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2015/11/05 20:34
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  • My water was shut off since I didn't pay the bill.

shut off 電気・水道・ガス・携帯電話といった生活全般に関わるものが料金滞納によって止められてしまった時に使えます。 でも使わなくていいように料金は毎月払いましょう。 utilities:光熱費 アメリカは電気代が日本に比べてとても安いので、日本に来てからもしばらく、アメリカにいた時の感覚で電気をつけっぱなしでいることが多く、 Turn off the light! We live in Japan, not in the US anymore! 「電気消して!ここはアメリカじゃないんだよ、日本!」 いつもいつも奥さんに叱られていました。
  • The water has been cut off as I didn't pay the bill

  • The water has been shut off as I didn't pay the bill

  • My water supply has been shut off as I didn't pay my bill on time

Cut off' and 'shut off' have very similar meanings. They literally mean the act of stopping or interrupting the supply of something.
Cut off' と 'shut off'はとてもよく似た意味です。何かの供給を止めたり、遮断したりするという意味です。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • My water got cut off because I did not pay the bill.

water cut off = water stopped did not pay = no payment was maid ------------------------- "My water got cut off because I did not pay the bill."
water cut off = water stopped did not pay = no payment was maid ------------------------- "My water got cut off because I did not pay the bill." Water cute off=水道を止められる。 Did not pay=支払っていない。 例文:「支払いをしていないので、水道を止められました。」
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • cut off

  • disconnected

  • shut off

examples "the power company cut off the power because the bill was late." or "my power has been disconnected". or "the water has been shut off because of the water shortage".
【例文】 "The power company cut off the power because the bill was late." (請求書の支払いが遅れたので、電気会社に電気を止められました) "My power has been disconnected". (電気が止められています) "The water has been shut off because of the water shortage". (水不足で水が止められています)
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • I couldn't pay the water bill and they shut off ( cut off) my water.

水道料金が払えず、水道止められてしまいました。 ガス、水道、電気などの供給が止まることをshut off/cut off で表します。 ちなみにこのような光熱費の料金をまとめてutility billと言います。
  • 1. My water got cut off due to nonpayment

  • 2. My water was disconnected as I failed to pay my bill

Nonpayment = failure to pay an amount of money that is owed. Cut off = An act of stopping or interrupting the supply of something. ‘A cut-off of aid would be a disaster. Disconnected = ’having had a connection broken. "He expected the disconnected phone to start ringing."
Nonpayment =未払いの金額を支払っていない。 Cut off=何かの供給を停止または中断する行為。 ‘A cut-off of aid would be a disaster「援助のカットオフは災害になるだろう。 Disconnected = 接続が切断される "He expected the disconnected phone to start ringing." "彼は切断された電話が鳴るのを期待した。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I could not pay my water bill so it has been cut off.

  • My water has been cut of because I could not pay the bill.

"I could not pay my water bill." Explains that you were unable to pay the bill. "so it has been cut off." Explains what happened because you did not pay the bill. "My water has been cut off." Explains what happened. "because" Comes before the reason for what happened. "I could not pay the bill." is the reason.
"I could not pay my water bill." Explains that you were unable to pay the bill. "so it has been cut off." Explains what happened because you did not pay the bill. 水道代を払えなかった。」は、支払いができなかったことを説明しています。「だから水道を止められた」は、支払いができなかった結果について説明しています。 "My water has been cut off." Explains what happened. "because" Comes before the reason for what happened. "I could not pay the bill." is the reason. 「水を止められました。」は何が起きたかを説明しています。Becauseは、理由の前に来ます。水を止められた理由は、「支払いできなかった」からです。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I forgot to pay the bill.

  • I have water until I pay the bill.

You didn't pay the water bill so you now have no water, well, you can use one of these sentences or phrases to help you out. For example. Your water isn't working. I know, I forgot to pay the bill. So you have no water? Yeah, I have water until I pay the bill. I hope that helps. Have a great day. Will あなたは水道料金を支払わなかったので、今は水がありません。まあ、あなたはあなたを助けるためにこれらの文章またはフレーズのいずれかを使うことができます。 例えば。 あなたの水は機能していません。 支払いを忘れてしまいました。 あなたは水がありませんか? はい、請求書を支払うまで水があります。 それがお役に立てば幸いです。 すてきな一日を。 意志
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • I forgot to pay my water bill. The water department shut off my water.

  • My water is shut off because I did not pay my bill.

  • If I pay my bill, the water will be turned back on.

Water bills can be forgotten about so that could be a reason for the bill not being paid. You can say that you can have your water turned back on if you pay the bill. But for the most part, you did not pay your bill and your water service is shut off.
Tiffany M DMM英会話講師
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