世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




 日本に留学中の、外国人に「いつまで学校に通うの?」と聞きたいです。(「国には、いつ帰るの?」 だとちょっと、失礼だと思うので・・・)"To when are you going to go to school? で可?

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2018/07/03 20:47
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  • Until when are you planning to go to school?

Until when are you planning to go to school? 「いつまで学校に通うことを計画していますか。」

planを使ったフレーズとして、go according to planで計画通りに物事が進むというフレーズがあります。


Able English Studies カナダ(バンクーバー)のTOEIC専門学校
  • How long are you planning on studying in Japan?

  • When are you studying in Japan until?

If you want to know how long a time someone will be somewhere then you can ask
'how long are you planning on studying in Japan?' but if you want to know when they will return or until when they are studying then you could say 'when are you studying until?'


'how long are you planning on studying in Japan?'(どのくらい日本で勉強するつもりですか)


'when are you studying until?'(いつまで勉強するのですか)

Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • How long will your course take in Japan?

  • For how long will you be studying in Japan?

If a person is studying in a foreign country, say he/she is from Thailand and is studying in Japan, the period of time he/she will take studying in the country will depend on the period it takes to finish the course. If it is a three year or four year course, that is the period of time the student will be studying in Japan. So, asking the student how long it will take him/her to finish his/her course can easily tell you how long the student will be studying in the country.
So, you may ask the student as follows:
How long will your course take in Japan?
For how long will you be studying in Japan?



How long will your course take in Japan?(コースを修了するのにどのくらいかかるのですか)

For how long will you be studying in Japan?(どのくらい日本で勉強するのですか)

Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • How long will you study in Japan?

  • How long is the career you plan to study in Japan?

"How long will you study in Japan?"
"How long is the career you plan to study in Japan?"

There are many ways you can ask this question but the most popular are the ones above. One is formal and the other one is not. If the person you are asking is someone you don't know you may want to opt for the second phrase. If it's a person you know, then you can use the first option.

"How long will you study in Japan?"
"How long is the career you plan to study in Japan?"


Salomon DMM英会話講師
  • How long is your course for?

  • How long will you be here studying?

  • When will your course finish?

This is a common question to ask in conversation and a polite conversation starter. There are many different ways to ask this question, and don't worry - even if you get it slightly wrong I'm sure the student will understand you! I would ask this question by saying "How long will you be here studying?". The here - implies that you are talking about Japan. You could also ask when their course will finish, how long their course is or informally 'how much longer to go?'. All of these examples are acceptable when asking how long someone will be studying for.



私ならこれは "How long will you be here studying?"(どのくらいこちらで勉強するのですか)と尋ねます。"here" で「日本で」というニュアンスになります。

"When will your course finish?"(コースはいつ終わるのですか)
"How long is your course for?"(コースはどのくらいの期間なのですか)
'How much longer to go?'(あとどのくらいなのですか)


Bronwyn D DMM英会話講師
  • How long will you be studying in Japan?

  • How long will your studies in Japan last?

  • For how long will you be studying in Japan?

We ask 'how long' to know the duration of something or when it will end.
We can ask someone how long they plan on staying in a certain location like Japan while they study, or how long their studies in Japan will last.
The student can plan to stay for a year or two but natural circumstances can lead to the student staying longer or shorter than intended.

how long' は時間の長さを尋ねるときに使われます。

How long will you be studying in Japan?
How long will your studies in Japan last?
For how long will you be studying in Japan?


Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • When will you start your studies in Japan - and how long do they take?

  • What are the start and end dates for the course you will studying in Japan

To a student who is studying in Japan, and you want to ask how long/until/when they are going to study in Japan, you may use one of the above suggestions.


Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • How long will you be studying in Japan?

  • How long do you plan on being in Japan?

"How long will you be studying in Japan?"
A casual and well used expression, 'How long' can be used in different contexts' for example "How long is the drive home?" "How long until you are 21 years old?"
"How long do you plan on being in Japan?"
'To plan' Is to look into something, to see and structure something in the future.

"How long will you be studying in Japan?"(日本でどのくらい勉強するのですか)
= カジュアルでよく使われる表現です。'How long' はいろいろな文脈で使われます。
"How long is the drive home?"(車で家までどのくらいかかりますか)
"How long until you are 21 years old?"(21歳になるまであとどのくらいですか)

"How long do you plan on being in Japan?"(日本にはどのくらいいる予定ですか)
= 'To plan' は「検討する/計画する」という意味です。

Jack F DMM英会話講師
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