世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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Sara Aさん
2016/03/24 15:52
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  • How long did it take you to make that?

「それを作るのにどのくらいかかったの?」は「How long did it take you to make that?」と言います。 「How long did it take」は「どのくらい時間が掛かったの?」という意味で、とても良く使える表現です(*^^*)
DMM EIkaiwa B DMM英会話
  • How long did you take to make it?

  • How long did you take to cook it?

他のアンカーさんも回答されている通りなんですが、子供のままごとなのであえて cook を使って見ました。 料理に対する make はサンドイッチなど料理を特に必要しない場合に使います。 逆に、目玉焼き(sunny-side-up egg)は料理をする方に入りますので cook を使います。 またクッキーやケーキなどは、焼いて作るので bake といいます。 子供心に寄り添って使い分けてあげると、子供たちも喜ぶんじゃないでしょうか。 お役にたてば幸いです☆
  • That's nice! How long did it take to make that?

  • It's wonderful! Did it take you a long time to make?

1. You offer words of praise for the wonderful dish prepared : "That's nice!" 2. More words of encouragement: "It's wonderful!"
1.準備された素晴らしい料理に賞賛の言葉を送るときはこういいます。: "That's nice!" 2.その他の相手への賞賛の言葉:"It's wonderful!"
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Wow! How long did that take to make?

  • Well done! How long did it take you to make?

  • Fantastic food! How much time did it take you to make it?

You can open by giving some kind of praise to your little one, to encourage their imagination and congratulate them on being so cute :) To ask them about the length of time it took to 'cook' their food, you could say "How long did it take to make?" or "How long did that take to make?". You can add in 'you' if you like, but if you don't it does not change the meaning.
小さな子に対して、想像力をかきたてたり、かわいいことを褒めたりして会話を始めるといいでしょう。 料理にかかった時間を聞くには、"How long did it take to make?" や "How long did that take to make?"と言うことができます。'you' を付け加えてもいいですが、付け加えないからといって意味が変わるわけではありません。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • how long did it take?

  • did it take long to make?

  • lovely work, did it take long to make?

example "wow, that's lovely. Did it take you long to make it?". or "what a great job! How long did it take you to make it". or "that's amazing, did it take a long time to make".
"Wow, that's lovely. Did it take you long to make it?" まぁすごいね。作るのに長い時間かかった?  "What a great job! How long did it take you to make it" よくやったね!作るのにどれくらいかかった?  "That's amazing, did it take a long time to make" すごいね。長い時間かかった?
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Wow! How long did it take to make?

  • How long did it take you to make that?

  • It looks great! How long were you cooking?

Children like praise, so saying "wow" is like saying すごいね!and saying "it looks great" it is like saying 美味しそう!  "How long did it take?" or "how long did it take you to make that?" is the most literal way to ask. If you say "how long were you cooking" is asking how long everything took (preparation, cooking, cleaning, setting up). You want to praise everything for a small child so don't forget to say "It looks delicious! I can't wait to eat!" うまそう!早く食べたいな!
子供は褒められるのが好きですので、"wow"と言うのは「すごいね!」、"it looks great"と言うのは「美味しそう!」のようなものです。  "How long did it take?"または"how long did it take you to make that?"は、文字通りの聞き方です。 "how long were you cooking"と言ったら、全てにどのくらい時間がかかったかを聞いています (準備、料理、片付け、セットアップ)。 小さい子どもには何でも褒めるとよいので、"It looks delicious! I can't wait to eat!" うまそう!早く食べたいな!と言うのを忘れないようにしましょう。
Kim Z DMM英会話講師
  • That looks delicious, how long did it take you to make that food?

  • How long did it take you to cook that appetizing food? May I taste it?

It's not often that children can cook food that looks delicious and appetizing. So, if your child achieved this, he/she definitely deserves praise. Praising the child will go a long way in encouraging him/her to carry on cooking delicious and appetizing food. The only fact that we have not been told is the age of the child. So, we can only guess that he/she is of a reasonable age. So, you may ask him/her the following questions: That looks delicious, how long did it take you to make that food? or How long did it take you to cook that appetizing food? May I taste it?
子どもが美味しそうなものを作ることは珍しいですね。 なのでそんなことができたのなら、しっかり褒めてあげたいですね! 子どもを褒めてあげると、さらに美味しい食べ物を作るモチベーションが上がるでしょう。 何歳のお子さんかは情報がないためわかりません。 なのでだいたい料理ができそうな年齢を想定しています。 That looks delicious, how long did it take you to make that food? (それ、とても美味しそうだね。どれくらい作るのに時間かかった?) または How long did it take you to cook that appetizing food? May I taste it? (その美味しそうな料理、どれくらい作るのに時間かかった?私も食べてみてもいい?)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • That looks delicious! How long did it take you to make that?

  • That looks tasty! How long did it take you to make it?

  • How long did it take you to make such a nice looking dish?

When playing with a child, it is always important to build up their confidence. This is why I added the two sentences in front of the two questions. In both examples you are firstly exclaiming that it looks good to eat, then you ask how long they took to produce the dish. If you wish, you could just merely forgo the first part of the sentences and just ask, like in example 3, how long it took to make such a nice looking dish. "Dish" refers to the food on the plate.
Janke DMM英会話講師
  • That's amazing! How long did it take you to make that?

  • Wow I didn't know you were a cook! That's fabulous!

Children love to be complimented when they do something worth a compliment. It is good for their encouragement as well. We can use this sentence to ask them how long the attempt to make the food took. We can also praise them by saying using the second sentence. They will feel really happy and over the moon to have done something they consider special.
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • How long did it take you to prepare the food?

  • How long did it take you to make the food?

Here are some examples of these sentences being used in context: Wow! That looks amazing! How long did it take you to prepare the food? Good job! How long did it take you to make the food? The food looks so yummy!
Logan M DMM英会話講師
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