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2018/06/19 21:02
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  • There is no time for sleep when the World Cup is on.

  • I would rather watch the World Cup than sleep.

Sometimes we love something so much we prioritise it over our basic needs like food and sleep! The World Cup is a busy time for soccer fans. It is so busy that there is "no time for sleep" because they want to watch all their favourite teams play. Sometimes soccer fans need to stay up very late to watch their team play, because of time zone differences.
時々、私達はあまりに何かが大好きで何よりも優先させ、食事や睡眠等の基本的なニーズを忘れてしまうことがあります。 ワールドカップはサッカーファンにとって忙しい期間です。全ての贔屓のチームの試合を見たいがために、忙しすぎて眠る時間がありません。時々、時差のために彼らのチームの試合を見るため夜遅くまで起きていることもあります。
Erin J DMM英会話講師
  • I don't have the time to go to bed because I'm busy watching the world cup

  • I'm so busy watching the world cup that I can't spare a time to sleep

(1) I don't have the time to go to bed because I'm busy watching the world cup 'don't have the time to ~' =「〜している時間がない」「〜している暇がない」 「ワールドカップを観ているので眠る暇がありません。」 (2) I'm so busy watching the world cup that I can't spare a time to sleep 'can't spare a time to ~' = 「〜している場合ではない」「〜している暇がない」 ワールドカップを観ているので眠る暇がありません。
  • No time to sleep when the World Cup is on!

To say that there is no time to sleep does not literally mean that no time exists. Instead it means that you have prioritised watching the world cup over choosing to sleep.
「No time to sleep(寝る時間がない)」というのは、本当に時間がないということではありません。寝ることよりもワールドカップを観ることを優先させているということです
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • I would rather watch The World Cup than sleep.

  • I don't want to miss any matches during The World Cup, so I don't want to sleep.

  • If I sleep, I might miss an exciting match or moment during The World Cup, and I don't want that to happen!

For a soccer fan, The World Cup is an exciting event! They want to see many or even all of the matches to ensure that they don't miss an exciting moment or an intense match. They also want to cheer on their country's team or other teams and definitely don't want to miss those matches. There is so much to see! To express how a soccer fan feels about the excitement that The World Cup brings, one might say, "There is no time to sleep because I have to watch The World Cup." What this expression really means is, "If I sleep, I might miss an exciting match or moment during The World Cup, and I don't want that to happen!". This expresses one's excitement about being involved in this event. In addition, one could say, "I don't want to miss any matches or exciting moments during The World Cup, so I don't want to sleep.", or, I would rather watch The World Cup than sleep." All of these sentences express how soccer fans may feel about The World Cup.
サッカーファンにとって、ワールドカップはわくわくするものです。興奮するような瞬間や激しい戦いを見逃さないように、たくさんの試合、または全ての試合を見たいものです。 また自分の国のチームやその他のチームを応援したいので、その試合を見逃したくはありません。見どころが盛りだくさんです!サッカーファンがワールドカップが始まってどれほどうれしいかを表現するには、 "There is no time to sleep because I have to watch The World Cup." (ワールドカップを見ないといけないから、寝る時間がない。) と言うのが一つの方法です。これは、もし寝てしまったら、おもしろい試合や瞬間を見逃してしまうかもしれない、見逃したくないという意味です。これはその人がどれほどワールドカップにはまっているかを表します。 また、以下のようにも言うことができます。  "I don't want to miss any matches or exciting moments during The World Cup, so I don't want to sleep." (ワールドカップのどの試合も、面白い瞬間も見逃したくない。だから寝たくないんだ。) "I would rather watch The World Cup than sleep." (寝るよりもワールドカップを見たい。) これらの表現は、全てのサッカーファンがワールドカップに感じることでしょう。
Darya G DMM英会話講師
  • I Won't have enough time to sleep as I'll be watching the world cup

  • I'd rather watch the world cup than sleep

"I Won't have enough time to sleep as I'll be watching the world cup" This sentence is implying that you will not have time to sleep as you will be watching the world cup, the world cup is the football tournament held every 4 years in which countries from around the world will compete in football matches. "I'd rather watch the world cup than sleep" This sentence is stating that you want to watch the world cup a lot more than going to sleep.
"I Won't have enough time to sleep as I'll be watching the world cup" (ワールドカップを見ているので、睡眠時間が十分ない。) これは、ワールドカップを見ているので寝る時間が十分ないことを表す文です。ワールドカップは、世界中の国々がサッカーの対決をする4年に1度のトーナメントです。   "I'd rather watch the world cup than sleep" (寝るよりもワールドカップを見たい。) これは、寝るよりもワールドカップの試合を見たいことを表す文です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • There aren't enough hours in the day for me to sleep during the world cup!

  • I don't like to miss the world cup so my sleep is suffering

You don't have time to sleep as you are watching the world cup. You can voice your thoughts by using one of the above example statements.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I don't want to miss the soccer world cup, sleep can wait!

  • I have no desire to sleep when the soccer world cup is on!

  • Sleep? Not when the soccer world cup is on!

Soccer fans are basically on holiday when the world cup is on, they are hard to reach and communicate with. Most soccer fans become obsessed during this time and you can find them glued to the TV screen during the duration of the match. Sleeping is not an option when there is a match playing! Desire: wanting to do something glued to the TV (phrase): intensively watching TV and doing nothing else "Why would I be sleeping when the soccer world cup is on?" "You will never find me sleeping when the world cup is on!"
サッカーファンは基本ワールドカップ期間中は休暇です、なかなか連絡がつきません。 ほとんどのサッカーファンはこの期間サッカーのことで頭がいっぱいで、試合中はテレビにくぎ付けになります。 試合中に寝ることなど選択肢にありません。 Desire: やりたいこと glued to the TV : テレビにくぎ付けになる(フレーズ) "Why would I be sleeping when the soccer world cup is on?"(ワールドカップ期間中に寝るわけないでしょ) "You will never find me sleeping when the world cup is on!"(ワールドカップ期間中は私は寝ないから)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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