That (Japanese) word has been borrowed into my language.
外来語 = a loan word, a borrowed word
In our country, that word has been borrowed (into our language) and is part of everyday conversation.
Japanese has borrowed many words from English.
There are a lot of English loan words in Japanese.
「私たちの国では、その単語を外来語として日常的に使っています」というのは In our country we use that word on a daily basis as a word of foreign language と表現することができます。
例文 The media use so many words of foreign languages these days that I don't know what they mean.
日本語の「「外来語」として使っています」が英語で「to use as a loan word」と言います。
例文 (Example sentences):
私たちの国では、その単語を外来語として日常的に使っています。 ー In our country, that word is used daily as a loan word.
日本人がポルトガル語のパンを外来語として使っています。ー Japanese people use the Portuguese word for bread as a loan word.