世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/07/28 12:07
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  • As the price of cigarettes goes up the less people will smoke.

  • The increase in price of tobacco products will deter people from buying them.

The first answer is a quick, direct way of saying "The more expensive that cigarettes become, there will be less people that want to buy it." The word 'deter' means to put off or discourage somebody from doing something. So in this case the high price of the tobacco products is a 'deterrent' to stop people smoking.
最初の例は、シンプルでストレートな言い方です。「タバコの値段が上がれば上がるほど吸う人が減る」という意味になります。 「deter」は「思いとどまらせる」という意味です。タバコの値段が高いことはタバコを吸う人にとって「deterrent(思いとどまらせるもの)」になります。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • The more expensive they are, the less people will want to purchase them.

  • The higher the price the lower the appeal.

If something is very expensive it usually stops us from purchasing it. We think about how much we really want it. But if something is cheap we usually buy it without thinking too much about it. ''The higher the price the lower the appeal.'' is a good way to express this. If something is very expensive, it usually becomes less appealing to the average, middle class person.
値段がすごく高いと、普通は買うのをやめますね。どれくらいそれが欲しいのか考えます。安いと、あまり考えずに買いますね。 「The higher the price the lower the appeal.(値段が高くなるほど魅力は薄れる)」は、それをうまく表しています。値段が高すぎると、一般の人(金持ちでない人)には魅力が薄くなるということです。
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • The more expensive cigareetes become, the less people will want to buy it.

If you want to explain that less people will want to buy cigarettes as tobacco taxes become higher, you can say: "The more expensive cigareetes become, the less people will want to buy it."
「たばこ税が高くなればなるほど、たばこを買う人は減るだろう」は次のように言えます。 "The more expensive cigareetes become, the less people will want to buy it." (たばこの値段が高くなればなるほど、たばこを買う人は減るだろう)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • Pricing directly affects the demand for cigarettes.

It is a rule of economics that increased prices cause a fall in demand of anything. The relationship between demand and pricing is obvious to most people and the inference of the example sentence should be sufficient to state your case.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The more expensive cigarettes become, less people will want to buy them

  • Less people will want to buy cigarettes the more expensive they get

Items that are seen to be bad for you (alcohol/cigarettes) are taxed pretty highly and it can make them expensive which means they cost alot of money The more money they cost means that people might not have the money or want to pay it so will not buy as many
体に良くないもの(お酒/たばこ)は、高い税金がかけられるため値段が高くなることがあります。 値段が高くなれば買うのを控えるようになります。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • "The more expensive that cigarettes become, there will be less people that want to buy it."

  • "If the government were to increase the price of tobacco, it would deter people from smoking"

  • "Taxing something more is a good way to stop people from engaging in that activity"

If you were talking about cigarette/tobacco, and wanted to explain that the more expensive they become, the less people will want to buy them, you could state any of the following: "The more expensive that cigarettes become, there will be less people that want to buy it.", "If the government were to increase the price of tobacco, it would deter people from smoking" or "Taxing something more is a good way to stop people from engaging in that activity".
たばこの値段が上がれば、買いたいと思う人が減ることを伝えたいときのフレーズです。 "The more expensive that cigarettes become, there will be less people that want to buy it." (たばこが高くなればなるほど、買いたいと思う人は減るだろう。)  "If the government were to increase the price of tobacco, it would deter people from smoking" (もし政府がタバコの値段を上げたら、喫煙者は減るだろう。)  "Taxing something more is a good way to stop people from engaging in that activity" (あるものの税金をあげることは、その行動をやめさせるのにいい方法だ。)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • the number of people buying cigarettes will decrease if they raise the price.

  • if the price of cigarettes increase, less people will want to buy them.

  • fewer people will buy cigarettes if they raise the price.

to show that less people will want to buy cigarettes if the prices go up, we can use words like "fewer" or "decrease" or "less" to show that not as many people will be willing to pay for the item while we can also use words like "increase" or "raise" to show/express that the prices of cigarettes will go up.
たばこの値段があがると買いたい人が減ることを伝えるには、減るという意味の"fewer"、"decrease" 、 "less" という言葉を使うといいでしょう。 また、たばこの価格があがることを、"increase" や "raise" を使って表現することができます。
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • The more expensive cigarettes get, the less people will buy them.

「タバコの価格が上昇すればするほど、買う人が少なくなる」という言い方でいいでしょう。「買いたい人」を厳密に言うと「people who want to buy」ですが、政策を議論するような場では「買いたい」の部分はむしろ言わない方がカチッとした印象を与えます。ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
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