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2018/07/29 09:16
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  • I'd love to work freelance in Canada

  • I hope to work as a freelancer in Canada

Well, it depends whether your desire is to actually be a freelancer in Canada, or if this is just an passing whim? If there is a condition to your statement - for example, 'finishing university', then you can add that condition: "I'd love to work freelance in Canada when I finish university.' If this is a serious intention, the second example sentence shows that this may become a reality.
これは、本気でカナダでフリーランサーになりたいのか、それともただの気まぐれなのかによります。例えば、 'finishing university'(大学を卒業する)のような条件があるなら、それを付け加えることもできます: "I'd love to work freelance in Canada when I finish university.' (大学を卒業したら、フリーランスとしてカナダで働きたい。) もしこれが真剣な気持ちなら、2つ目の例が現実味があります。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I really want to work freelance in Canada.

  • My ambition is to work in Canada as a freelancer.

Both of these answers can be expanded depending on what freelance work it is you hope to do. For example I could expand the first answer to say "I really want to work as a freelance photographer in Canada.". The second answer can be expanded too. For example "My ambition is to work in Canada as a freelance musician." An 'ambition' is a wish, will or desire to work or do a particular thing. For example "An ambition of mine is to skydive."
これらの例は、あなたがどんなフリーランスの仕事をしたいかによって広がるでしょう。例えば、私なら、  "I really want to work as a freelance photographer in Canada." カナダでフリーランスの写真かとして働きたい。 と詳しく説明するでしょう。 2つ目も広げることができます。 例: "My ambition is to work in Canada as a freelance musician."   私の願望は、カナダでフリーランスの歌手として働くことです。  'ambition'とは、働いたり、ある特定のことをしたいと願うことです。 例:"An ambition of mine is to skydive."   私の願望はスカイダイビングをすることです。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • I want to do freelancing work in Canada.

  • I want to work in Canada as a freelancer.

  • I want to be a freelancer in Canada.

Freelancing is a very nice way to work. There is a flexible schedule and you can choose what you want to do as your job. If you would like to work as a freelancer in Canada, there are a few ways you can say this: 1) I want to do freelancing work in Canada. 2) I want to work in Canada as a freelancer. 3) I want to be a freelancer in Canada.
フリーランスはとても素晴らしい働き方です。スケジュールは柔軟で何を仕事としたいかをあなたが決めることができます。 あなたがカナダでフリーランサーとして働きたい場合、そう言うための方法はいくつかあります: 1) I want to do freelancing work in Canada. (私はカナダでフリーランスの仕事をしたいです) 2) I want to work in Canada as a freelancer. (私はカナダでフリーランサーとして働きたいです) 3) I want to be a freelancer in Canada. (私はカナダでフリーランサーになりたいです)
Daniel Su DMM英会話講師
  • I would love to do freelance work in Canada!

  • One of my goals is to work in Canada as a freelancer.

"I would love to do freelance work in Canada!" I would love to - this is something you would be excited to do, but that you may not be pursuing to hard. "One of my goals is to work in Canada as a freelancer." Saying "One of my goals" you are stating that this is something you are working toward. You are excited about it and you are doing what you can to make it happen.
I would love to do freelance work in Canada! (カナダでフリーランスの仕事をしてみたいです!) I would love to - これは、あなたがわくわくして何かをすることですが、困難なら追求しないかもしれません。 One of my goals is to work in Canada as a freelancer. (私の目標の一つはカナダでフリーランスとして働くことです。) 「One of my goals」これがあなたが力を入れているということを述べています。それにわくわくして、実現するために力を入れています。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • One day, I would like to work in Canada as a freelancer.

Using the phrase "one day" is a way to talk about the future when you don't have a specific date for something set up. I hope that this helps! :)
"one day"(いつか)は、日時が明確に決まっていない計画について言う場合に使います。 お役に立てば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • I'd love to do freelance work in Canada

  • I would like to do some freelance work in Canada

  • I want to work in Canada as a freelancer

When you want to explain that you would like to work in Canada as a freelancer, then you can say: -I'd love to do freelance work in Canada -I would like to do some freelance work in Canada -I want to work in Canada as a freelancer
フリーランスとしてカナダで働きたい事を説明したいなら、次のように言う事が出来ます。 【例文】 -I'd love to do freelance work in Canada (フリーランスの仕事をカナダでしたいです) -I would like to do some freelance work in Canada (フリーランスの仕事をカナダでしたいです) -I want to work in Canada as a freelancer (フリーランスとしてカナダで働きたいです)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I want to work as a freelancer in Canada.

  • I'd like to be a freelancer in Canada one day.

Both of these examples express the same feeling. One day in the future you'd like to live in Canada while living there you would like to do freelance work.
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
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