"Setsubun" basically means "division of seasons" and is based on the lunar calendar. However, recently the last day of winter is well known as "setsubun". It is around February 3rd.
season(s) = 季節
last day of winter = 冬の最後の日
February 3 = 2月3日
"The Setsubun Festival is held on February 3rd."
Festival - The day is not a National Holiday, but a festival or a time of celebration where people celebrate the coming of Spring.
Held - Something that is arranged to take place on a certain time or place. (We held the party on Monday.)
It would be necessary to explain what the Setsubun festival is about, as it is not something celebrated in most countries.
"The Setsubun Festival is held on February 3rd."
Festival - 節分は'national holiday'(祝日)ではなく、春の訪れを祝う'festival'(祭り)です。
February 3rd - 2月3日を表すことができます。
Held - 開かれる、開催される
"We held the party on Monday."
"Setsubun is on February 3rd. "
Simple and to the point, Setsubun is on the third of February. You can mention if it is every year or this year.
"Setsubun is on February third this year."
Setsubun is on February 3rd.
Setsubun is on February third this year.
When speaking about dates, in the UK, we always use 'the' and 'of' and ordinal numbers: first, seconmd, third etc.
Eg 21/5 = THE 21st (twentyfirst) OF May.
"I was born on THE 3rd (third) OF June.
21/5 = THE 21st (twentyfirst) OF May
"I was born on THE 3rd (third) OF June.
We often say something like 'Christmas falls on December 25th.' as a way of indicating the day a holiday takes place. 'Fall' in this case means more like 'land' which is what happens at the end of a fall.
'Christmas falls on December 25th.'
In Japan, we have a holiday called 'Setsubun' day which is on February 3rd.
Setsubun day is on the 3rd of February.
When talking about a special holiday that has a special name and which occurs on a special day, you can say this:
This (holiday name) is on (day).
When referring to the number of the day (date) we can use ordinal numbers.
It's on the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 31st, of (month name), etc.
This (祝日の名前) is on (日付).
It's on the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 31st, of (月の名前), etc.