The noise that people make when they're asleep as they breath is called snoring.
The base verb form is "snore" as in "I snore while I sleep".
The present continuous or gerund form is "snoring" as in "He is snoring so loud".
The past form is "snored" like "He snored so loud last night".
The third person form is "snores" like "He snores like a pig!".
睡眠中呼吸に伴って雑音を出すことは "snoring"(いびき)と呼ばれます。
動詞としての元の形は "snore" です。
"I snore while I sleep"(私は寝ているときにイビキをかきます)
進行形・動名詞は "snoring" です。
"He is snoring so loud"(彼がすごいイビキをかいている)
過去形は "snored" です。
"He snored so loud last night"(彼、昨日イビキがひどかった)
三人称単数現在形は "snores" です。
"He snores like a pig!"(彼は豚みたいにイビキをかく)
The sound you make from your mouth when you are asleep and you can not breathe through your nose is called "Snoring."
Some people snore when they are sick or other have a problem with their nose. That means they can't breathe through their nose when they are asleep.
When someone makes a noise as they are breathing when they are asleep, we call this 'snoring'.
In a sentence:
"You were snoring so loudly last night!"
"Do you snore?"
睡眠中呼吸に伴って雑音を出すことは 'snoring'(いびき)といいます。
"You were snoring so loudly last night!"(昨日の夜すごいいびきかいてたよ)
"Do you snore?"(あなたはいびきをかきますか)
The noise that some people make when they're asleep and not breathing through their nose is called a snore. We use the word as a verb too, and say that someone is snoring.
''You were snoring so loudly last night, John, that I could hear you in the next room'.
It's not really very polite to talk about someone's snoring, but we often tease people about it as a joke.
Of course, sometimes people snore because they are not well and their nose is blocked.
寝ているときに鼻で呼吸をしないと出る雑音のことは 'a snore' といいます。これは「イビキをかく」という動詞としても使われます。
''You were snoring so loudly last night, John, that I could hear you in the next room'.
→「My boyfriend always snores so I can't get any sleep」
→「I can't sleep because of the next door neighbor's snoring」
→「Apparently I snore when I am sleeping」
「いびき」は英語で snore / snoring と言えます。
snore は「いびきをかく」の意味の動詞にもなります。
I used to snore when I slept, but not anymore.
「いびき」は英語で snore と言います。
また、「いびきをかく」という動詞の場合も snore となります。
You were snoring loudly last night.
I like to think that I don't snore.