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予定を確認したいです。 11月の前半は空いてますか? 出来れば土日がいいです。
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2018/10/21 21:40
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  • Are you available on any of the first two weekends in November?

別の言い方は "Are you available?" はそのまま「空いてますか」という意味です。"Are are free" は友達に対して大丈夫ですけど、ビジネス英語の場合、"Are you available?" の方が使った方がいいと思う。 そして、"any of the first two weekends in November" は「11月の最初の二つの週末のいずれか」と翻訳できる。 よかったら、このフレーズでも使ってください。
  • Are you free on the weekends in the first half of November?

土日 は weekend を使うと良いです。 この場合11月の前半だと複数形になるので weekends になります。
  • What does the first weekend of November look like for you? Are you free?

  • Are you around on one of the first two weekends of November?

When you ask someone what a particular weekend 'looks like' for them, you are asking if they have any pre arrange plans already or not? If you ask someone if they are 'around' at a certain time this is the same as asking them if they're free or not. This can be used in any time context, for example - "Are you around in a couple of hours?" or "are you around tomorrow evening?"
"What does the first weekend of November look like for you?"(11月の最初の週末は空いていますか) - この文では、その週末に何か予定があるかどうかを尋ねています。 二つ目の文の"around"は"free"(空いている)と同じ意味で使われています。これは、どんな時間についても使うことができます。 【例文】 "Are you around in a couple of hours?" [訳]2~3時間後は空いている? "Are you around tomorrow evening?" [訳]明日の夜空いてますか?
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • What are you up to on the first weekends of November?

  • Are you available in the first half of November?

  • What are your plans for the first weekends in November?

We can use a number of different ways to see if someone is free. Usually we would say "What are your plans..." or "what are you up to...". We can also ask "Are you available" they all mean the same thing. If you want to ask if someone is available on a weekend in the first half of November you can say "On weekends in the first half of November" or "In the first two weekends of November"
相手に時間があるかどうか尋ねる言い方はたくさんあります。 一般的には、次のように聞きます。 "what are your plans ..." [訳]...予定はどうなってますか "what are you up to ..." [訳]...何する予定ですか また、次のようにも聞くことが出来ます。 "Are you available" [訳]予定は空いてますか? これらは全て同じ意味になります。 11月前半の週末の予定を聞きたいなら、次のフレーズが使えます。 【例】 "On weekends in the first half of November" [訳]11月前半の週末 "In the first two weekends of November" [訳]11月前半の週末
Matthew P DMM英会話講師
  • Are you free any of the weekends during the first half of November?

  • Do you have any of the weekends free during the beginning of November?

  • Can you catch up on one of the weekends at the start of November?

If you want to catch up with someone over a weekend at the beginning of the month, and you know them on a social level (i.e speaking informally), I would say "are you free any of the weekends in early November?". As above there are a few different ways of expressing this. Given there are normally 4 weekends in a month you could ask "Are you free any of the weekends in the first half of November?". If you need to ask more formally I would say "Do you have availability to meet up on one of the weekends in early November?".
その月の前半の週末に誰かに会いたいなら、"are you free any of the weekends in early November?"と言うといいでしょう。 上記にはその他の表現があります。普通、1カ月は4週あり、 "Are you free any of the weekends in the first half of November?"(11月の最初の2週間の週末はあいてる?)と聞くこともできます。 よりフォーマルに聞きたいなら以下の表現がぴったりです。 "Do you have availability to meet up on one of the weekends in early November?" (11月前半の週末でどこか会えますか?)
Bronwyn D DMM英会話講師
  • Are you available on...?

  • I need to know if you are available on the first weekend in November?

Are you free...? This always seems like a rather strange thing to say (for me;-) Are you available might well be a more suitable choice of words. Since almost nothing "is free" in reality, So I prefer to be as concise as I can when using English avoid confusion.
Are you free...?(暇ですか?) これは私にとっては少し変わった言い方です。   Are you available (あいていますか?)の方がしっくりくるかもしれません。実際にはfree(自由、暇)ということはあまりないですから。混乱をさけるためにできるだけ簡潔に言う方が好ましいです。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Are you free on the weekend during the first half of November?

  • are you about on the weekend during the first half of number?

"Are you free on the weekend during the first half of November?" This sentences is asking whether someone is 'free'/available (not busy) during the first half of November, this is implying the first 2 weekends of November. "are you about on the weekend during the first half of number?" 'Are you about' is a casual expression used to ask if someone is free or available.
"Are you free on the weekend during the first half of November?" (11月前半の週末は空いていますか?) これは、11月の前半(11月の最初の2週間を指します)、予定があいているか聞くフレーズです。   "are you about on the weekend during the first half of number?" (11月の前半の週末空いてる?) 'Are you about' は、予定があいているかを尋ねるカジュアルな表現です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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