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2018/08/10 17:23
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  • 1, I'm feeling under the weather today, so I will take a day off from work.

  • 2, I'm in bad shape today, so I need to take a sick day.

1, I'm feeling under the weather today, so I will take a day off from work. 「今日は[体調が悪い](ので、仕事を1日[休みます](」 体調不良や用事などの理由で休みを取る場合は、take a day off 「1日休みを取る」が使えます。「仕事を1日休む」と言いたいときは、from workをつけて、take a day off from work、「学校を休む」は、take a day off from schoolと言います。 「2日間休みを取る」場合は、take two days off 「半日休む」は、take a half day off 「午前半休を取る」は、take the morning off 「午後半休を取る」は、take the afternoon off となります。 この例文にあるunder the weather「体調が悪い」 という表現は、元々、船乗りが航海中に悪天候で船が揺れて船酔いしたということに由来し、そこから、「気分がすぐれない、二日酔い」といった意味になったそうです。「風邪で体調が悪い」と言いたいときは、I'm under the weather with a cold.と言えます。 2, I'm in bad shape today, so I need to take a sick day. 「今日は、体調が悪いので病欠を取ります」 in bad shapeは、「体調が悪い」という意味で、「とても体調が悪い」と強調したいときは、terribleを使い、I'm in terrible shape.と言います。反対に「体調が良い」は、I'm in good shape.と言います。 take a sick day または、take sick leave で「病気休暇を取る」と言う意味になります。 参考になれば幸いです。
Yoshinari Mori ビジネス英語講師。 ビジネスコンサルタント。
  • take the day off

[仕事](を休む時に take the day off とよく言います。 例えば「[体調が悪くて](今日休みを頂きます」は I'm not feeling well today, and so I'm going to take the day off と言えます。 休みをお願いしたい時、例えば「体調が悪くて今日休みを頂きたいです」と言いたい時、I'm not feeling well today, and so I'd like to take the day off と言えます。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • I would like to take a day off today because I have a cold.

I would like to take a day off today because I have a cold. 「風邪をひいているので今日は休みたいです。」 take a day offは、休みにするという意味です。take off work with a cold 「風邪で仕事を休む」というようにワンフレーズで言うこともできます。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
Able English Studies カナダ(バンクーバー)のTOEIC専門学校
  • take the day off work

「仕事を休む」は英語で「take the day off work」といいます。 I'm not feeling well today so I'm going to take the day off work. (私は今日体調が悪くて仕事を休むと思います。) Mike took another day off work today. He'll probably get sacked soon. (マイクは今日また仕事を休んだ。彼はそろそろ首になるかも。) I want to take the day off work tomorrow. (私は明日仕事を休みたい。)
Mairi 英語講師/著者/英語ブロガー
  • take a break from the company

まだ挙がっていない表現だと、上のように言うこともできます。 日本語で「休む」という場合は、基本的にすべてtake a breakで表現可能です。
  • I am sorry but I will not be able to come to work today. I am really not feeling well and I'll have to go see my doctor.

"Please excuse me, I will not be able to attend work today as I am feeling quite ill."is more appropriate for when you talk to your direct superior. It would also be good to let him/her know that you will see a doctor to remedy the situation. Use "I am quite under the weather today, and will not be able to come to work." when talking casually to a colleague or friend. The phrase "under the weather" means you are feeling sick or ill.
"Please excuse me, I will not be able to attend work today as I am feeling quite ill." (すみませんが、体調がかなり悪いので、仕事に行くことができません。) これは、直属の上司に話すときに適切なフレーズです。またその状況を治すために医者に行くことも伝えるといいでしょう。 "I am quite under the weather today, and will not be able to come to work." (今日は体調がよくないので、仕事に行くことができません。) これは、同僚や友達などカジュアルに話すときに使うことができます。under the weather" は、気分が悪いという意味です。
Leren DMM英会話講師
  • I can't work today, I don't feel well

  • I won't be in today, I feel sick

  • I'm sorry I won't make it in to work today, I am unwell

don't feel well' means you feel unhealthy or ill, another phrase would be 'under the weather' meaning feeling tired or unwell or both.
don't feel well'は、病気の、気分が優れないという意味です。 別の表現は、 'under the weather' で、疲れている、気分が優れない、またはどちらもという意味です。
Derek Nl DMM英会話講師
  • I won't be able to come to work today as I am feeling under the weather.

  • I will have to take leave from work today as I am feeling ill.

If you would like to call in sick for work and want to know what to say, you can say something along the lines of "I won't be able to come to work today as I am feeling under the weather." or "I will have to take leave from work today as I am feeling ill.".
病欠の電話を入れるとき、それをどう伝えたらいいか知りたいということですね。次のように言えます。 "I won't be able to come to work today as I am feeling under the weather."(今日は体調が悪いので仕事には行けません) "I will have to take leave from work today as I am feeling ill."(今日は体調が悪いので休みをもらわないといけません)
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • " I can't come into work today, I am really ill, sorry"

  • "I am ill, I will have to take the day off work today"

If you needed to call your work to explain that you cannot go to work because you feel sick, you could say either of the following: " I can't come into work today, I am really ill, sorry" or "I am ill, I will have to take the day off work today".
体調が悪いので仕事に行けないと電話で会社に伝えたいということですね。次のように言えます。 "I can't come into work today, I am really ill, sorry" "I am ill, I will have to take the day off work today" (今日は体調不良で仕事には行けません。ごめんなさい)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • To call in sick

  • I'm feeling under the weather today, I can't come into work today.

  • I'm very sick today and won't be able to make it to work today.

"To call in sick," refers to the action of calling your work and telling your boss you're sick and wont be able to work today. Example sentence : - I wasn't feeling well this morning, so I called in sick from work. The other two examples are sentences that we can use when your actually on the phone with your boss and explaining that you wont be able to make it into work. Sometimes we can use the expression, "to feel under the weather," to describe that we are sick.
"To call in sick," は、会社に電話をして上司に「今日は仕事に行けない」と伝えることをいいます。 例文: - I wasn't feeling well this morning, so I called in sick from work.(今朝体調が悪かったので、病欠の電話を入れました) 二つ目と三つ目の例は、実際に電話で上司に病欠を伝えるときに使える文です。 "to feel under the weather" は、体調不良を伝えるときに使われます。
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry, I can't come in today because I am not feeling well.

  • I cannot go to work because I feel sick.

  • I'd like to take the day off because I am sick.

When you want to explain to someone that you cannot go to work because you are not feeling well; then you may express this in the following ways: -I'm sorry, I can't come in today because I am not feeling well. -I cannot go to work because I feel sick. -I'd like to take the day off because I am sick.
「体調不良で仕事に行けません」は次のように言えます。 -I'm sorry, I can't come in today because I am not feeling well.(すみません、今日は体調が悪くて出勤できません) -I cannot go to work because I feel sick.(体調不良で出勤できません) -I'd like to take the day off because I am sick.(体調が悪いので休みをいただきたいです)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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