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ネットで海外のホテルを予約して、ツインの部屋 (ベッド x2) を申し込んだつもりが、予約確認のメールではダブルの部屋 (ベッド x1) を申し込んだと書かれていました。自分でホテルに電話で訂正をしないといけないようで、教えてください。
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2018/08/06 08:23
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  • I wanted to book a twin room but in the confirmation email it says that I booked a double room. Do I need to call the hotel to change the booking?

  • I tried to book a twin room online but according to the confirmation email I booked a double room. I would like to change this reservation but do I need to call the hotel directly to change it?

I wanted to book a twin room but in the confirmation email it says that I booked a double room. Do I need to call the hotel to change the booking? または I tried to book a twin room online but according to the confirmation email I booked a double room. I would like to change this reservation but do I need to call the hotel directly to change it? ボキャブラリー wanted to ~ = ~したかった、~するつもりだった book/reserve = 予約する booking/reservation = 予約 twin room = ツイン double room = ダブル confirmation email = (予約)確認のメール do I need to ~ = ~する必要がありますか? change ~ = ~を変える according to ~ = ~によって I would like to ~ = ~がしたいんですが・・・ call the hotel directly = 直接にホテルに電話する
Mairi 英語講師/著者/英語ブロガー
  • What was supposed to be a twin room was a double, according to your email.

  • It says in your email that I booked a double room instead of a twin.

“What was supposed to be ... was ...” = 「〇〇のつもりが〇〇だった。」又は 「〇〇のはずが〇〇だった。」 “Instead of A, I got B.” = A の代わりに B だった。 同じく、”I got B, instead of A.” = Aの代わりにBだった。 It says in your email = Eメールでは。。って書いてあります。 尚、「確認して、正確にしたいです。」と言いたい時は: “I’d like to confirm (確認) and make sure (正確にする) that my room is a twin.”
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