世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/07/23 19:40
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  • prestigious school

For example: Lumen Christi is the most prestigious school in my hometown. I hope that this helps :)
例: Lumen Christi is the most prestigious school in my hometown. ルーメンクリスティは、私の故郷で一番の名門校です。 これが、役立つことを願います。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Private school

  • Top school

  • Elite school

In the UK especially a lot of the best or most prestigious schools are private schools, where students have to pay to attend the school. A lot of countries have rankings for their schools and assign a points system depending on the results of a government inspection. By saying 'top school' this means that it is high in the governments rankings. Elite schools usually specialise in a particular area and the excel in that area. For example in the UK we have purely academic schools, sports schools and arts schools. They all specialise in giving children the best opportunities in those areas.
UKでは特に、沢山の一流校、または名門校は学費を支払って通う私立校です。 多くの国では、学校のランキングがあり、政府の調査の結果に基づいてポイントが与えられます。top schoolは、この政府のランキングで評価の高い学校のことです。 elite schoolは、通常ある特定分野を専門とし、そのエリアで優れた学校です。例えば、UKでは学問に特化した学校、スポーツ学校、芸術学校があります。これらの学校は全て、それぞれの分野で最高の機会を子どもたちに与えることに特化しています。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • A prestigious school

  • A high performing school

  • An outstanding school

Well, there are many suitable adjectives for the best schools. It depends exactly what you mean to say. Such high performing places are also known generally as 'the top schools'. "Henry attends a top English school."
一流校に適した形容詞は沢山あります。これは何を言いたいかによります。また、こうした成績の良い学校は、一般に「the top schools」とも呼ばれます。 例: Henry attends a top English school. ヘンリーは、一流の英語の学校に通ってます!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Prestigious School

  • Elite School

  • One of the top schools in the country

There are certain kinds of schools that are very famous for the teachers they have and the classes they give. These are very important and prominent schools that only accept very high-graded students. When we refer to these schools, we can use a few different kinds of expressions: 1) Prestigious School 2) Elite School 3) One of the top schools in the country
教えてる先生や授業がとても有名な学校があります。これらは、とても優秀な生徒のみを受け入れる非常に重要で有名な学校です。 これらの学校のことを言うとき、いくつかの異なる表現が使えます。 1) Prestigious School 名門校 2) Elite School エリート校 3) One of the top schools in the country 国内トップ校の一つ
Daniel Su DMM英会話講師
  • Prestigious school

  • Elite school

  • Top school

If something has a high status or is the best at doing something then it is said to be 'prestigious' or 'elite' you could also use the word 'top' meaning they are at the top of the ranks/list so you would say 'prestigious school', 'elite school' or 'top school'
位の高いものや、トップレベルの技能を持つ人は 'prestigious' や 'elite' と表されます。 他に、'top' を使うこともできます。これは、序列の一番上にいることを表します。 ですから、「トップ校」は 'prestigious school' 'elite school' または 'top school' と言えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Elite school.

  • Prestigious school.

"Elite" means something that is exclusive and superior to those around it, and is usually used to describe social institutions like schools or economic classes. Example 1: Those students attend a very elite school. "Prestigious" means something that has a high status, so a prestigious school is a school that is very well-respected. Example 2: This school is a prestigious institution.
"Elite" は、学校や経済的階級のような社会制度で使われる、優れたという意味の言葉です。 Example 1: Those students attend a very elite school. 例1:その生徒たちは、ものすごいエリート校に通っている。 "Prestigious" は、ハイステータスであることを意味します。ですので、 a prestigious schoolは、一流校ということになります。 Example 2: This school is a prestigious institution. 例2:この学校は一流校だ。
Ross H DMM英会話講師
  • prestigious school

  • high ranking school

This is one of the most prestigious schools in the country. Our high school is a very high ranking school.
This is one of the most prestigious schools in the country. (これは、国で最も有名な学校の一つです。) Our high school is a very high ranking school. (私たちの高校は、とてもランクの高い学校です。)
Sarah Hu DMM英会話講師
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