世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/07/16 10:06
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  • You can buy your photo at the exit

  • You can purchase your photo at the exit

  • The photos are sold at the exit

Another way to say "to buy" is to say "to purchase". "Purchase" sounds slightly more formal. "To sell" is different to "to buy" and "to purchase". "To sell" is from the perspective of the business. "To buy/purchase" is from the perspective of the customer/tourist. In this instance, you are selling the photo, and the tourist is buying the photo.
 "to buy"(買うこと)の別の言い方は  "to purchase"です。 "Purchase" はややフォーマルに聞こえます。   "To sell" (売ること)は"to buy" や "to purchase"とは違います。 "To sell" は事業の観点からの言葉です。 "To buy/purchase"は、消費者/観光客の観点からの言葉です。 この例では、あなたが写真を売り、観光客が買うということです。
Erin J DMM英会話講師
  • Please don't forget, the pictures taken at the entrance can be purchased at the exit.

  • Photographs will be taken at the entrance and can be purchased at the exit.

  • Don't forget to purchase your photographs before leaving. Pictures can be selected and paid for at the exit.

Often at amusement parks or special events pictures are often captured at the entrance and can be purchased at the exit. To express or convey this to visitors or guests you may simply say the following; Please don't forget, the pictures taken at the entrance can be purchased at the exit. Photographs will be taken at the entrance and can be purchased at the exit. Don't forget to purchase your photographs before leaving. Pictures can be selected and paid for at the exit.
よく遊園地や特別なイベントで、入り口で写真を撮り、出口で購入できることがあります。これを訪問者やゲストに伝えるには以下のように言うことができます。   Please don't forget, the pictures taken at the entrance can be purchased at the exit. 入り口で撮った写真は出口で購入できるのを覚えておいてください。 Photographs will be taken at the entrance and can be purchased at the exit. 入り口で写真を撮り、出口で購入できます。 Don't forget to purchase your photographs before leaving. Pictures can be selected and paid for at the exit. 出る前に写真を購入するのを覚えておいてください。出口で写真を選び、購入できます。
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • Your pictures will be available for purchase at the exit.

  • You can buy the photos on your way out.

  • They will be for sale at the exit.

To purchase something means to buy it. Exit - the way out. These are the best ways to tell someone that they can buy the pictures you have just taken, at the exit.
"purchase" は「買う」という意味です。 Exit - the way out (出口) 例文は、今撮った写真が出口で買えることを伝える、とても良い言い方だと思います。
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • You can buy your photos on your way out

  • The photos you took are sold at the exit

In this situation, you want to explain that the customers can pick up their photos at the exit. Another way to say "exit" is "way out". It demonstrates that the photos are available as the customer walks out of the establishment. "The photos you took" means that photos were taken of you. You don't have to take photos yourself to say that you "took photos" - it can mean you "had them taken".
お客さんが出口で写真を受け取れることを説明する場面ですね。 "exit"(出口)のもう一つの言い方は "way out"(出口)です。これは、お客さんは建物を出る時に写真を買えることを表します。 "The photos you took" とは、あなたを撮った写真という意味になります。 自分が撮った写真でなく、撮ってもらった時にも "took photos"(写真を撮った)と言えます。
Amelia May DMM英会話講師
  • You can buy these photos when you leave the attraction!

If you take several photos then it is best to say "these photos" so that the sentence makes sense. Also, with the word "when" your listeners will understand that the photos aren't ready now but that they will be when they leave the tourist attraction. I hope that this helps :)
もし写真を何枚か撮ったのなら、 "these photos"(これらの写真)と言うといいでしょう、そうすればつじつまが合います。 また "when"(~の時)を使えば、写真が今はまだ準備できていないくて、彼らがそこを離れる時に用意できることが伝わります。 お役に立てれば幸いです :)
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Photos taken on entering are available for purchase at the exit

A photo is taken of guests as they arrive at a tourist attraction. You may explain exactly what is happening and how a guest can buy a personal photo.
観光名所に到着するゲストは「写真を撮られる」ということを"a photo is taken"と言います。具体的に何が起きているのか、どうしたら写真を購入出来るのかについて説明してあげると良いでしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The photos/pictures taken at the entrance can be purchased at the exit

  • We sell the photos taken at the entrance at the exit

  • You can buy the entrance photos at the exits

When you get something in exchange for money this is called to 'buy' or 'purchase' A photograph can also be called a 'photo' or 'picture' if you give people the chance to buy/purchase something then you are said to 'sell' it
お金を払って何かを得ることは、'buy'(買う)または 'purchase'(同)と言います。 'photograph'(写真)のことは 'photo' または 'picture' とも言えます。 人に何かを買う機会を与えるなら、'sell'(売る)が使えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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