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同僚に仕事の進行状況を聞きたい時。 タスクがあとどれくらいのこっているのかを確認したいときの表現を知りたいです。
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2018/10/07 21:58
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  • how much work do you have left?

  • how much progress have you made?

  • How much work you got left?

とても口語的ですが、 How much work you got left? 「あとどれくらい仕事(作業)残ってるの?」 「仕事(作業)あとどれくらい?」 do youやhave youと言っていないあたり正式には疑問文にすらなっていませんが、これくらいくだけた表現も結構よく聞きます。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • How far are you from completion?

This question can be asked when you need to know how much headway a person's made in completing their task/ work.
Faith DMM英会話講師
  • How much work do you have left to do?

  • How much more work do you still need to do?

  • How long until you're done with your work?

When you want to ask a colleague how much work they have left, then you may ask in the following ways: -How much work do you have left to do? -How much more work do you still need to do? -How long until you're done with your work? [here, you are asking how long it will take them to finish their work.]
同僚に、仕事があとどのくらい残っているのか尋ねたいなら、以下のように言えます: -How much work do you have left to do? (仕事はあとどのくらい残っているの?) -How much more work do you still need to do? (仕事はあとどのくらい残っているの?) -How long until you're done with your work? (あとどのくらいで仕事終わるの?) 三つ目の例では、仕事を終えるのにどのくらいの時間がかかるか尋ねています。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have a lot of work to do?

This is another way to open up a conversation about how much work your coworker has to do. They should answer by telling you what they have done and what they still need to do. I hope that this helps. :)
上記のように言うこともできます。「仕事はどのくらい残っているの」と同僚に尋ねる言い方です。 相手は仕事がどのくらい終わっていて、あと何をしなければならないのか答えてくれるはずです。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • How much work do you still have to do?

  • Are you almost done with your work?

  • Do you still have a lot of work to do?

If you want to find out just how much work a work colleague still has to do before he/she can complete it, you have to ask. You may also ask indirectly, such as, "how much work have you completed so far?". You may get an answer like "seventy percent", meaning thirty percent of the work is yet to be done. This is just the same as asking, "how much work do you still have to do?" Another indirect way of finding out just how much work the work colleague still has to do is to ask if he/she is almost done with his/her work. So, you may ask your work colleague any of the following questions: How much work do you still have to do? or Are you almost done with your work? or Do you still have a lot of work to do?
同僚にあとどのくらい仕事が残っているか確認したいなら、それについて聞かないといけません。 あるいは、"how much work have you completed so far?"(仕事はどのくらい進みましたか)といった間接的な聞き方もできます。 これには例えば、"seventy percent"(70%)といった答えが返ってくるかもしれません。残りは30%ということです。これは "how much work do you still have to do?"(あと仕事はどのくらい残っていますか)と同じ意味です。 また、「もうすぐ終わりそうですか」と聞いても、あとどのくらいの仕事が残っているのか確認できます(例2)。これも間接的な言い方です。 同僚に次のように質問できます。 How much work do you still have to do?(あと仕事はどのくらい残っていますか) Are you almost done with your work?(もうすぐ終わりそうですか) Do you still have a lot of work to do?(まだ仕事がたくさん残っていますか)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • How much work do you have left?

  • How long till you finish?

  • How much more work have you got to do?

How much work do you have left? - "how much ... do you have left" would probably be one of the most common ways of asking the amount of something (work) still needed to be done. How long till you finish? - This would be asking about the time duration still needed to finish all the work. How much more work have you got to do? - this has the same meaning as "How much work do you have left? "it's just a different way of phrasing it. Coming from the statement "I have got to do things".
How much work do you have left?(あとどのくらい仕事が残っていますか) →"how much ... do you have left" はたぶん、仕事の残りがどのくらいかを尋ねる最も一般的な言い方の一つです。 How long till you finish?(あとどのくらいで終わりますか) →これは、仕事を完了するまでにあとどのくらいの時間が必要かを尋ねます。 How much more work have you got to do?(あとどのくらい仕事が残っていますか) →これは、言い方が異なるだけで意味は "How much work do you have left?" と同じです。"I have got to do things" というステートメントから来ています。
Chelsi B DMM英会話講師
  • How much work do you have left/remaining?

  • What else is left/remaining for you to finish?

Leftは色々な意味を持ちますが、この場合は「残り」という意味です。 Leftの代わりにremainingも使えます。 How muchはどれくらいという意味ですが 他にも具体的に何が残ってるか確認したい場合what elseも使ってもいいです。 How much work do you have left? 仕事はあとどれくらい残っていますか? What else is remaining for you to finish? 残っている仕事はあと何ですか?
  • How much more work do you have?

  • When do you think you'll be finished?

  • Do you have much left to do?

To a colleague at work, you want to ask how much work he/she has left. Any of the above suggestions is good for this case. It really depends if you are interested in the amount of work to be done - or the amount of time the work will take. The second example is more of a time-oriented enquiry.
同僚にあとどのくらい仕事が残っているのか確認したいということですね。上の例はどれもこの状況で使うことができます。 これは、仕事の「量」を知りたいのか仕事を終わらせるのにかかる「時間」を知りたいのかによります。二つ目の例では時間について尋ねています。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Is the end in sight yet?

  • Do you still have very far to go?

1.Is the end in sight yet? This is a casual way of asking someone if they are anywhere close to completing the task that they are currently busy with. Another example using "end in sight": There is no end in sight to this rain. This means that it has been raining so long and hard that there is no sign that it will cease (end) anytime soon. 2. Do you still have very far to go? This has nothing to do with physical distance but rather with enquiring about how much work someone still has left to do.
1. Is the end in sight yet?(もうすぐ終わりそうですか) これはカジュアルな言い方です、「もうすぐ終わりそうですか」と尋ねています。 "End in sight" は次のように使うこともできます。 "There is no end in sight to this rain."(この雨は終わりが見えない) これは「雨がやむ気配はない[雨はしばらくやみそうにない]」という意味です。 2. Do you still have very far to go?(まだなかなか終わりそうにないですか) これは物理的な距離について言っているわけではありません。あとどのくらい仕事が残っているか尋ねています。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • How much work do you have left?

  • Are you finishing?

Your example is a very good one and could be used in some official way of speaking but I wrote you one more and a bit more casual.
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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