英訳例では that information としましたが、自分の捉え方によって the でも this でもいいです。
this と that は the よりも強意的で、心理的距離のようなものが醸し出されます。
英訳例の that は、「そんな」のような意味です。少し否定的な感覚が入ることがあります。よく知られている意味の「あれ、あの」から判断しやすいと思います。
this は「これ、この」を意味しますので、特に心理的に遠い距離があるような表現ではなく、「いま君が言ったこの情報」という目の前にあることを見ているという感じです。
日本語で「それ、その」という場合、英語では this も that も使える可能性があることも合わせて覚えていただけたらと思います。
Where'd you hear that? (Where did you hear that?)
Kevin: Hey, I heard you're going to run for president next year.
Erik: Where'd you hear that...
情報の形態によって変わります。「① Where did you see/ read/ hear that?」を推奨しますが、見た情報なのか、読んだ情報なのか、どこで聞いたのかを識別する必要があります。
「② Who told you that?」も使えますが、これは「誰から聞いたの?」になります。
You can ask "How do you know that?", "Where did you hear that from?" , "How did you find that information?"
These are many ways to inquire about where to find the information that you were told. This type of conversation could go like this:
Nathan: Did you know that a pink shark was found washed up on the shore of a beach in Hawaii?
Chris: What?! Where did you hear that from?
Nathan: Facebook! Didn't you know that everything on the internet is true?!
"How do you know that?", "Where did you hear that from?" , "How did you find that information?"
これらは、あなたが話した情報をどこで見つけたのかを問う多くの方法です。 このような会話は次のようになります。
クリス:何? あなたはどこでそれを聞いたのですか?
ネイサン:Facebook! あなたはインターネット上のすべてが真実であることを知りませんでしたか?
The first and third sentence are pretty straightforward, they are asking where the suprising information was heared.
The second example uses 'who' so it asking asking which person gave you the information.
You can also say something like 'Where did you learn that?' or 'how did you find out about that?'.
「Where did you learn that?'」や「 how did you find out about that?'」と聞くこともできます。
How do you know? - a direct way of asking how they got their information.
Did you read that online? - this is an indirect way of asking, they will either answer yes and tell you where or no and still tell you where they got their information from.
How do you know?
Did you read that online?
Where did you get that information?
Where (adverb) - use 'where' to ask questions about the place something came from
A: I found out that she is pregnant?
B: Where did you get that information?
A: Her mother told me
Who/What is your source?
Who - used when referring to a person
What - used when referring to a thing
A: I saw a picture of her new baby
B: What is your source?
A: I saw it on Facebook
A: Susan is engaged
B: Who is your source of that information?
A: Susan told me herself
Where did you get that information?どこでその情報を得たの?
Where (副詞) - 'where'は何かが来た場所を聞くときに使います
A: I found out that she is pregnant?彼女は妊娠しているって聞いたけど?
B: Where did you get that information?どこで聞いたの?
A: Her mother told me彼女のお母さんが教えてくれたんだ
Who/What is your source?あなたの情報源は誰、どこ?
Who - 人について言及
What - 物について言及
A: I saw a picture of her new baby彼女の生まれたばかりの赤ちゃんの写真を見たよ
B: What is your source?どこがあなたの情報源なの?=どこでみたの?
A: I saw it on Facebookフェイスブックでみたよ
A: Susan is engaged スーザンは婚約したんだ
B: Who is your source of that information?その情報元は誰?
A: Susan told me herselfスーザンが自分で言ったんだ
Exactly where did you get this from?? What is the source of your information?
How did you come by this? I need to know if this is just a rumour... or if its true!
Friends get together to talk about all sorts of things...(gosssip)
However it may be wise to establish the veracity of data given to us..
Fake news is trending and so we need to check our facts before making any
decisions that are based on what we have been told...
"I need to know your sources!"
"I need to know your sources!"
If yor friend told you something surprising and you would like to know where he or she got that information from, you can ask any of the following questions:-
1. Where did you hear that?
Example 1:-
John: I heard your brother made it on the NBA team!
Paul: That's not ture, where did you hear that?
2. Where did you get that information from?
Example 2:-
Mom: You won a scholorship to go to Yale university!
Patty: Mom are you sure? where di you get that information from?
3. Can you tell me the source of that information?
Example 3:-
Fan: We are getting a salary increase of $1000.00 next month!
Lucy: Can you tell me the source ofthat information?
1. Where did you hear that?(それどこで聞いたの?)
ジョン:I heard your brother made it on the NBA team!(お兄さんがNBAのチームに入ったんだってね)
ポール:That's not ture, where did you hear that?(それ違うよ。どこで聞いたの?)
2. Where did you get that information from?(それどこの情報ですか?)
母:You won a scholorship to go to Yale university!(イエール大学に入るための奨学金がもらえたわよ)
パティ:Mom are you sure? where di you get that information from?(母さん、それ本当?どこで聞いたの?)
3. Can you tell me the source of that information?(その情報のソースはどこですか)
ファン:We are getting a salary increase of $1000.00 next month!(来月は給与が1000ドル上がります)
ルーシー:Can you tell me the source of that information?(その情報のソースはどこですか)
-Where did you read/hear that?
In this sentence, you are asking your friend where he/she was first exposed to the information. You are asking in what article/book/etc they read their information in, or what person told them the information that you find hard to believe or surprising. The "person" that I am referring to in the previous sentence can be either a person that told them face-to-face (a colleague, friend, relative, etc) or a person that told them over a for of media (a radio host,news broadcaster, celebrity, etc)
-What is your source?
This also has the same definition as above, but can be used in a more formal/academic setting. This sentence implies that you would like the other person to tell you which scientific study, book, expert, etc told them the information.
-Where did you read/hear that?(それどこで聞いたの/それどこで読んだの?)
-What is your source?(ソースはどこですか)
When we want to know where someone has received their information from, we will ask them "Where did you hear that?"This can be used in both American and British English. I hope that this helps. :)
情報をどこで得たのか相手に確認したいときは、"Where did you hear that?"(それどこで聞いたの?)と言えます。これはアメリカ英語でもイギリス英語でも使われます。
"Accurate" is another way of saying correct or precise. You would probably wonder if the information is true depending on the content of it. Maybe it was so unbelievable that you don't believe it to be true.
"We have to work overtime every second week now? Is that information really accurate?"
"To find something out" means to discover something. It can also be used if we want to learn or verify something.
"I don't know right now, give me some time and I will find out"
"The criminals were soon found out not too long after they committed the crime"
"Accurate" は、"Correct"(正しい)や "Precise"(正確な)の別の言い方です。
"We have to work overtime every second week now? Is that information really accurate?"(隔週で残業しないといけないんですか。それ本当ですか)
"To find something out" は「見つける」という意味です。これは何かを確認したいときにも使えます。
"I don't know right now, give me some time and I will find out"(今は分かりません。もう少し時間をください、そうすれば分かります)
"The criminals were soon found out not too long after they committed the crime"(犯行から間もなくして犯人が判明した)