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パンフレットやHPに載っている写真は実物より良く映っているものが多く、実際に行ったり食べたりするとガッカリすることが多いですが、 HPの写真通り、期待通りのお店がありました。 クチコミや感想での誉め言葉として 「写真の通りでした」 「写真の通り最高でした」 と言いたいです
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2018/07/17 00:34
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  • It was just like the photos!

When you say "It was just like the photos!", it means that it met your expectations in a good way. This is almost always used as a compliment.
"It was just like the photos!" 写真の通りでした! これは、あなたの伝えたい表現にぴったりです。ほとんどの場合は褒め言葉として使われます。
Erin J DMM英会話講師
  • It was exactly as it looked in the photos.

When we say "It was exactly as it looked in the photos" we are telling someone that the place we visited has not changed and is the same as the website photos. The person you are speaking to may want to check out the website for themselves and they will see exactly what you saw at the location/store/restaurant.
 "It was exactly as it looked in the photos" 写真の通りでした。 これは、行った場所がウェブサイトの写真と変わらず、同じであったことを伝える表現です。あなたと話している人はそのウェブサイトを見てみたいかもしれませんし、場所、お店、レストランであなたが見たものと全く同じものを見るでしょう。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • The food/store was just as good as it looked in the photos.

This is a way to acknowledge both that you saw photos of the store or food online beforehand and that they looked good as well as to give a compliment about the quality of the store or food. I hope that this helps :)
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • It did not disappoint! It was exactly how it looked in the photos.

  • It looked exactly as it did in the pictures.

  • It was amazing! The food looked identical to the pictures.

Disappoint - does not meet your hopes/expectations. Did not disappoint- means that it did live up to expectation. Identical - to be exactly the same as something else. Example: Q: How was dinner at the fancy restaurant last night? A: It did not disappoint! It was exactly how it looked in the photos.
Disappoint (がっかりさせる/落胆させる) - 望み/期待通りではないという意味です。 Did not disappoint(がっかりしなかった/落胆しなかった) - これは予想通りという意味になります。 Identical(同じ/そっくり) - 何か全くと同じ、という意味になります。 【例文】 Q: How was dinner at the fancy restaurant last night? (高級レストランでの食事はどうだった?) A: It did not disappoint! It was exactly how it looked in the photos. (予想通りだった!まったく写真の通りだったよ)
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • Just like the photos!

  • Identical to what was advertised

  • lived up to expectations

"Identical to what was advertised" 'Identical' is a term used to describe things that are very similar, things that are the same. 'Advertised' is a use of promoting a business, service etc. To 'Live up to expectations' Is to be just as good as that was recommended or heard/saw about.
"Identical to what was advertised"(広告の通り) 'Identical' は物事が同一であることを表します。 'Advertised' はサービスや事業を宣伝することをいいます。 'Live up to expectations' は、期待していた通りに良かったことを表します。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • It was great, it looked just like in the photos

  • It was just like the photos!

  • It was exactly as it looked in the photos

When you see photos of somewhere and viisit it sometimes doesn't look the same and you can be disappointed so if it looked like it did in the photos you can simply say 'it was just like the photos!' or 'it was exactly as it looked in the photos'
写真を見てどこかを訪れると、イメージしていたものと違ってガッカリすることがあります。もしそれが写真の通りだったなら、シンプルに次のように言えます。 'it was just like the photos!' 'it was exactly as it looked in the photos' (まさに写真の通りだった)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • The food looked as appetizing as it appeared on the website photos.

  • The food was delicious and looked exactly as it did on the website photos.

  • The merchandise was fantastic, just as advertised on the website.

When food is advertised in photos whether on a website or in newspapers, it looks appetizing. It's the photos that actually force someone to go and buy. The same goes for anything that is advertised using pictures. Food photos make a person feel hungry and crave for the real food. Merchandise photos, especially of clothes, make someone imagine wearing them. He/she then gets attracted to the shop that has advertised the clothes. If the real clothes look exactly as the photos advertised in the papers or website, one gets extremely impressed and buys the products. So, you may say to somebody: The food looked as appetizing as it appeared on the website photos. or The food was delicious and looked exactly as it did on the website photos. or The merchandise was fantastic, just as advertised on the website.
ウェブサイトや新聞に載った食品の広告写真は、食欲をそそりますね。人を買い物に突き動かすものはやはり写真です。食品以外のものについても同じことが言えます。 食品の写真を見ると、お腹がすいて、その食べ物が食べたくなりますね。 服の広告写真を見ると、それを自分が着ているところを想像し、そしてそのお店に行きたくなります。実物の服を見て新聞やウェブサイトの写真通りだったら、きっと感動してその商品を買いたくなるのではないでしょうか。 次のように言えます。 The food looked as appetizing as it appeared on the website photos.(その料理はウェブサイトの写真の通りおいしそうだった) The food was delicious and looked exactly as it did on the website photos.(その料理はおいしかったです、見た目もウェブサイトの写真の通りでした) The merchandise was fantastic, just as advertised on the website.(その商品は素晴らしかったです、ウェブサイトの広告通りでした)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • It looked beautiful, just like in the pictures!

  • The pictures captured the place perfectly!

  • The place was as beautiful as it looked in the pictures.

Pictures can be deceiving, sometimes what we see advertised is not at all what the real product will look like. If we compliment the beauty of a place by saying it looks just like it does in the pictures it means that we, as the client, were not sold short, we saw the real product and it was well delivered.
写真は当てになりませんね。時々、宣伝と実際の商品が全く違うことがあります。 場所について「写真の通り美しかった」と言うと、客として見くびられていなかった、実際の商品を見たけど宣伝されていた通りだった、という意味になります。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • The reality here actually lives up to the brochure photos

  • The brochure pictures were quite accurate - this place is amazing!

  • Having been attracted by the internet photos, this place really lives up to my expectations!

You re enthused by the delicious food and ambiance of a restaurant - and the hype of the photos on the internet site was not inaccurate. The above comments reflect your opinion.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It was great just like in the photos.

  • It was as great as seen in the photos.

  • It was exactly how it looked in the photos.

In the first two examples we have very similar structure with using, "just like in," or, "as seen in," to show that these two concepts are related to each other. We can also use, "how it looked in," in a similar fashion but we need to structure the sentence differently.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • It's exactly like the pictures!

  • It looks just like the pictures!

When you have seen an advertisement of a place/cafe/restaurant online and it looks exactly like the pictures you can say; A; Hey, let's go to this place it looks lovely. B; Wow, what a lovely place that was, it was exactly like the pictures!
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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