Not being used to earthquakes is as dangerous as being too used to them.
Sometimes being used to earthquakes is just as dangerous as not being used to them at all (because people don't escape quickly enough)
Being used to earthquakes can make us blase
「地震に慣れていないのも慣れすぎるのも恐ろしい」= Not being used to earthquakes is as dangerous as being too used to them. / Sometimes being used to earthquakes is just as dangerous as not being used to them at all (because people don't escape quickly enough) / Being used to earthquakes can make us blase
used to ~ = ~に慣れている
earthquake = 地震
dangerous = 危ない、危険
too used to ~ = 慣れすぎる
blase = 無感動になった (発音:ブラーゼイ)
because people don't escape quickly enough = なぜなら避難が遅れ
It's terrifying to not be used to earthquakes, but being too accustomed to them is also frightening.
- "It's terrifying to not be used to earthquakes, but being too accustomed to them is also frightening."
- earthquake: 地震
- be used to: ~に慣れている
- accustomed to: ~に慣れている
- terrifying: 恐ろしい
- frightening: 恐ろしい
- precautions: 予防措置
- evacuation: 避難
- risk: リスク