まずは直訳、”Can you teach me from the basics?" と言えば原文のままの表現になりますね。
一方、“基礎レベル” というのは英語では様々な表現もまた考えられます。
始めの “Can you teach me...." という部分は変えても変えなくてもいいんですが、”from the very beginning?" (本当の始めから)という言い方もまたできます。
また熟語を使って、”from scratch?" 、これは ”scratch" というのが、元々数学などの時に別の紙を使って色々考えて計算を行う部分のことを意味し、最終的に出せた回答をちゃんとした別の回答用紙に移して書くという前提の、計算を行う方の部分を意味します。意訳すると、”基本”、”基礎” という意味で色々使われますね。 この類では他にも、”from 1,2,3?" , "from A,B, C.?" などがあります。
同時に、もし対象が ”英語” ということであれば、より具体的に課題(文法、発音、単語や語彙)を挙げてお願いするとよりクリアな質問になると思いますね。例えば、
"Can you teach me from the basics of English Grammar?" (文法の基礎から教えてください)
”Can you teach me from the very beginning of English pronunciations?" (英語の発音の基礎から教えてください。)
”Can you teach me the basic of English Grammar/Vocabulary/Pronunciation? " (英語の文法/単語/発音の基礎から教えてください。)
最後に質問の場合の切り出し方についても、”will you ....", ”would you...." と “could you...." または今回のように “can you" という言い方のどれでもOKです。 使い続けていけば少しずつニュアンスが違うことが分かってくると思いますが、ここではまた長くなってしまいますので改めて別の機会にしますね。
I am still a beginner. I would prefer that we use basic English.
*I am still a beginner.
A beginner is someone who is starting out to do something. In this case, learning a new language.
Basic English is English that is easy to understand. The teacher will also speak slower so that you able to understand what they saying.
*I am still a beginner.
A beginnerとは、何かをし始めたばかりのひとのことです。
Basic Englishとは、理解しやすい英語のことです。先生はまた、彼らが何と言っているかをあなたが理解できるようにゆっくり話してもくれるでしょう。
"Can we start with the basics?"
This expression tells the teacher that you would like to begin with the foundation of English learning. This would be to focus on conversational English. Looking at the most commonly used words and starting with understanding the basics to have and understand an English conversation.
"Can we start from the beginning?" - this has the same meaning, just a different way of expressing yourself.
"Can we start with the basics?"(基礎から始められますか)
英語学習の基礎から始めたいことを先生に伝える表現です。英会話に重点をおいた言い方です。 最もよく使う言葉で英会話の基礎を理解することから始めることが伝わります。
"Can we start from the beginning?"(最初から始められますか。) - これも同じ意味です。表現の仕方が異なるだけです。
When you want to start with the basics, you can use one of these sentences to help you out and get your message across.
For example.
Hello, how can I help you today?
Is it okay if we start with the basics?
Of course, we can start at the beginning.
I hope that helps.
Have a great day,
"i would like to start at beginners level".
"i would like to start with the basic level first".
"can we start from the first level". or "level1".
"I would like to start at beginners level".(基礎から始めたいです。)
"I would like to start with the basic level first".(まずは基礎レベルから始めたいです。)
"Can we start from the first level?". or "level1".(最初のレベルから始められますか)あるいは(レベル1から始められますか。)
A beginner is a person that is starting at the beginning, the very start of something. Students of ESOL and (many other subjects) are typically categorised into the following groups to be taught accordingly, at their correct learning level:
1. Beginner (Just starting out, minimal vocabulary, difficulties conversing without support)
2. Intermediate (Good grasp of the language, able to converse, building vocabulary)
3. Advanced (Fluent speakers, converse freely, strong vocabulary or complete lexicon)
However, there are more detailed stages to ESOL, which are:
Very Advanced:
I speak and understand English completely fluently.
I speak and understand very well but sometimes have problems with unfamiliar situations and vocabulary.
I speak and understand well but still make mistakes and fail to make myself understood occasionally.
Upper Intermediate:
I speak and understand well but still make mistakes and fail to make myself understood occasionally.
I can speak and understand reasonably well and can use basic tenses but have problems with more complex grammar and vocabulary.
Low Intermediate:
I can make simple sentences and can understand the main points of a conversation but need much more vocabulary.
I can communicate simply and understand in familiar situations but only with some difficulty.
I can say and understand a few things in English.
Beginner: I do not speak any English
Is there a simpler/easier way to say that?
Simpler/Easier is the key word here. This means something more basic. So by asking if there is a simpler way to say something. You are asking your teacher to make a more concise sentence.
Can you simplify that?
This is a fast, easy, way to ask your teacher to make what they are saying easier to understand.