世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/02/29 10:18
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  • Sorry but I've got to go!

  • Sorry but I have to go!

両方とも〜を[しなければならない](の意味ですが I've got toはアメリカで良く使うフレーズです。 have to より got to の方が少しカジュアルな印象があります。 例 Sorry, but I have to go. I have another meeting after this. ごめんなさい、もう行かないと。この後も別のミーティングがあるんです。
  • Got to run!

  • Got to go now!

Yujiさんのアドバイスの通り、よく使うのは "I've got to go"、これこそ正に定番ですね。 同時に、急いでいる時、主語の ”I” を除いて、”Got to go" と言うだけでも全然OK、自然でよく聞く表現。Yujiさんのサンプルのように、”sorry" (すいません、[ごめん](という単語を付けることに丁寧さを増した表現として越したことはありませんが、実際は付けないネイティブも多い(笑)、だからといってムッとする人は実際のところあまりいないので、こういった短いバージョンでもOKですね。 同じパターンですが、”got to run!" (もう走らなきゃっ!)という意味の、意訳だと ”もう[行かなきゃ](!)という意味としてもまた言えます。 合わせて参考にしてみてください♪
Hara Ken English teacher
  • Catch you later!

  • Gotta go!

  • Gotta fly!

I have (got) to go now(もう行かなきゃ)の他によく使われるカジュアルなフレーズと、 それぞれのニュアンスも紹介します: Catch you later! → See you later(じゃあまたね)と似た表現です。 Gotta go! → I have to goまたはGot to goのもっとシンプルな言い方で。Got toをGottaにすると自然な感じと鳴ります。 Gotta fly! → goの代わりにflyにすると、「走る → 飛ぶ」というイメージで急いでいる強調となります。 それぞれの表現の後にBye!/See you!などを加えるといいと思います。 また、話し相手によって丁寧にいう時にSorryを付けてもいいですが、 友達や親しい人にそのまま使われている人が多いです。
Jaime 英会話講師・翻訳家
  • Sorry, I have a pressing engagement I have to attend to.

  • Can I be excused to attend a prior engagement?

A business meeting is quite a formal setting so it is important to ask politely to leave early. If it is an informal setting you can say: Sorry, I have to leave right away! I have some business to attend to. Sorry I've got to go! I hope that helps!
仕事のミーティングはけっこうフォーマルな場ですので、早く立ち去ることを丁寧にお願いする必要があるでしょう。 もしカジュアルな場だったら、 Sorry, I have to eave right away! I have some business to attend to. Sorry I've got to go! と言うことができます。 参考になれば幸いです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • I am sorry can I be excused.

  • I am sorry I have to go.

  • I apologize for leaving during our meeting.

Since this is a business meeting you have to be formal. It is also important to apologize first. "Can I be excused" means you want to be allowed to leave.
この場合はビジネス時の会議とのことなので、フォーマルな言い方でなければなりません。 最初に謝罪することも大切です。 「Can I be excused?」というのは、あなたが離れることを許してもらいたいことを表現しています。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry, I have to leave you prematurely. I will ask my colleague to fill me in with the details later.

  • Sorry I have to attend a prior engagement. I'll catch up on everything later.

I have to leave you prematurely = I have to go before the meeting is concluded. I have to attend a prior engagement = I have another appointment that was already booked before this meeting was arranged. I'll catch up on everything later = I'll check the minutes of the meeting later.
I have to leave you prematurely = ミーティングが終わっていないのに行かなくちゃいけない I have to attend a prior engagement =そのミーティングより前にアポどられた予定があることをいう時の表現です。 I'll catch up on everything later = 後で議事録を見て確認しとくよ、という意味です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can I be excused? I really have to go now.

  • Sorry, but I have to go now. I have another meeting to attend.

  • I don't mean to be rude, but can I be excused from the meeting. I am running late for my next appointment.

->Can I be excused? I really have to go now.->Asking to be excused is a sign of respect to the chairperson of the meeting and not just getting up and go. ->Sorry, but I have to go now. I have another meeting to attend.->Saying sorry is good manners and giving a reason for leaving earlier is very good and makes them people understand why you have to leave early. ->I don't mean to be rude, but can I be excused from the meeting. I am running late for my next appointment.-> This is a very nice way to say it. You saying that you not rude and that you are late for your next meeting. So this will make it clear and everyone should understand.
->Can I be excused? I really have to go now.->失礼させていただくと尋ねるのはその会議の座長に敬意を示していて、ただ立ち上がって出ていくのとは違う。 ->Sorry, but I have to go now. I have another meeting to attend.->sorryというのは良いマナーで、早くいかなければならない理由を伝えることはとてもよく、あなたが早く出なきゃいけないことを理解してもらえるでしょう。 ->I don't mean to be rude, but can I be excused from the meeting. I am running late for my next appointment.-> これはとても良い表現です。無礼なのではなく、次の約束に遅れそうなのだということを言っています。だから、これは明確で、全員を納得させます。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I have to go now.

  • Sorry, I really must leave.

  • I am very sorry but I will need to leave a little early.

If you are leaving at a bad time during the meeting, you should start with an apology. so 'I am very sorry, but...' is a good way to start. If you are leaving at an acceptable time during a meeting, you can politely say 'I have to go now' or 'I really must leave'. The way you say this really depends on if leaving at that moment is considered rude or unprofessional.
会議中の気まずいタイミングで抜けないといけない場合は、謝りの言葉から始めるべきです。”I am very sorry, but ...." (大変申し訳ないのですが...)と始めると良いでしょう。会議中でも許容範囲のタイミングでの退席は、丁寧に ”I have to go now" (行かなければなりません) " I really must leave"(同右)と伝えれば問題ないです。 これらの言葉の受け取られ方は、相手にとって失礼であったりプロ意識のないタイミングでの退席かどうかに大きく関わっています。
Danno DMM英会話講師
  • I'm so sorry but I have to get going.

