You have to adjust the temperature if you turn on the heater.
「暖房つけて温度調整しなきゃね」ー You have to adjust the temperature if you turn on the heater.
「ここを上にパチンと押すと、電源が入るよ」- By pressing this top button you will turn on the power.
「このダイヤルは、温度調整のために使うよ」- You can use this dial to adjust the temperature.
「右に回すと、温かくなるし、左に回すと、温度が下がるよ」- If you rotate to the right the temperature will increase. If you rotate to the left the temperature will decrease.
「もう、これで1人で暖房つけれるね」- With this information you can turn on the heater on by yourself.