世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/07/04 15:44
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  • I didn't get that, could you say that again?

  • I didn't catch that, could you repeat what you just said?

  • Would you mind saying that again?

Reinaさん ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 様々な表現があると思いますが、いくつか自然な表現を紹介します。 1. I didn't get that, could you say that again? (直訳)今のこと聞き取れなかったです。もういちど言ってもらいませんか? 2. I didn't catch that, could you repeat what you just said? (直訳)今のこと聞き取れなかったです。繰り返して言ってもらいませんか? 3. Would you mind saying that again? もう一度言ってもらいませんか? 4. Come again. 何? 1番目と2番目の文章は大体同じような丁寧さの文ですが(日常会話レベルの丁寧さ)、一方3番目のは、かなり丁寧な言い方となります。逆に、4番目は結構casualな表現です。 お好みに合わせて使い分けてみてください。 ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
  • Come again? I didn't quite get that

  • That wasn't very clear. Could you say that again?

  • I think I'm missing something. Could you repeat that?

When you couldn't hear / get / understand a certain word, you want to tell your teacher that you couldn't hear / get / understand a word and want to say it again.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I didn't hear that word, would you mind saying that again?

  • I couldn't hear what you said, can you say it again please?

"I didn't hear that word, would you mind saying that again?" says that you were not able to hear what a person said and want them to repeat it.
"I didn't hear that word, would you mind saying that again?"(その言葉が聞き取れませんでした、もう一度言っていただけますか) は、「おっしゃったことが聞き取れなかったのでもう一度言ってもらえますか」と伝えています。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry teacher, could you please repeat that?

  • Sorry, I don't quite understand. Would you mind saying / explaining that one more time please?

  • Please teacher, could you repeat that again? Thank you.

In these variations on possible responses, we include linguistic politeness. Apologising at the beginning of your question also acknowledges that you may have interrupted your teacher in the middle of their sentence and/or line of thought. You want to acknowledge that your intention is not to be rude, but you really don't understand and would appreciate help! These expressions may be especially useful in new teacher / student relationships, when you are part of a big class and need to to shout for help or when the setting is quite formal.
ここでは、言葉の丁寧さが求められます。質問の始めの謝罪は、相手の話や思考を遮ることについても言っています。失礼なことをする意図はなく、ただ理解できず困っているだけと伝える必要があります。 これらの表現は、 ・その先生のレッスンを初めて受けるとき、 ・大勢で授業を受けていて大声で助けを求めないといけないとき、 あるいは、 ・フォーマルな場面、 で特に便利です。
Tamm DMM英会話講師
  • Pardon me, could you please repeat that?

  • I'm sorry, would you mind repeating that please?

  • Apologies I didn't quite catch that, can you please say that again?

"Pardon me" is another way of saying I'm sorry. It is always polite to include pardon me when you feel you are disrupting the flow of the conversation and need to get someone's attention. "Would you mind" is a polite manner of speaking when asking for something, it can be used in various situations, for example "Would you mind passing me the salt" or "would you mind getting me a glass of water". "I didn't quite catch that" also means I didn't hear what you said.
"Pardon me" は 'I'm sorry'(すみません)の別の言い方です。 会話の流れを止めて人の注意を引くときは "Pardon me" を使うと丁寧です。 "Would you mind" は、何かをお願いするときの丁寧な言い方です。これはさまざまな場面で使うことができます。 例えば: "Would you mind passing me the salt?"(塩を取ってもらえますか) "Would you mind getting me a glass of water?"(お水を一杯もらえますか) "I didn't quite catch that" は「聞き取れませんでした」という意味です。
Onica DMM英会話講師
  • I didn't get what you just said, please say it again teacher.

  • Will you please repeat what you just said because I didn't get it.

  • I didn't quite hear what you've just said. Please repeat it for me.

It does happen sometimes that a teacher may say a word that a student is not familiar with or may pronounce it in an unfamiliar way prompting the student to request a 'repeat' of the word. The verb to 'repeat' as used in the second and third statements means 'to do or say something again'. If someone doesn't 'quite hear' what has been said, it means that the word was not audible enough for someone to make sense of it. In such a case, any student will be prompted to ask the teacher to repeat the word. So, if this was the case with you, you could have requested the teacher as follows: I didn't get what you just said, please say it again teacher. or Will you please repeat what you just said because I didn't get it. or I didn't quite hear what you've just said. Please repeat it for me.
先生が聞いたことのない言葉を使ったり、聞き慣れない発音をして、それをもう一度確認したいということは時々ありますね。 二つ目と三つ目の例で使われている 'repeat' は「もう一度行う[言う]」という意味です。 'I didn't quite hear what you've just said.' は、相手の言ったことが「聞き取れなかった」という意味です。 このような場合、普通生徒は先生にもう一度繰り返してくださいとお願いすると思います。 もしこのようなことがあったのなら、次のように先生にお願いすることができたでしょう。 I didn't get what you just said, please say it again teacher. (今何を言ったか聞き取れませんでした。もう一度言ってください、先生) Will you please repeat what you just said because I didn't get it. (聞き取れなかったのでもう一度繰り返してもらえますか) I didn't quite hear what you've just said. Please repeat it for me. (今何を言ったか聞き取れませんでした。もう一度言ってください)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Excuse me, could you please repeat that for me?

  • Would you please repeat the last word you said?

  • Will you please clarify the last word or phrase you said, I couldn't catch it.

Each of these versions of the question ask the same thing but in a different manor. Each asks the teacher to provide the word or sentence again so you can understand it better. The first can be used for anything that you need to have clarified. Whether that be a word or a phrase. This sentence can also be used in general conversation if you did not hear what the person said because of outside noise. The second sentence is specific for asking for a certain word you missed. This lets the teacher know that you missed a word in a sentence. This is helpful when a teacher uses a word you might not recognize and you need to understand or hear the word again. The last sentence is used to get clarity of a word or phrase to make sure that you have understood the phrase or word exactly. When you say "I couldn't catch it" this tells the teacher that you missed part of what he or she was saying and that you would like them to say the sentence again.
これらの質問は同じことを異なる言い方で尋ねています。それぞれ、より良く理解できるように語または文をもう一度繰り返して欲しいとお願いしています。 一つ目の例は、(単語であれフレーズであれ)何について確認する場合にも使えます。これは例えば騒音で相手の言っていることが聞き取れなかったときなど一般的な会話でも使うことができます。 二つ目の例は、聞き取れなかった「単語」について聞いています。これで、聞き取れなかった単語が一つあったことが先生に伝わります。この表現は「先生は自分の知らない単語を使ったのではないか」というとき、それを確認するのに使えます。 最後の例は、自分がその単語やフレーズを正確に聞き取れたかどうか確認したいときに使えます。"I couldn't catch it" は「聞き取れなかった所があったので、もう一度言って欲しい」と伝えます。
Roger P DMM英会話講師
  • I couldn't understand/hear that word. Could you please say it again?

  • There's a word I did not not understand when you were speaking. Can you please repeat what you were saying?

When you want to ask your teacher to repeat a word you did not hear or understand; then you may ask in the following ways: -I couldn't understand/hear that word. Could you please say it again? -There's a word I did not not understand when you were speaking. Can you please repeat what you were saying?
聞き取れなかった言葉を先生にもう一度繰り返してもらいたいなら、次のように言えます。 -I couldn't understand/hear that word. Could you please say it again? (その言葉を聞き取れませんでした、もう一度言ってもらえますか) -There's a word I did not not understand when you were speaking. Can you please repeat what you were saying? (一つ聞き取れない言葉がありました。もう一度繰り返してもらえますか)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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