世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/08/13 08:05
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  • Where do you feel pain?

  • Are you hurt?

  • Are you in pain?

"Where do you feel pain" is asking the hurt/ ill person the location of where it hurts so that it can be taken care of appropriately. "Are you hurt" is asking the ill/hurt person if they feel any kind of pain. "are you in pain" is another way of asking the person if they are hurt or feel hurt anywhere.
「Where do you feel pain」は、[けが](病気の人に、どこが[痛む](か聞く言い方です。そうすれば適切に処理することができます。 「Are you hurt」は、けが/病気の人に痛みがあるか聞く言い方です。 「are you in pain」これも、どこかけがをしたか、痛い所があるか尋ねる言い方です。
Katrina W DMM英会話講師
  • Does it hurt?

  • Do you have any pain?

  • Where does it hurt?

"Does it hurt?" is the most direct way to ask if someone is experiencing pain. Usually you would use this if you already know which part is potentially injured or that they are feeling unwell. "Do you have any pain?" is a general way of assessing if someone is experiencing pain anywhere in their body. "Where does it hurt?" is something that would be said to narrow down which part or parts are causing the person to feel pain or to feel unwell. This can especially be said to children who are hurting or sick.
"Does it hurt?"([痛い](ですか)は、痛いところがあるかどうかを尋ねる最も直接的な言い方です。普通これはどこをけがしたか、あるいは相手の[体調が悪い](ことを既に把握している場合に使います。 "Do you have any pain?"(どこか痛いところはありますか)は、どこか痛いところがあるか漠然と尋ねる言い方です。 "Where does it hurt?"(どこが痛いですか)は、痛みや不調を感じている箇所を特定するときに使われます。これは特に子どもに対して使えます。
Staci DMM英会話講師
  • Do you feel any pain?

  • Where is it hurting?

  • Can you tell me where the centre of your pain is?

Obviously, the type and scale of someone's ailment must be taken into account when forming a question relating to pain. Is there an injury which is visible, or is there no apparent sign of injury?
痛みに関する質問をするときは、その人が患っている病の種類と度合いを考慮しなくてはなりません。 そのケガは一目瞭然でしょうか?それとも、見た目では判断できないケガでしょうか?
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Tell me where you are feeling any pain?

  • Show me where you are hurting.

If the person is unable to move they may be able to simply tell you where their pain is, and then you may be able to help. The second answer implies that the person has the use of their limbs and can show you where they have any pain. It is important to identify where and the why pain is being caused, sometimes it is more obvious (broken leg) but sometimes if the problem is internal it can be tricky to diagnose.
一つ目の例文のように、例え動けない状態であっても、痛い所がわかれば、その人を助けてあげられるかもしれません。 二つ目の例文は、どこが痛むのか、実際に手足を動かして示してもらう状態が可能な場合です。 どこが痛むのか、何故痛むのかを特定することは重要です。骨折など、分かり易い理由もありますが、もし内部に原因があるとすれば、診断するのは難しいですよね。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • (You don't look very well. )Are you OK?

★ポイント:「体調が悪そうな方を見かけたとき、とっさに。。。」というご質問内容に忠実に、その状況で声をかけるとしたら。。。 Are you OK? You don't look very well. この辺りが無難かなと思います。 英語職人☺
  • Are you in pain?

  • Where is it hurting?

When someone is not feeling well or ill then you would be worried and would want to try and help them so you could ask them 'are you in pain? To find out where they are sore then you could ask 'where is it hurting?'
体調が悪い人がいると心配ですし、何か手助けをしたいと思いますよね。 ですから、'Are you in pain?'(痛みはありますか)と聞くことができます。 どこが痛いか確認したいなら、'Where is it hurting?'(どこが痛いですか)と言えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • "Does it hurt?"

  • "Are you in pain at all?"

  • "Show me where you are hurting so I can help"

If someone seems to be ill or is hurting somewhere and you would like them to expand on this and explain further, you could say any of the following: "Does it hurt?", "Are you in pain at all?" or "Show me where you are hurting so I can help". All three of these examples would adequately help you find out more information about someone's illness or pain.
具合が悪そうだったりどこか痛がっている人に、それについて詳しく説明してもらいたいなら、次のように言えます。 "Does it hurt?"(痛みはありますか) "Are you in pain at all?"(痛みはありますか) "Show me where you are hurting so I can help"(手助けできるように、どこが痛いか見せてください) 上記どの例を使っても、相手の体調や痛みについてより詳しく尋ねることができます。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
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