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2018/06/12 19:30
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  • He is inefficient.

He is inefficient. 「彼は効率性が低い。」 inefficient:非効率な かなりダイレクトな言い方なので気をつけてお使い下さい。
Able English Studies カナダ(バンクーバー)のTOEIC専門学校
  • He's inefficient

  • He's a slow worker

  • He's not very good at his job

When talking about how someone does at their job then you can say 'he's not very good' inefficient means they are not working as well as they could, if they are slow at working then you can call them a 'slow worker'
人の仕事の出来について、次のように言うことができます。 'he's not very good' (彼はあまり良くない) 'inefficient' は「仕事に無駄が多い」という意味です。 仕事が遅いということなら、'slow worker'(仕事がのろい人)と言えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • He isn't very good at his job.

  • He is inefficient.

When you want to say that someone isn't very good at their job, You may say they are "inefficient". This basically means that the person doesn't try to their best ability. However, usually saying this sort of thing behind someones back is impolite, they have a personal reason they are inefficient.
その人があまり仕事がうまくないなら、それは "inefficient" という言葉で表せます。"inefficient" は基本的に「効率が悪い」という意味です。 しかし、普通このようなことを陰でコソコソ言うのは上品ではありません。"inefficient" である個人的な事情というのがあります。
Max W DMM英会話講師
  • He is not a efficient worker.

  • He does not work efficiently.

  • He is a slow worker.

To express that someone does not work in a satisfactory way or in a way that brings progress we can use these phrases. When someone is slow or unproductive they don't bring progress into the work they are performing and therefore they are not an asset to the company or the work they do.
人の仕事の出来が悪いことは、上記のフレーズで説明できます。 仕事が遅かったりあるいは生産性の低い人というのは仕事を仕事を滞らせる人なので、会社にとって有益な存在ではありません。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • He is Inefficient.

  • He Isn't very good at his job.

  • He is not a 'grafter'

"He is Inefficient." is more of a formal and politer way of referring to someone who is not sufficient/good at their job" "He Isn't very good at his job." Is a more casual and relaxed way of explaining this. "He is not a 'grafter'" is a slang term used when describing a lazy worker, 'graft' is referred to as doing work (In slang), Grafting,Graft,Grafter even 'grind/grinding' is a very similar and well used slang term.
"He is Inefficient."(彼は仕事の能率がよくない) = これは、仕事の出来がよくない人を表すフォーマルで丁寧な言い方です。 "He Isn't very good at his job."(彼は仕事の出来があまりよくない) = これはよりカジュアルで砕けた言い方です。 "He is not a 'grafter'"(彼は勤勉ではない) = これは仕事を怠ける人を表すときのスラングです。'graft' は(スラングで)「仕事」の意味です。 Grafting(懸命に働く) Graft(仕事) Grafter(働き者) 'grind/grinding'(骨の折れる仕事/こつこつ仕事をする)も、似た意味のよく使われるスラングです。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • He/she is such an inefficient worker that he doesn't deserve to be promoted.

  • I can't recommend him/her for a salary increase because he/she is a lazy and unreliable worker.

  • He/she doesn't deserve a promotion because he/she is extremely incompetent and can't be relied upon.

Some workers are basically unable to achieve maximum productivity either because of lack of enough knowledge of the tasks they are allocated to perform or because of sheer laziness. Such workers can be described as being 'inefficient' or 'incompetent' and can't be relied upon. It is usually difficult for employers to retain 'inefficient' workers because they reduce the company's productivity levels. So, if you have such a worker and it's time to give salary increases or promotions, you may say: He/she is such an inefficient worker that he doesn't deserve to be promoted. or I can't recommend him/her for a salary increase because he/she is a lazy and unreliable worker. or He/she doesn't deserve a promotion because he/she is extremely incompetent and can't be relied upon.
仕事の効率が悪い理由としては、与えられた仕事についての知識がないことや、あるいはただ怠けていることが考えられます。そのような人は 'inefficient'(効率が悪い)や 'incompetent'(不適任な)と表現され、信頼されません。 従業員が 'inefficient' であると会社の生産性が下がるため、そのような人を雇い続けることは会社にとって難しいです。 そのような従業員を抱えていて、それが昇給や昇進を判断するタイミングなら次のように言えます。 He/she is such an inefficient worker that he doesn't deserve to be promoted.(彼は仕事の効率が悪く、昇進させるべきではありません) I can't recommend him/her for a salary increase because he/she is a lazy and unreliable worker.(彼/彼女は怠け者で信頼できる従業員ではありません。ですから昇給すべきではないと思います) He/she doesn't deserve a promotion because he/she is extremely incompetent and can't be relied upon.(彼/彼女は全く仕事ができず信頼できません、なので昇進させるべきではありません)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
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