「ごめん、もう行かなきゃ」は、 "I'm so sorry but I have to get going." という表現を使うことも出来ます。 "get going"は、「出かける」という意味です。 "I'm so sorry but I should get going. I have to attend another meeting." 「本当にごめんなさい、でも別のミーティングに出なければならないのでもう行かなくちゃ。」 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • Sorry but I have to go!

  • Sorry but I need to go!

  • I have to leave due to a prior engagement.

For the first two examples, you can see that we can use these two verbs, "to have to," and, "to need," interchangeably as they both express this obligation that you have or a certain necessity of action. For the last example, we are still using the same structure of, "to have to," but including a bit more information with the conjunction, "due to," to further explain why we need to leave. In this sentence, we can also use, "because of." Ex : I have to leave because of a prior engagement.
一つ目と二つ目の例では、"to have to" と "to need" は置き換えることができます。これらはどちらも「義務」や「必要性」を表します。 最後の例でも同様に "to have to" という表現を用いていますが、ここでは接続詞の "due to" を使って理由についても説明しています。この文では "because of" を使うこともできます。 例: I have to leave because of a prior engagement. (先約があるのでもう行かなければなりません)
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Forgive me, but I must leave now as I have a previous engagement

  • My apologies, but I must leave this meeting early as I am going to be late for an important event

"Forgive me, but I must leave now as I have a previous engagement". In a situation like this, we must be very polite as we are in a very formal business meeting and it is important for us to show respect to our fellow colleagues. Saying "forgive me" is a way of asking your colleagues to excuse you politely from the meeting. A "previous engagement" is something that you have already committed yourself to. It can be anything such as another meeting, a family dinner or a doctor's appointment. "My apologies, but I must leave this meeting early as I am going to be late for an important event". When we use this phrase we are once again being extremely polite. We can also say "I apologise or I do apologise" and it has the same meaning
"Forgive me, but I must leave now as I have a previous engagement"(申し訳ありません、先約があるのでもう行かないといけません) これは、仕事のミーティングというフォーマルな場面なので、丁寧さが求められます。同僚に対して敬意を表すことが大切です。 "My apologies, but I must leave this meeting early as I am going to be late for an important event" (申し訳ありません。大切な約束に遅れてしまうので会合を中座させていただきます) これも非常に丁寧な言い方です。"I apologise" や "I do apologise" と言うこともできます。これらも同じ意味です。
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • I am sorry about this, but, I have to go right now. Thank you for your time.

  • I have to go, I have another place to be. I do apologise.

  • Please excuse me, but I have to leave as I have some place I need to be.

I am sorry about this, but, I have to go right now. Thank you for your time. I have to go, I have another place to be. I do apologise. Please excuse me, but I have to leave as I have some place I need to be. I believe that all of these are incredibly formal and polite, meaning they will all be helpful to you, and ensure that you do not offend anyone at the meeting. I hope it helps. Have a great day. Will
I am sorry about this, but, I have to go right now. Thank you for your time.(すみません、もう行かないといけません。お時間ありがとうございました) I have to go, I have another place to be. I do apologise. (もう行かないといけません。他の約束があります。申し訳ありません) Please excuse me, but I have to leave as I have some place I need to be.(すみません、他の約束があるのでもう行かないといけません) これらは全てとてもフォーマルで丁寧です。ミーティングということなので、その方がいいと思います。不快感を与えてはいけませんからね。 参考になれば幸いです。 良い一日を。 ウィル
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • I am so sorry but I have to go now because I have another meeting to get to.

  • Please excuse me, as I need to get to another meeting I have today.

If you are at a business meeting and need to leave to go somewhere else and want to tell someone this, you can say something like "I am so sorry but I have to go now because I have another meeting to get to." or "Please excuse me, as I need to get to another meeting I have today.".
ミーティングを中座するときは次のように言えます。 "I am so sorry but I have to go now because I have another meeting to get to."(すみません、もう行かないといけません。ほかに出席しなければならない会合があるので) "Please excuse me, as I need to get to another meeting I have today."(すみません、ほかに出席しなければならない会合があるので失礼させてください)
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry I gotta go.

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「Sorry I gotta go.」 (意味) ごめん、行かないといけない。 <例文>Sorry I gotta go. I need to go pick up my son from kindergarten. <訳>ごめん、行かないといけない。幼稚園にいる息子のお迎え行かないといけない。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • I am ever so sorry, I have something important I must attend please excuse me

  • I have another priority I need attend to, see you next time

  • Excuse me, I must leave I have another appointment

Asking someone to be 'excused' is a polite way of asking the person or group of people if you can leave in a respectful manner. Being respectful and polite will always shed some light on the fact you are having to interrupt the meeting in the first place and will make you look better. 'See you next time' is a informal way to say you will see them next time there is a business meeting and you will be there for it
Excuse me' は、席を外すときの丁寧な表現です。 丁寧に伝えることでミーティングの邪魔をして申し訳ないという気持ちを表すことができます。 'See you next time' は「次回のミーティングでまた会いましょう」のカジュアルな言い方です。
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
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