it will be fine. Other kinds of visas are athletes, business visitor, journalist, physicians, etc.
"Are you hear on a athletes visa?"
"Did you come on a journalist visa?"
Hope these help!
"What kind of visa did you get?"
(何のビザを取得しましたか? )
"Did you get a student visa?"
↑「student」を「work」または「tourist」と入れ替えてもいいです。ビザにはほかに、アスリートビザ、 ビジネスビザ、ジャーナリストビザ、医療ビザなどがあります。
"Are you here on an athletes visa?"
"Did you come on a journalist visa?"
Visa is a hard word in North America because it could mean a 'Visa credit card' or a 'travel visa'. It is a handy thing to say, 'travel visa' to know what you are talking about without context. Asking, "What kind of travel visa do you have?" is asking if they have a work visa, au pair visa, student visa, or any other kind of visa!
北米では「visa」は難しい言葉です、クレジットカードの「Visa」と観光用の「visa」があるからです。「travel visa」は文脈に関係なく伝わるので便利です。
"What kind of travel visa do you have?"(どんなビザを持っていますか?)
Have you got/do you have?
'Have got' is more conversational than just using the verb 'to have'.
The visa you are using is the visa you have been granted by the country you are staying in.
"Have you got/do you have?"
「have got」は「have」よりも口語的です。
"What kind of visa do you have to stay here?" you'll want to be a bit more specific as "visa" can also refer to the card used to make payments so specifying you want to know what visa they are using to be in the country will ensure that you get the answer that you are looking for.
"visa" はクレジットカードを指すこともあるので、もう少し具体的に伝える必要があります。
"What kind of visa do you have to stay here?"(何のビザでここに滞在していますか)
"What visa are you on?"
To 'be on' something can mean many things, ex. Visa, transportation, medication etc.
This is the most common phrase when asking what type of visa an individual is on (student, business, student etc).
"What kind of visa do you have?" 'What kind' can be used when asking many things, ex. "What kind of food do you like?" "What kind of hours do you work?"
"What visa are you on?"(何のビザでこの国に来ましたか)
= 'be on something' にはいろいろな意味があります。例えば、ビザ、乗り物、薬など。これは、その人の持っているビザの種類(学生ビザ、ビジネスビザなど)を尋ねる最も一般的なフレーズです。
"What kind of visa do you have?"(何のビザを持っていますか)
'What kind' はさまざまなことを尋ねるのに使われます。
"What kind of food do you like?"(どんな食べ物が好きですか)
"What kind of hours do you work?"(どういう勤務時間で働いていますか)