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what is your country famous for food? what is your country food famous for ? ネイティブの方はどのように質問をするのでしょうか? また、どんな場所が、どんなモノが、どんな人が・・・と応用がきく文章がいいですね。
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2018/07/08 13:22
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  • What kinds of local dishes are popular in your country?

  • What food is your country famous for?

  • What is your country's most famous dish?

In order to find out what local foods are popular in one's country, you may ask the following? What kinds of local dishes are popular in your country? What food is your country famous for? What are your country's most famous dishes? Which foods are most popular with the local people? keywords: popular- liked and admired by many people. famous for-known for
ある国で、[地元](でどの料理が[有名](かを聞く場合、次のように言えます。 What kinds of local dishes are popular in your country? あなたの国ではどんな食べ物が人気ですか? What food is your country famous for? あなたの国ではどんな食べ物が有名ですか? What are your country's most famous dishes? あなたの国の有名な食べ物は何ですか? Which foods are most popular with the local people? あなたの国では地元の人にはどんな食べ物が人気ですか? キーワード:popularー多くの人に好まれている、賞賛されている。 famous forー~で知られている
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • The signature dish...

  • What is the signature dish of your country?

The signature a reference to the the dish" most associated" with a place (or indeed a specific restaurant) Most countries have one: Italy PASTA. UK Roast Beef. India Curry etc "What is the signature dish of your country? "
「The signature dish」は、場所(またはあるレストラン)に最も関連する[食事](のことを指します。大概の国に一つはそういう食事があります。 イタリア パスタ、英国 ローストビーフ、インド カレー等。 What is the signature dish of your country? (あなたの国の[代表的な](食事は何ですか?)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • What is the national dish of (country name)?

  • What kind of food is (country name) famous for?

  • What kind of foods do locals eat in (country name)?

The "national dish" of a country is a meal that the country is well known for. For example, Pelmeni are the national dish of Russia. Korea is well known for bibimbap and kimchi. Vegemite is a famous Australian food. When Westerners hear about Japan, they often think of seafood and sushi.
The "national dish" of a countryとは、その国でよく知られている料理です。 例えば、ペリメニとは、ロシア料理です。韓国では、ビビンパやキムチがよく知られています。ベジマイトはオーストラリアの食べ物です。西洋の人が日本と言えば、海鮮や寿司を思い浮かべるでしょう。
Erin J DMM英会話講師
  • What is the staple diet in your country?

  • What are the common dishes in your country?

Well, there is probably a slight difference between what people normally eat and what people would really like to eat. The most common foods and the ones eaten most regularly are those which are not expensive and which are readily available. Such foods are known as 'staple' foods. The first example question is asking about the normal basic food that people eat. In the UK, for example, the response would be: potatoes, fresh vegetables like carrots and cabbage, and chicken, beef or pork.
そうですね、多分、人々が良く食べる物と、人々が本当に食べたい物は、わずかに異なります。 最も一般的な食べ物で、定期的に食べられる物は、高価でなく、簡単に入手可能な物です。そのような食べ物は「staple」 foods(主食)として知られています。 最初の例文は、人々が食べる一般的で基本的な食べ物を聞いています。例えば、イギリスでは、回答は、じゃがいも、にんじんやキャベツのような新鮮野菜、鶏肉、牛肉、豚肉になるでしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What are some of the most famous dishes in your country?

  • Could you tell me about some of the food your country is known for?

  • What are some of the most famous foods your country is known for?

Native speakers often use the phrase 'most famous' to exaggerate how famous or popular something is. For example, sushi might be Japan's most famous dish compared to all other famous Japanese dishes. You can also interchange the words 'dish' and 'food'.
ネイティブスピーカーは、有名であること、あるいは人気があることを誇張するときによく 'most famous'(最も有名な)というフレーズを使います。例えば、すしは他の日本食と比べても 'most famous' な食べ物かもしれません。 また、'dish' と 'food' を置き換えることもできます。
Miranda DMM英語講師
  • What food is your country famous for?

  • What is the national dish in your country?

  • What is the staple dish in your country?

Many different countries are known for various dishes which over time have come to be known as the national dish. For example, in the UK, one of our national dishes is Fish and Chips, or perhaps you can try a nice roast dinner with roast beef, Yorkshire pudding, gravy and mushy peas. The national dish is the dish that most people associate with the country and most tourists like to try when they visit.
多くの国には、その「natoinal dish(国民食)」として知られる料理があります。例えば、イギリスにはフィッシュ・アンド・チップス、またローストディナー(ローストビーフ、ヨークシャープディング、グレイビー、マッシーピー)もあります。 「national dish」は、その国を連想させる、旅行客に人気の料理です。
Papo DMM英会話講師
  • What kind of food is famous in your country?

  • What food is your country known for?

  • What dishes are most popular in your country?

When talking about food all different countries enjoy different types of food so you might want to know what food is good in another country 'what food is your country known for?' this is what everyone associates with your country. Famous/popular means what alot of people like to eat and enjoy
国によって食べる物は異なりますから、他の国でどんな物が食べられているのか気になるかもしれません。 'What food is your country known for?'(あなたの国で有名な食べ物は何ですか) この文は有名な食べ物を尋ねています。 "famous/popular"は多くの人に愛されている食べ物を指します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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